Treatment of neurodermita

Neurodermitis - chronic inflammatory lesion of skin of neuro-allergic origin. This is a fairly common disease from which adults and children suffer. Our site invites your readers to discuss all possible ways to treat this unpleasant disease.

The main contingent of pleasant - children who have inflammation most often localized on the skin of the hands. Neurodermit has a characteristic feature - to independently disappear when the child becomes a teenager. However, this does not mean that the disease can be used on samothek. Rather, on the contrary: parents should always closely monitor the condition of the skin of their child, as the complications of neurodermita are dangerous to the health of the baby. For example, children suffering from this ailion defective before causative agents of infectious diseases.

Neurodermatum factors

Leather, skin diseases, neurodermit treatment, neurodermatitis, rash

The origin of the disease still causes a lot of doubts and disputes. Scientists allocate several reasons, one way or another affecting the development of neurodermit:

  1. Genetic heredity.
  2. Negative emotions.
  3. Work «wear»: Long mental and physical activity without proper rest.
  4. No routine of the day.
  5. Problems with gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Eternal and low-quality nutrition.

Among the external environmental factors that stimulate the development of neurodermit are noted by the following allergens:

  1. Wool cats, dogs and other pets.
  2. Some kinds of food for aquarium fish.
  3. Cosmetics and Perfumes.
  4. pollen.
  5. Feathers filling mattresses and pillows.
  6. Food (Nuts, Honey, Citrus).

Forms of neurodermita

Leather, skin diseases, neurodermit treatment, neurodermatitis, rash

Primary manifestations of the disease: rash, redness, inflamed areas on the skin, its strong peeling and itching. Based on this discomfort, neurotic disorders arise.

Neurodermites inhibits the function of adrenal glands - the patient's skin gradually darkens. The patient may noticeably lose weight, against the background of weight loss, there is chronic fatigue, indifference to everything around, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, the quality of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

In rare cases, the nodes of the lymphatic system (lymphadenitis) may be inflated during the exacerbation of neurodermit.

The intensity of the disease is gaining momentum in autumn and in winter, summer the condition of the skin is significantly improved. The greatest inconvenience brings neurodermatitis of hands - due to permanent mechanical impact and moisture «sick» a very long time.

The neurodermatitis is diagnosed by external signs, the results of the analysis of the material taken from the affected skin and blood test.

Methods of combating neurodermit

Leather, skin diseases, neurodermit treatment, neurodermatitis, rash

On time measures taken to combat the disease, allow predictions for the prosperous outcome of neurodermit. The patient needs to work in several directions:

  • Adjust the day of the day with an adequate distribution of time to work, rest and full sleep;
  • seriously approach the question of sports loads;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • stick to the diet (if the doctor considers it necessary);
  • take medicines and perform all procedures appointed by the doctor.

Neurodermit treatment is better to do in the autumn-winter period when the disease is exacerbated. To suppress the neuro-allergic reaction and bring the skin in order, internal and external means are used:

Antiallergic preparations (Supratin, Tueva, Fenidist, Erius).

With their help, they block the activity of receptors, splashing a splash of an allergic reaction at the cellular level. Thus slow down external manifestations Allergies and successfully remove the tormenting sick itch. These funds are effective for short time, since they are quickly split by the body. The main drawback of antihistamine drugs is the ability to cause drowsiness and depression.

Antibacterial drugs.

Use in particularly severe and running cases. Mostly prescribe erythromycin, but preparations with another active substance are possible.


Special attention should be paid to calcium and vitamin A. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, but it cannot be taken for a long time - it is fraught with kidney stones. Retinol acetate (vitamin A) softens the skin, relieves it from redness. It can be purchased in the form of capsules or as part of a polyvitamin preparation (auevit, for example).

Preparations of outdoor:

  • Corticosteroid Mazi (Cellerm, Lockoid, Sinaflane). They quickly and effectively cope with allergic manifestations on the skin. It should be borne in mind that long-term use reduces the effectiveness of these therapeutic agents. In addition, possible adverse reactions: Pigmentation of the oil-processed areas, their fraud, the so-called cancellation syndrome;
  • Panthenol - The preparation contains the active ingredient of a group of vitamins B, widespread in the animal and vegetable environment. Today, panthenol is obtained by synthetic. He perfectly delays wounds, has a direct impact on strengthening the protective barrier of the skin. But apply the drug in the stage of relative «Putty» diseases, and not when the inflammatory process is very pronounced;
  • UV therapy - significantly affects the immune scope of the body and slows down the process of developing elements of inflammation in the areas of skin affected by neurodermit;
  • Climatotherapy - a targeted change in the usual person of the situation, because of which his body in the acclimatization process is forced «rebuild». So, sea water contributes to a decrease, and even the complete disappearance of peeling and itching on the skin, and the sun and sea air temper immunity;
  • Balneofotherapy - a procedure that allows you to feel everything on your own skin «Prelas» Dead Sea, being away from him. Patient about half an hour is immersed in hydrochloric liquid, and after swimming it is irradiated with ultraviolet. The healing bath increases skin photosensitivity, thanks to this UV therapy brings excellent results. The course of treatment is long - five days a week for 8-11 weeks.

What advises traditional medicine

Leather, skin diseases, neurodermit treatment, neurodermatitis, rash

I have my opinion about the neurodermita and diseases with similar symptoms similar to it. Here are some of their recommendations:

  1. Herb's ohanku is not bitter wormwood you need to pour boiling water and wait 5-10 minutes, after which the water along with the raw material pour into the bath. Swimming time is not more than a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the affected rash of the place is not wiped with a towel, but give them to dry themselves.
  2. Nude salo is heated to a temperature of about 75 ° C, then mix to homogeneous consistency with 50 ml of aloe juice. Then add 5 ml of fir oil and give the resulting mass to cool. Healing ointment - real salvation from itching and excessive dry skin.
  3. Dry herbal mixture of oak bark, birch leaves, flax seeds, nettles, coriander, mint and wormwood poured with hot water and insist about 20 minutes. The resulting mortar is abundantly wetted several times a folded piece of dense tissue and binds to the affected place on the skin. Compress are not removed until complete drying. This is a very effective way to help damaged by inflammation. Compresses are made before bedtime, use them to a significant improvement in skin condition.

And in conclusion, we note, the prevention of cunning neurodermit - it's stiff. Adults need to competently alternate work and recreation, strengthen the immune system, for young children, the prevention of neurodermita implies a clear mode of breastfeeding and strict adherence to the rules of general hygiene.

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