Diet with Arthrosis: Is it there?


  • When you need to observe a diet in arthrosis?
  • Features of the diet with arthrosis during the period of exacerbation
  • Do not believe in the word...

  • Diet with Arthrosis: Is it there?Deforming Osteoarthrosis — Chronic, steadily progressive disease, accompanied by violation of nutrition and destruction of cartilage tissue, by changing the bone forming the articular surfaces and the formation of bone expansions deforming the joint. The result of the disease becomes a violation of the function of the articular joint and complete immobilization of the joint.

    Most often, the development of arthrosis begins with dystrophy of cartilage, that is his «starvation», «Exhalation», thinning and subsequent destruction. It would seem that good nutrition and diet with osteoarthritis are capable of providing a beneficial effect and suspend pathological processes, but it turns out that there are no scientifically based recommendations on nutrition in the arthrosis of the joints.

    When you need to observe a diet in arthrosis?

    In the development of deforming osteoarthrosis, an increase in the burden of joints is played with a large role and the weight correction is of particular importance in the treatment of the disease, compliance with the low-calorie diet during the arthrosis of the knee joints allows.

    What is the method recommended for arthrosis of the joints?Diet with deforming osteoarthrosis of the knee joint — This is an ordinary reduced diet, which implies a reduction in the energy value of the edible diet due to dishes containing animals and vegetable fats, simple, light-chaired carbohydrates. The amount of protein and complex carbohydrates corresponds to biological standards and fully satisfies the needs of the body and sore joints. An important feature of the diet in the arthrosis of the knee joint is to need to cover the cost of the body in minerals, since the processes of bone and cartilage tissue requires a sufficient number of micro and macroelements. Food should be fractional, the amount of fluid consumed to reach up to 2 liters per day. Restricted consumption of cook salt, sharp spices and spices. Normalization of weight and supporting diet helps in the arthrosis of the knee joint significantly reduce the load on the cartilage, stop their destruction, prevent knee deformation.

    Features of the diet with arthrosis during the period of exacerbation

    The exacerbation of arthrosis is characterized by the development of synovitis, inflammation of the joint and the accumulation of pathological traffic in it. The appearance of pain, edema and a significant violation of mobility of articulation requires admission of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen and others, although these drugs affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Against the background of adopting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heartburn, vomiting, stomach pain, meteorism and diarrhea, independent of nutrition, often appear. Diet in the arthrosis of the joints in the aggravation phase is prescribed on the weakening of these negative effects.

    With arthrosis of the joints, the patient's nutrition eliminates the use of meat, fish, mushroom broths and sauces, spices, seasonings, peas, beans, lentils, white cabbage, pickles and marinades, alcohol and carbonated drinks. These products contribute to the increase in the acidity of the stomach, can exacerbate the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, provoke the formation of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

    By the way, a reduced diet in the arthrosis of the knee joint outside the exacerbation excludes these products from the list of recommended to use, and therefore the contradictions in the preparation of the diet does not occur.

    Do not believe in the word...

    What is the diet in the arthrosis of the knee joint?The lack of a special diet recommended specifically with osteoarthritis, led to the emergence of many pseudo-native recommendations. Some advise drinking distilled water, apple vinegar, use wheat sprouts for cleaning joints from salts. Others promote raw food and starvation, others offer a variety of biologically active additives. However, only the effectiveness of additives with chondroitin and glucosamine, which affect the structure of cartilage tissue, polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing the peroxidation oxidation of manganese, vitamin E and with. Such additives are prescribed at the initial stage of the disease, in the future they do not affect the course of arthrosis.

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