Anyone wants to preserve healthy vision for many years. Modern lifestyle is associated with an increased eye load: work on a computer, exhaust gases, intensive impact of ultraviolet, improper nutrition, stress, smoking, alcohol, increased coffee use - All this exposes our eyes to additional voltage and worsens vision. How to save this priceless gift - vision?
Lutein and Zeaxantine – Macular xantophylls

How to save this priceless gift – vision? Supporters of a healthy lifestyle will say: «It is necessary to eat all my life, to practice physical education, to abandon bad habits, and then health will continue!». And how to be those whom the rhythm of life does not allow properly to engage in their health?
Currently, special vitamin and mineral complexes are widely used to maintain the health of the eyes, for example,® Lutein, which contains a unique combination of essential nutrients. Okuvait® Lutein – This is a vitamin and mineral complex that has conquered the confidence of professionals around the world. The product protects people from age macular degeneration (NMD) - illness, due to which you can lose sight. NMD — This is damage to the Macula (central part of the retina), leading to an irreversible decrease in visual functions, primarily visual acuity. In Western countries, she has already become the leading cause of blindness. The first symptoms of the age degeneration of Makula are often invisible. Usually a person comes to a doctor for a consultation when the disease is in late step. Age degeneration of Makula – Common disease. Europe has more than 12 million people with macula degeneration.
Okuvait® Lutein contains two «Therapeutic carotenoids» (Lutein and Zeaxanthine) in the necessary concentration, as well as antioxidants useful forces: vitamins and trace elements (vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc).
Lutein and Zeaxantine – Macular xantophylls
Carotenoids – A group of substances from yellow to red-orange color combining about 600 molecules. Of these, the most studied is β-Carotene, Yellow Carrot Pigment. Lutein and Zeaxantin relatively less well-known xanthophylls (so called carotenoids, in the molecule of which there are at least one oxygen atom), forming a yellow spot in the retina – place where the content of carotenoids in the body is maximally. The human body is not able to synthesize carotenoids, so their entry into the body is directly connected with food. In the blood of a person in significant quantities containing 6 carotenoids: α- and β-Carotine (from carrot), β-Cryptoksanthin (citrus), lycopene (from tomatoes), lutein (spinach) and zeaxanthin (from corn). At the same time, only Luthein and Zeaxanthin are transported to the retina, where they form a yellow macular pigment or maculant xanthofill. The content of other carotenoids in the retina is slightly.
Being outside from photoreceptors Lutein and Zeaxanthin improve visual sharpness and photosensitivity. Lutein and Zeaxantine are so-called «inner sunglasses» The retina, inside the photo seventors, they bind the active forms of oxygen and thereby reduce damage to sensitive tissues with free radicals.
Thus, Lutein and Zeaxantine play a big role in maintaining a healthy Macula state.
There is a relationship between the known Risk factors of the NMD (for example, age smoking, improper nutrition, cardiovascular – Vascular diseases, overweight) and a decrease in macular pigment density. Thus, people having at least one of these factors should increase the self-allocation of Lutein and Zeaxanthin with food. It is shown that with permanent reception opvait® Lutein rises a macular pigment density. This reduces the risk of developing NMD.
Also Okuvait® Lutein is useful for food to patients with cataract, dystrophic patterns of retina of various origin and myopia (especially high severity). Okuvait® Lutein can be used in patients with diabetes, people who do not carry gluten, and smokers.
Take care of your vision, for which we regularly attend your doctor – ophthalmologist, lead a healthy lifestyle, watch weight, control blood pressure, and also take special vitamin – Mineral complexes.