Efficiency of phytotherapy in mastopathy and PMS


Efficiency of phytotherapy in mastopathy and PMSAs a rule, at the initial stages of mastopathy, the choice is made in favor of plant non-corporal means. As a reliable medical agent for the treatment and prevention of PMS and mastopathy among doctors and patients, a vegetable non-corporal drug has long established Mastodinone® Companies «Bionorica» (Germany). Mastodinone® It has a pathogenetic, dopaminergic mechanism of action (impact on D2 receptors of the pituitotrophiza lactotrophs), which reduces the secretion of prolactin adenogipophysome. This normalizes the products of gonadotropic pituitary hormones, which leads to the elimination of the lack of yellow body and the disorders of the menstrual cycle and infertility. With a decrease in the content of prolactin under the action of the drug, the opposite development of pathological processes in lactic glands occurs during fibrous-cystic mastopathy and a cyclic pain syndrome (Mastalgia, Mastodynium) is born). Violations of prolactin secretion processes can manifest itself in the form of latent hyperprolactinemia, which plays an important role in the development of premenstrual syndrome. Against the background of taking the drug, due to its components, such manifestations of PMS are leveled as headaches, mental lability, irritability, depression.

The main active substance of Mastodinone® is the extract of fruits of Abraham Tree or otherwise — Vitex Sacred. This plant is used in traditional medicine since ancient times. Vitex fruits reduce the secretion of prolactin, which leads to the regression of pathological processes in the mammary glands, as well as to the relief of Mastalgia. With this substance, the imbalance between estradiol and progesterone in the female body is eliminated. Preparations based on Abrahamova Tree are effective for the treatment of diffuse mastopathy forms. Mastodinone® It is a combined drug, it also includes: vasilisnikovy-shaped staple, violet alpine, Bitter breastman, kavern, Tiger lily. However, the important difference of Mastodinone® from numerous «Food additives», that it is a clinically proven drug with a high evidence base. Mastodinone® produced in Germany firm «Bionorica» According to the most modern technologies using innovative techniques and environmentally friendly raw materials.

In the past 10 years, we also have several clinical studies that were clearly shown by Mastodinone®.

In a multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Double-Dummy study by Professor Wuttke W. — With the participation of 120 women, Mastodinone's effectiveness was studied® In solution and tablets for mastody. Patients led diaries of pain on the eve of menstruation, including with an estimate of the intensity of pain on a visual-analog scale (from 0 mm as a lack of pain up to 100 mm as non-supported pain). In parallel, the presence of symptoms of PMS (swelling, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, headaches, emotional disorders). Through 3 therapeutic cycles, the decrease in the intensity of pain was 36.5 mm on the background of the Mastodinone solution and 36.7 mm on the background of a tabletted preparation, significantly different from the dynamics of indicators in the placebo group — A decrease of 20.8 mm (p = 0.0067, p = 0.0076). The effectiveness of therapy was noticeable after the 1st cycle: a decrease in painful sensations according to your 22.5 mm on the background of receiving a 10.5 mm solution in a placebo group (P = 0.00472). In addition, the symptoms of PMS are significantly less registered in the main groups in comparison with placebo.

Another placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study of Mastodinone's effectiveness (drops) in the treatment of cyclic mastalgia, was carried out.Halaska and Sowa. The drug Mastodinon was actively studied in Russia.

It is known that phytotherapy adheres to the methods of the most delicate effects, which is only possible with a specific disease. Vegetable preparations are usually better transferred, cause fewer adverse reactions, give the possibility of long-term use — and as monotherapy, and in combination with other medicines. An important property of Mastodinon® It is that it is effective and in the pathology of the mammary glands, and when disorders of the menstrual cycle and PMS.

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