Coxarthrosis of hip joint


Coxarthrosis of hip jointCoxarthrosis — Arthrosis (osteoarthritis) hip joints — Degenerate-dystrophic disease, destroying cartilage and violating its mobility. Coxarthrosis can be one-sided (one joint) and bilateral (hit both joints). Select the primary and secondary arthrosis of the hip joint. Primary osteoarthritis is characterized by non-selected causes of development, and the secondary appears due to injuries, aseptic necrosis head of the femur, rheumatoid arthritis and with developmental anomalies. Violations of movement in the hip joint occur due to increased viscosity and thickening of synovial fluid. It entails a violation of the lubrication of cartilage and its subsequent deformation. Of great importance in the development of coxarrosis have congenital pathologies (congenital dislocation of hips, dysplasia).

The characteristic symptoms of the arthrosis of the hip joint are:

  • articular pain and pain in the area of ​​groin and knee;
  • Violation of motor activity (possibly inhydration);
  • articular crunch;
  • shortening the sore limb (legs) and thigh muscle atrophy;

Degree of arthrosis hip joint

During coxarrosis, 3 degree of development is distinguished:

  1. The first degree is characterized by a sense of pain in the hip joint with loads passing after rest. In radiography, there are small bones and uneven narrowing of the articular gap.
  2. With a second degree of arthrosis of pain become more intense and strong, in the field of thigh and knee and manifest themselves in the absence of loads. The work of the joint is no longer full, the movement is limited and stolen. X-ray shows a strong bone sprouting, thigh head deformation and its offset up.
  3. Third degree — The hardest, characterized by muscle atrophy and impaired independent walking (patients use cane or crosses to facilitate movement). The sore feet is shocked. The radiograph shows a large-scale bone expression, a sharp narrowing of the articular slot and the extension of the neck of the femoral bone.

For the successful treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint, it is necessary to turn to the orthopedist at an early stage of the disease in a timely manner, and better — at the very first symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis hip joint

Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis hip jointX-ray studies are used as the main diagnosis of coxarrosis. To diagnose and conduct treatment should be a specialist (orthopedist). Surgical intervention (endoprosthetics) is appointed only at the third stage of the disease. Therapy of the first and second stages is carried out by appointing drugs, physiotherapy, diet and special gymnastics. Among the medicines are used by NSAIDs, vasodilators and hormonal steroid drugs, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors. Reception of a specific drug is important to agree with the attending orthoped. Physiotherapy improves blood circulation and reduces muscle spasms. In the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint, massage and exhaust joints are successfully practiced. Coxarthrosis diet is useful in that it reduces the body weight, and therefore the burden on the sore joint.

Features of gymnastics in coxarthrosis

Performing medical gymnastics exercises with coxarthrosis, it is important to remember that the movements should not be sharp and intense: it may worsen the current state. IFF is not dynamic, but static. With the appearance of unpleasant sensations, massage the muscles of the thigh or take a warm bath. Exercise should not overload the sick joint and especially provoke acute pain.

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