Differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma


  • Shortness of breath, wheezing and cough — this is not a bronchial asthma
  • Differential diagnosis: bronchial asthma or lung tumor
  • Differential diagnosis of cardiac and bronchial asthma

  • Differential diagnosis of bronchial asthmaBronchial asthma — severe chronic disease, with the damage to the bronchi and the attacks of the suffocation arising against the background of the increased sensitivity of the respiratory tract under the influence of allergens, internal and external stimuli. The attack of bronchial asthma is developing gradually, with the appearance of precursors: itching in the area of ​​eyes, sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose. Initially, dry, obsessive and light cough with bronchial asthma is gradually enhanced, accompanied by whistling wheezes on exhalation and pronounced shortness of breath. Thick, viscous sputter, accumulating in bronchi at bronchial asthma, is with difficulty.

    Not always the attack of bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe choking, and the disease does not more often lead to severe complications. With a light form of bronchial asthma, the symptoms of bronchial lesions can be similar to manifestations of chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchial dyskinesia or cardiac asthma. That is why the Differential Diagnosis Standards of Bronchial Asthma imply additional research.

    Shortness of breath, wheezing and cough — this is not a bronchial asthma

    The presence of a permanent cough requires the differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.

    • Unlike bronchial asthma, which is an allergic disease, in chronic bronchitis, there is no such sensitivity, which is confirmed by the skin samples with allergens.
    • With bronchial asthma, cough and shortness of breath wear an approached character, they are provoked by contact with allergens and ends with the release of thick mucous sputum. With bronchial asthma there are periods of complete well-being. With chronic bronchitis, cough constant and accompanied by the separation of the mucinous-purulent secret.
    • Wars in chronic bronchitis buzzing, wet, disappear after cleaning, with bronchial asthma — Dry, whistling.

    Cough with bronchial asthma One of the main signs of the diseaseDifferential diagnosis of bronchial asthma requires exclusion of tracheobronchial dyskinesia.

    • With dyskinesia of the tracheobronchial tree, the attacks of monotonous painful cough and choking develop after exercise, during laughter and are not accompanied by a sputum separation. At bronchial asthma, attacks are provoked by the effects of allergen.
    • Dyspnea and in that, and in another case, there is an exhalation, but wheezing with tracheobronchial dyskinesia less.
    • Positive skin samples with allergens indicate a bronchial asthma, complications of allergies.
    • Fully split two diseases helps bronchological research. Bronchial Asthma Diagnostic Standards — bronchospasm and bronchial obstruction, and in case of diskinesia — Schedules the back wall of the trachea and main bronchi.

    Differential diagnosis: bronchial asthma or lung tumor

    The sputum at bronchial asthma will affect the long-term course of the diseaseCough and shortness of breath often accompany various lung tumors. The cough reflex is activated, the body is trying to free the respiratory tract, but all the efforts are in vain. Cough is permanent and sometimes goes into suffocations. Dyspnea occurs both in the breath and in exhale, hearing at the distance wheezing there are no and only the doctor with the help of the phononeoscope can listen to respiratory noises. Bronchoscopic examination and radiography confirm the presence of a tumor in lung.

    Differential diagnosis of cardiac and bronchial asthma

    • Bronchial asthma precedes lung diseases or allergies. Often revealed complications of bronchial asthma, emphysema of lungs and pulmonary heart. The development of cardiac asthma always becomes a consequence of diseases of the heart leading to left-deuded heart failure.
    • Bronchial asthma more often sick young people, cardiac asthma — Elderly.
    • Dyspnea with cardiac asthma occurs on the breath, with bronchial — On exhaling.
    • Warms with bronchial asthma dry, buzzing, whistling, and with cardiac asthma — wet, «Bulk»
    • Motica with bronchial asthma transparent, mucous, thick. Patients with cardiac asthma are practically not purified, and only with a swelling of the lungs may be highlighted by a whir of blood.
    • ECG studies are conducted with all patients with attacks, so require standards. Bronchial asthma is reflected in the heart, causing overloading right ventricle, but there are no such pathological changes as with a cardiac asthma.

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