Lifestyle with Bekhterev's disease


  • Right sit
  • Pretty lying
  • Correctly dress
  • Healthy food

  • If you have Bekhterev's disease, the fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations is important not only for drug reception. Very significantly affects the course of the disease also behavior in everyday life. Here we are talking primarily about caring attention to your posture and training of your form. This will help slow down the deterioration.

    Right sit

    Lifestyle with Bekhterev's diseaseYou can have a truly decisive influence on the course of the course of the disease, first of all, when you have at work, at home or in a car long to sit. Since your spine tends to bend forward, you must make every effort to sit so directly and vertically as much as possible. Rarely spine turns completely, but even in this case it is worth it to do everything in a timely manner to at least ensure a vertical position when.

    Create yourself such working conditions so that you do not need to be constantly leaning forward. For example, the supporting stand, the tablet, the inclined surface of the table, the mobile mobility will make it easier for you reading with a vertical position, and, due to this, less strain. Follow the seat, first of all, so that the pelvis does not overturn back and because of this spin did not receive curvature. Many are often difficult after long-term seating on a soft chair or rejected back chairs again stand up.

    Avoid the surfaces of the seating, strongly tilted back. Wedge-shaped (end thinned) The pillow can be a good help for the surface of the seating more tip forward. Sit in such cases on the front edge of the seating, if there is no other opportunity to sit down (for example, in the theater or movie).

    Especially useful to sit on the gymnastic ball, for example, in front of the TV. Back For a long time is in a lightweight movement, and this forced balancing trains back muscles.

    Pretty lying

    Your bed must be tough and not to sag. Make yourself for a monolithic hard (not necessarily solid) Mattress from the foam as a substrate with a grid or a board, which is put between the bed frame and the mattress. You will make sure that it is also comfortable as on a soft spring bed. Later, when the pain active phase of spondylitis will pass, it is important to keep this rigid bed to save to avoid any possibility of spinal curvature.

    In bed it is important to lie on the back completely flat. Avoid, above all, wedge-shaped pillows and large pillows, which come far under the shoulders and bring curvature in the thoracic spine. With the defeat of the hip, knee, the ankle joints you can not lie with crossed legs either on the back, nor on my side.

    Correctly dress

    Lifestyle with Bekhterev's diseaseIf you have installed that your head is very sensitive to cold, wear a pullover with a big collar or shawl. Some patients prefer an easy pullover, instead of a heavy jacket, and a belt, instead of suspenders to unload the shoulders.

    There are sportswear from microfiber materials, which does not miss the rain and at the same time allows you to circulate air, so it sweat less.

    Get yourself shoes with thick elastic heels, which soften the shock when walking through hard asphalt, so that you can do the steps of normal size and should not be protected from the jokes, shockping them at the expense of your knees. In particular, in the stores of sporting goods there are shoes with protruding extortion. But any conventional shoes can be provided with a shock absorbing heel and thus facilitate walking to a patient with a sick spine. Also can some compensate for the lost elasticity of the spine and the heel tabs in shoes.

    Healthy food

    During the active phase of the ankylosing spondylitis, your health suffers in general. You must spare it, thanks to healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. This includes the use of fresh vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins.

    If you lose weight, unusually tired and have become completely depressive and small-calm, you need more rest, the earlier, and good, rich in proteins, more frequent food. On the other hand, you must definitely avoid excessive weight, since it will make you preserve good posture and sufficient mobility.

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