Systemic Volchanka


  • Systemic erythematous Volchanka
  • Symptoms of systemic lupus

  • Most often, the systemic lupus is striking women, and
    Also representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid race. Volchanka - disease,
    which can affect several parts of the body.

    Everyone reacts in its own way. One
    A person with this disease can feel swollen knees or fever.
    Another - feel constant fatigue or suffer from kidney
    Insufficiency. Skin tuberculosis can affect joints, skin, kidneys, lungs,
    heart and / or brain.Systemic Volchanka

    Systemic erythematous Volchanka

    Systemic lupus can be
    caused by genetic factors, viral infection, medicines or even
    Sollar radiation. Volchanka is striking blood vessels and connecting
    Leather fabrics. This is not an infectious disease, they can not be infected. Some
    Studies have shown that symptoms of systemic lupus increase in women in
    Premenstrual syndrome period. Volchanka most often amazes women
    Children's age. This is a chronic sluggish disease that today
    It is cure due to the achievements of modern medicine and the invention
    New immunosuppressive drugs, funds against hypertension and dialysis.

    Disk-shaped erythematous skin tuberculosis mainly
    Touching the skin. A red rash may appear, or the skin color may change
    on face, scalpe or elsewhere. Rash is not accompanied by itching or
    Painful sensations. Approximately 10% of cases disc-shaped tuberculosis
    Skin turns into a full-fledged systemic erythematous lupus.

    Symptoms of systemic lupus

    Typical symptoms systemic
    Malchanics - Chronic fatigue and bakeless heat or fever. Also ne
    Strong pain or edema of the joints are excluded, the appearance of skin rash. Other Symptoms of Malchanics: Rings in the mouth, hair loss, headaches and hypertension, pericarditis and renal
    failure. Also in patients with systemic lupus often appear such
    Symptoms like fever, loss of appetite and extraordinary sensitivity to
    Solar radiation. The appearance of a butterfly shaped on the wings of the nose is not excluded
    and cheeks.

    When exacerbating systemic lupus
    The disease affects the brain, liver and kidney. This reduces the content of white blood tauros in
    blood and coagulation factors. It is also possible to pain in the chest at deep
    breathing, legume of legs or swelling under the eyes. Some patients with lupus also
    suffer from depression or convulsions.

    Although does not exist
    one sole analysis or test that allows you to detect systemic
    Volchanka, experienced therapist diagnoses this disease based on blood tests
    and typical symptoms. Analysis for the presence of antinuclear antibodies allows
    define an infection or autoimmune disease and thus helps
    Diagnose systemic Volchanka. Corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory
    medicines provide a temporary decrease in manifestations and symptoms of lupus, in
    particular help to remove the inflammation of the joints and pain.

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