Obstructive bronchitis


  • What is obstructive bronchitis
  • Symptoms and diagnostics of obstructive bronchitis
  • Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

  • What is obstructive bronchitis

    Obstructive bronchitis is a kind of acute bronchitis. Obstructive bronchitis is more commonly caused by paragripping virus, respiratory syncitial virus, rhinovirus, adenoviruses, less often with influenza virus and pneumonia,
    Viral Bacterial Associations. Leading sign
    Diseases is obstruction (narrowing of bronchial lumen) respiratory tract, developing
    mainly under the influence of ORVI. Violation of bronchial passability
    due to the presence of inflammatory swelling and edema mucous
    shell, thickening it, hyperproduction by the secrets by the glands, accumulation in
    Suitable on the wall of the mucous bronchi. Together with
    that is possible a short-term weakly pronounced reflex spasm
    Smooth muscles bronchi due to irritation of the mucous

    Passage through the narrowed areas of the respiratory tract
    air that meets resistance to his current, especially in exhalation,
    leads to the appearance of turbulence jet turbulent movement,
    As a result, it is formed «whistling exhalation»,
    Hearing at a distance.

    Symptoms and diagnostics of obstructive bronchitis

    Obstructive bronchitisThe main signs of the disease are
    Noisy hindered, accompanied by expiratory (exhaled) whistle
    Participation in the act of breathing auxiliary muscles. Temperature
    Subfebrile (37-37.5), up to high digits are not typical. Dry cough or
    wet, frequent, resistant, mostly at night.
    Dyspnea wears expiratory character (embarrassing). Young children are exhaled loud,
    hindered. In severe cases, there is an expansion of the chest in
    front-top. In the lungs determine the box
    Tint of sound, also listened to dry whistling and solubular
    Wet whears at a high length. Physical data differ
    Big lability. The nature of wheezing is largely changing
    After coughing. Dry whistling wheems can
    Felt palpatorially or be heard at a distance. Choosing or
    The feeling of air deficiency in children does not occur.
    Duration of the disease is 7-10 days, and with a protracted flow - 2-3

    To detect the pathogen, conduct special
    Research: Virological - Immunofluorescence Method with
    imprints from the mucous membrane of the nose; Serological - by increasing
    antibody titer in paired serum; Bacteriological - use
    For sowing smears from the mucous membrane of the larynx (material fence
    possible through the catheter).
    In the blood is found to leukopenia (Reducing the number of leukocytes in the blood), Leukocytic formula shift, lymphoprodium (Reducing the number of lymphocytes in blood).

    Radiographs detect on the radiograph
    Increased transparency of the lungs, shadows of bronchi and narrow vessels and separated
    Friend from each other. In some cases, there are widespread
    Symmetrical strengthening of the root broncho-vascular drawing,

    To distinguish obstructive bronchitis from bronchial asthma
    It is necessary to clarify the family allergic heredity of the child
    (Anomalies Constitution - Diaathese; Atonic Allergy - Food,
    Medica and T. D.). In early age in children for the first time
    arising spastic syndrome without anamnestic data happens
    It's hard to put the correct diagnosis. Should be taken into account that bronchospasm in
    the development of obstructive bronchitis is not leading
    and is transparent, not accompanied by eosinophilia (An increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood) and, as a rule, not repeated later. For bronchial asthma is typical
    repeated episodes of bronchospasm and choking (sometimes even without laying
    ORVI). Makes clarity to also dispensary observation
    such children.

    Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

    For the treatment of upper respiratory
    ways and restoration of their passability are recommended such methods as
    Suspension of mucus with electric pump or rubber can,
    Postural drainage, vibration massage. Assign distractions
    Therapy - Hot Foot or Common Baths. Recommended warm drink,
    Expectaurant medicine based on altea root info, Ipecacians,
    Breast collection, Herbs Segeli, thermopsis, chloride ammonium solution,
    ammonic anise droplets and salts iodine. To reduce edema mucous
    Bronchi shells and bronchioles, as well as for wet sputum
    Aerosol inhalations.

    Vitaminotherapy (acid ascorbic, pyridoxine, calcium pangamate,
    Cocarboxylase) in age dosages. Sulfanimide funds I
    Antibiotics are recommended for severe flow and in children of early
    age when impossible to exclude bacterial pneumonia.
    Also used Bactach - Children from 2 to T 2 Tablets (Baby) 2
    times a day; from 5-12 years - 4 tabs 1-2 times a day. Course of treatment 5-10
    Days. For young children use Bactrim suspension. With a prophylactic goal for preventing complications of antibiotics and sulfonamide products do not apply.

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