Sustaines - an important link of our musculoskeletal system. From their state, our ability to walk, run, jump. With the onset of cold weather, we lose the usual ease of movements, we feel pain and discomfort. This is a signal that it's time to take care of the joints.

Sustaines crunchy, become dry and cold to the touch (as a rule, people with fragile physique). The joints can be swollen, even at rest, be hot to the touch (as a rule, people with strong physique).
Deposition of salts, infectious diseases, genetic predisposition, chronic inflammatory diseases, supercooling, etc. The impetus to the disease of the joints can be stress — Nervous overvoltage destroys our body.
Rheumatoid polyarthritis can provoke hypothermia, complications after angina, influenza, otita. Inflammatory processes literally destroy the joints, so it is important to remove inflammation as soon as possible. We can even suspect that our nutrition or sleep mode can lead to diseases of the joints.
How to help joints?
Treatment of joints largely depends on the causes caused by the disease. They are determined by the doctor orthoped traumatologist. But for effective therapy, it is necessary to make adjustments to their lifestyle: change physical and psychological loads, diet. In traditional medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, in acute cases are injected. As well as baths, compresses, oil massage, phytopreparations.
In the summer, the main medicine for the joints — this is the Sun. Merrate on the sun, play a measure, of course. Do not forget to prepare a medicine from articular pain — Dandelion tincture.
Abundant drinking is useful for cleaning the blood and removal from the joints of salts, toxins and fabric decay products. The process of cleansing is long, as the articular blood flow is very low. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, small, but frequent portions. It is important to limit the consumption of salt, as it delays the fluid in the body, increasing the edema of the joints, exacerbating the inflammatory process.
Take care of sore joints! Gentle load mode important for the time of illness. Refuse time from socks of household bags and heavy physical exertion. However, it is not worth completely depriving sick joints of the movement. Muscles must be loaded, because atrophy muscles will lead to the atrophy of the joints. Remember this! Movement is vital for diseases of the joints, only in a special mode.
The best prevention of any disease is a healthy lifestyle: reasonable food, rest and optimism!