Sclerodermia: Briefly about the main


  • Sclerodermia, forms of the disease
  • Causes of disease development
  • What is a systemic sclerodermia
  • How to treatment sclerodermia

  • Sclerodermia, forms of the disease

    Sclerodermia - the disease of the connective tissue characterized by its seal (sclerosis). Women sick sclerodermia 5-6 times more often men.

    There are two forms of sclerodermia: skin (focal) and systemic (generalized). With skin (focal) form of sclerodermia, seal foci occur only on the skin, on the hands of hands and later on the face. The focal sclerodermia has a relatively favorable course. Systemic sclerodermia - severe disease that causes sclerotic damage not only to the skin, but also internal organs, vessels. Ecoming, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints, muscles and nerves can be involved in the process.

    Causes of disease development

    Nobody knows exactly. It has been established that in the development of sclerodermia, the congenital inferiority of the immune system plays the main role, leading to autoimmune (directed against its own cells) reactions. Mixed sharp viral and infectious diseases, chronically affecting adverse factors: work related to vibration, with harmful substances, cold, neuroendocrine disorders, allergic reactions. For different reasons, the regulation of the operation of small vessels is disturbed, their permeability increases, the edema develops in the surrounding tissues, the synthesis of collagen is increasing, connecting tissue is formed. Such violations occur not only in the skin, but also in the internal organs. Thus, disorders of microcirculation cause nutritional disorders in tissues, and the connecting tissue, replacing the tissue of organs, causes a violation of their functions.

    It all starts with a peculiar shiny spot more often on the fingers, hands, forearms, which is pretty quickly converted into an edema, compacted area of ​​leather with a yellowish white surface. In this form, the focus can exist months and even years. Gradually, atrophy develops in its place: the skin becomes a type of cigarette paper, loses sensitivity and elasticity, becomes dense and low-loving, hair disappears at the place of lesion. The hearth can be in the form of plaques, stripes, rings.

    What is a systemic sclerodermia

    Systemic sclerodermia usually begins with chlorinity, cooling fingers, reduce their sensitivity, lifts, caused by small vessels (Reino syndrome). The disease is developing gradually. Per year or two skin becomes dense, «drum» (stretched like a drum) shiny. Due to the long disturbance of blood supply at the tips of the fingers, small areas of necrosis (samples) of fabric, ulcers may occur. There is a danger of gangrene.

    Sclerodermia: Briefly about the main In typical cases, an experienced doctor sometimes can make a diagnosis of sclerodermia only looking at the patient. For such a patient, a frozen larger face, the Mimic of which is difficult, the mouth is stripped like a hand, the nose is thinned, it becomes like a beak, eyelids often can't bother, the voice is weak. On hand and on the face there are teleangioectasics (vascular «asterisk», «Snake») - expansion of small vessels.

    Unfortunately, the pathological process applies to the internal organs that progressively impairs the patient's condition.

    Very often amazed esophagus. The replacement of part of the smooth muscles on the connecting tissue leads to difficulty in swallowing, to the casting of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus, the development of esophagitis (esophagus inflammation).

    Almost always, with sclerodermia, joints are involved in the process, which is manifested by pain, stiffness, swelling. In severe cases, it comes to contractures (pronounced restriction of mobility). Typically, these are the joints of the fingers, the rays-ups, less often knee.

    In the heart, the growth of connective tissue leads to an increase in the size, rhythm and conductivity disorders. In the involvement of the heart of the heart vessels, angina.

    Sclerosing kidney vessels lead to the development of severe renal hypertension. Besides, «Sclerodermic kidney» It cannot normally perform its blood purification function, which leads to renal failure - a life-threatening state.

    If the process is involved in the process, then the fibrous changes in the lungs lead to shortness of breath with a minor physical exertion.

    Often, muscles and tendons are affected by sclerodermia. Replacing muscle fibers on connecting tissue leads to muscle weaken. Calcinates are formed in subcutaneous tissue - dense «Kameshkov» in muscles.

    Involvement of the nervous system is expressed in vegetative disorders (sweating, moderate temperature increase), emotional instability (irritability, federation and imperisibility), insomnia.

    Laboratory diagnosis of sclerodermia is confirmed by detecting specific changes in immunological status and when skin biopsy.

    How to treatment sclerodermia

    The suffering of sclerodermia man needs to try to avoid spasms of vessels, which means not to allow supercooling, wearing warm clothes and free shoes, any stresses are contraindicated.

    Medical therapy should carefully sew a doctor. It is necessary to treat foci of infection in the body, because they can maintain the activity of the process. To do this, conduct the course of antibiotic therapy. For improving microcirculation use nicotine acid and vitamins. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, lidase (for dissolving sclerosation foci), penicilline (to reduce collagen synthesis).

    Physiotherapy: Ultrasound, Massage, Radon and Conifer Baths, Mud, Healing Gymnastics and.T.D.

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