With the modern rhythm of life with the stated «standards» Beauty, high demands, attempts to have everything and everywhere and get a maximum of life, a woman is difficult to fully follow their health. But no one has yet been canceled. The result of such an inattentive relationship can be very unpleasant, and even deadly diseases. One of them is breast cancer. The article is devoted to a greater degree of prevention of breast neoplasms and is probably another attempt to call women to care for their own health.
Despite the presence of modern equipment, permanent conversations, free examination of women from risk groups, oncological diseases in women continue to lead, entering the first three of the diseases with death for over 15 years. And it is not by chance: breast cancer in the first stage is diagnosed very difficult. Therefore, our site should pay close attention to your own health and health of the women's loved ones.
Why breast cancer occurs so often?
Namely - more than 100 new cancer cases are revealed every day in Russia, and 42 women out of 100,000 die. Figures are not accidental. There is a reason to think about it is not true?
So, the first reason was indicated a little earlier - it is a careless, inattentive attitude of women to their body. Answer honestly, how many times in life you were at mammologist or made mammography? Someone simply does not know about the existence of such doctors, someone just postpones a visit «In a long box». But this incidence does not decrease, even vice versa.
Mammologist - a doctor dealing with problems and diseases associated with lactic glands.
Mammography - the main method of X-ray diagnostics (after the doctors' hands, of course) various diseases of the breast.
Further, in recent years, the services of plastic surgeons enjoys an increasing number of women. Of different ages. Understanding that it is harmful to health, they choose beauty and success now, without thinking about the future. Here is the second main reason for the late diagnosis and the ever-growing number of women's breast cancer. The fact is that during the plastic correction, each doctor (and from this side coming) is trying to make cuts and seams less noticeable. But not everyone can think about everything. So it turns out that the implant is set in such a way that when conducting both a general inspection by a doctor and a special examination (and mammography, and ultrasound research) is almost impossible to diagnose the starting development of malignant Neof formation. Even computed tomography is not comprehensive. Implants give dim when conducting research, therefore, even noticing mastopathy, the doctor may «write off» This is on implants.
So it turns out that the woman gets to the doctor only with the early pains and metastases, when modern treatment can only extend a long time, and not cure the disease.
It is also worth lifying no less important risk factors:
- More elderly, t.E. The older woman, the higher the risk of the disease. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the body;
- breast cancer in relatives of the first degree, as well as the presence of other oncological diseases in direct relatives;
- Excessive effect of estrogen - earlier the onset of first menstruation, lack of birth, replacement hormone therapy.
How to recognize cancer at an early stage?
Despite the difficulty in diagnosis, the continuous self-examination is important. These are the signs, in the presence of which a woman should immediately consult a doctor (if there is no mammologist in your city, then first to the gynecologist, and then to the oncologist surgeon):
- skin and / or nipple retraction, which was not before;
- discharge from the nipple when pressing or calm (in the absence of reliable lactation or pregnancy);
- bloody issues from a nipple;
- non-passing edema of the breast that is not associated with menstruation;
- peeling of the breast;
- And the most dangerous sign is a symptom «Lemon Cork» (similar to cellulite on the buttocks);
- We should not forget that the presence of a benign disease (fibroadenomes, cysts, Mastopathy) can malignant (go to malignant).

Also, our website should also be aware of the readers that malignant neoplasm has clear uneven boundaries, the structure is solid, still and usually painless.
What studies can spend in the hospital?
So, in addition to surveys, mammologists have a number of instrumental research. How many of them will and which depends on the diagnostic capabilities.
Mammography, about which has already been mentioned. This is the most informative method of study of the mammary glands. It is better to perform this study in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. When carrying out a mammography, you can: confirm the changes that were detected during the examination of the doctor; determine the level of malignancy; navigate in manifestations in the second breast. It should be borne in mind that even with a minimum radial load during procedure, the use of this method in young women is undesirable.
Dactography - artificial contrasts of Milky Ducts. This method is used to diagnose internal prototypes. It is performed in the presence of bloody discharge from the nipple. It is impossible to perform this procedure for inflammation, as well as with obvious malignant damage to the breast.
Ultrasound widely used to diagnose any diseases of the mammary glands. And this method is most safe to use young women. But the microcalcifications (microscopic tumor primitives) to identify ultrasound examination.
Computer and magnetic resonance tomography. These two methods are more often used to identify regional metastases of breast cancer (in the lungs, brain, bones, liver), as well as to identify the recurrence of breast cancer after diagnosed cure.
Biopsy, Based on which the final diagnosis is made. It is performed by a special needle. Despite the fact that this method is just applicable in women up to 40 years (more precisely, it is more informative), the effect of the procedure is pretty «shaky». On the one hand, a biopsy should be made for diagnosis. On the other, any tumor «does not love» injury, T.E. No one will give 100% guarantees of the lack of malignancy, for example, mastopathy. In such cases, the approach is individual: if more signs for malignant and is supposed to be an operational intervention, then biopsy is simply necessary.
Treatment of breast cancer
With any view of the survey, it is possible to confirm the histological diagnosis only during the operation when the armpits are excised and sent to urgent histology. Then the surgeon will have an idea of the scale of the necessary operation. The main method is resection (removal) of the neoplasm. If the diameter of the cancer tumor is 2-5 cm, it is produced by tilactomy (tumor removal, ducts and tissue, surrounding tumor) with subsequent radiation therapy. If the diameter exceeds 5 cm, then the milk gland (mastectomy) is performed.
Treatment is supplemented, as a rule, hormone therapy (tamoxifen) and chemotherapy with lesion of lymph nodes, the diameter of the tumor is greater than 5 cm and with low-differentiated cancer.
Treatment results and forecast
Undoubtedly, the result, and in this case there is a lifespan after treatment and its quality depends on the histology (tumor structure). Dependence direct in most cases: the earlier cancer was diagnosed, the higher the probability of lack of metastases and the lifespan. The assessment around the world produces a five-year survival of a woman.
With cured carcinoma from the breast ducts without metastases, such survival rate is about 95-97%; with a tumor up to 2 cm - 88-90%; With a tumor up to 5 cm with metastases in lymph nodes 66-70%. These data fluctuate depending on the regions because the equipment of our hospitals and a clinic is different. But even this should not stop the woman on the way to preserving health and longevity. Internal beauty and health are no less important than external, visible well-being. Which, unfortunately, is not amenable to correction with a tonal cream, and with inattention leads to irreversible consequences. Watch yourself and be healthy!