«Arthrosis», How much in this word ... Classification of osteoarthrosis in the ICD


  • Classification of deforming osteoratoria by pathogenesis
  • Osteoarthrosis classification for localization

  • Osteoarthrosis classification in the ICDRussian name of the disease «Osteoarthrosis» It happened from Novolatinsky «OsteoArthrosis». But the origins of the word lie in ancient Greek, where «?στ?ον» means bone, and «?ρθρον» — joint. That is, it is obvious that the ancient Greeks have invested the essence of pathogenesis and clinic of arthrosis, which emphasizes that this disease is accompanied by «Ocase» Joints. Today is the concept «Osteoarthrosis» There are two main synonyms: deforming arthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis.

    Classification of deforming osteoratoria by pathogenesis

    Deforming arthrosis or osteoarthrosis of the ICD divided as primary and secondary. Primary osteoarthritis develops in unchanged joints, without preceding injury or inflammation. Initial pathological changes in the joint in primary osteoarthritis are the reflection of the prevalence of the processes of degeneration of articular cartilage above the synthesis processes. It should be noted that the destruction of cartilage, inflammation of synovia, sclerosis of bone epiphysis bones — This is already a consequence of dystrophy, that is, secondary processes.

    The essence of pathogenesis and clinic of arthrosisSecondary osteoarthritis in the international classification of diseases — This is a disease arising against the background of the existing pathology of the joints, with a violation of the congruence of the joint surfaces, more often as a result of injury or inflammation. The boundary between the primary and secondary osteoarthritis is not long and erased in the second stage of the disease, when exchange disorders and mechanical destruction of cartilage begin to coexist in parallel.

    Frequent cause of secondary arthrosis are arthritis. To emphasize the primacy of inflammation of the synovial shell of the joint, use another synonym for primary osteoarthrosis — Arthrosis Arthritis. Taking into account the fact that the disease, one way or another, leads to the growth of bone tissue and the deformation of the joint it is also called osteoarthritis and deforming arthrosis.
    Disease, developing against the background of the joint injury, as a complication of intra-articular and occasional bone fractures, gaps of cartilage tissue are called post-traumatic ostearthritis, which is reflected in the ICD. Primary in the clinical picture of arthrosis in this case is the uneven load on cartilage and its subsequent degeneration.

    Since the root cause of arthrosis is managed not always, terms are provided in the ICD «Arthrosis is unspecified», Poliarrosis is unspecified" and T. D.

    Osteoarthrosis classification for localization

    Depending on the prevalence of the osteoarthritis process, it happens:

    • generalized osteoarthritis or polyarthritis;
    • Localized or arthrosis of individual joints.

    oneSeparate localized forms of arthrosis received their names. For example, name «Coxarthrosis» It happened from Latin «Coxa» — Hip and used to designate osteoarthrosis of hip joint. Gonarthrosis from Greek «γ?νυ» — Knee and is synonymous with osteoarthrosis of the knee joint.

    Osteoarthrosis of other joints in the international classification of diseases are designated as arthrosis indicating the accurate localization of the pathological process, for example, «Arthrosis of the first crew-mill», «Arthrosis of the Shoulder Sustav». To avoid transfer of numerous similar terms, taking into account the fact that the joints in the human body, the concept is introduced into the ICD «Arthrosis of other joints».

    Separate specific manifestations of pathology are also included in the international classification of osteoarthritis. For example, the clinic of deforming arthrosis of small joints brushes was reflected in the ICD as «Gebereden nodes with arthropathy», «Boshar nodes with arthropathy». The defeat of the pair joints in the title has a word «bilateral».

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