Two scientific facts about pulmonary fibrosis


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - incurable
disease characterized by progressive damage to the lungs, which
often leads to a lung transplant.
Scientists from different parts of the world working in this field do everything
More new discoveries. Let's state the two most interesting scientific facts,
next of these discoveries.

Fact number 1

Two scientific facts about pulmonary fibrosisIt turns out that the unstable sleep mode can bring to the light fibrosis.

Insomnia and serious overwork due to lack of healthy sleep harms the work of light, developing progressive light fibrosis.

How do the physicians explain, non-compliance with the sleep mode is potentially dangerous for health, because as a result of fatigue, the body lack oxygen. This deteriorates the functionality of the lungs and difficult to breathe. In addition, the lack of sleep mode by 40% and 48% reduces the physical and mental human abilities.

American therapists from the University of Jones Hopkins first discovered the association between poor sleep quality and lung damage. Day drowsiness and frequent awakening at night lead to a rapid formation of signs of idiopathic light fibrosis, which is difficult to treat and often fraught with a fatal outcome, - Doctors warn.

According to them, this study once again proves the importance of healthy stable sleep to protect against chronic diseases.

Fact number 2

As scientists installed, patients with light fibrosis are susceptible to increased risk of heart disease.

Two scientific facts about pulmonary fibrosisPatients with a diagnosis of idiopathic light fibrosis are three times more often faced with serious coronary disorders, including with heart attacks.
The probability of heart disease was analyzed among thousand people with a disease of lungs and three and a half thousand healthy people.

In addition to a noticeable increase in the risk of heart problems, patients with idiopathic light fibrosis have more often had a stenasard, 60% higher than the risk of stroke and the three-time risk of deep veins thrombosis.

Unfortunately, medical knowledge about fibrosis are limited. An important role in the development of the disease plays family genetics, smoking and impact on the respiratory organs of dust in the air. Now doctors have established that the presence of a complex diagnosis adds additional health problems and greatly affects the development of cardiac ischemia.

According to Nattingham University clinicians (United Kingdom), chronic, progressive respiratory diseases may cause even more serious pathogenic conditions. In the course of the study, therapists found that the scope of light fibrosis is constantly increasing in the past few years in England and the USA.

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