Treatment of osteoarthrosis of hip joint


  • Features of the conservative treatment of hip arthrosis
  • Treatment of arthrosis of hip joint 1-2 stages
  • The principles of the treatment of hip arthrome 3 stages
  • Arthrosis of the hip joint Treatment and prosthetics

  • Osteoarthritis of hip joint. Methods of treatmentDeforming arthrosis of the hip joint — severe chronic disease with dissemination, dystrophy and destruction of tissue joint. The essence of the arthrosis is that without competently selected therapy, he inevitably leads to complete immobilization of the joint and disability. The main task at all stages of treatment of osteoarthrosis of the hip joint is to prevent the full decay of cartilage tissue and eliminating existing disorders.

    Treatment of hip arthrosis divided:

    • Conservative, including drug therapy, intra-articular injections, physiotherapy, leaps and other techniques that suggests treatment of coxarthrose.
    • Operational, implying surgical interventions on «native» joint to increase its mobility, preventing the further development of arthrosis or surgery to replace the joint on the prosthesis.

    Features of the conservative treatment of hip arthrosis

    Lack of opportunity to influence the causal processes of arthrosis imposed a print on therapy. The treatment of osteoarthrosis of the hip joint is predominantly symptomatic, that is, aimed at eliminating pain, an increase in the mobility of the joint, compensation of arising state-dynamic disorders, taking into account the age of the patient and the state of his health.

    Treatment of arthrosis of hip joint 1-2 stages

    Intra-articular injection for the treatment of arthrosis of hip jointIf 1-2 stage of the hip forge of the hip joint is diagnosed, treatment is usually started in polyclinical conditions from the appointment of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. A task — Keep pain and inflammation in the joint, prepare a patient for physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, studies of therapeutic gymnastics. Stop arthrosis at the initial stage Hondroprotectors help — Medicines that improve nutrition and restoring articular cartilages from the inside.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures, massages and LFCs in the therapy of osteoarthrosis of the hip joint are aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the problem area, improving the nutrition of cartilage and periarticular tissues, prevention of muscle atrophy and shortening ligaments, an increase in mobility and increasing bone joint stability.

    During the treatment, the limitation of the vertical load on the joint, the use of crutches for walking, dosed physical education classes.

    Treatment of osteoarthrosis in general and the arthrosis of the hip joint in particular implies mandatory classes of articular gymnastics, extracting and hydroenesiotherapy. Special exercises in coxarthrosis are complemented by general arraying, reinforcing back muscles, abdominal press, which allows you to create a muscular corset that prevents the pelvic and spine. The stretching of the joint and the kinesiotherapy helps to relax the tense muscles, increase the distance between the articular surfaces, which together stabilizes the joint with the articular gymnastics and prevents the curvature of the limb.

    The principles of the treatment of hip arthrome 3 stages

    Surgical treatment of osteoarthrosis of hip joint. ProstheticsFinal Osteoarthrosis, accompanied by a pronounced contracture of the hip joint, does not imply therapeutic physical education. Attempts to enforce the mobility of the joint lead to injuries of cartilage and pains, while the main purpose of treatment is the elimination of pain syndrome. Therapeutic physical education is designed to help increase the strength of endurance of muscles of leading and reducing thighs, and simultaneous relaxation of muscles of the opposite group. Medicase therapy includes intra-articular administration of drugs that reduce pain and inflammation, lubricating and powered from the inside.

    Arthrosis of the hip joint Treatment and prosthetics

    Surgical treatment of 1-2 stages of hip arthrome mainly assumes a different kind of osteotomy, eliminating bone expansions, increasing the mobility of the joint. Operation option at the last stage of the disease is arthrodez — Fully closing and stabilizing joint, eliminating pain and possibilities of pathological dislocation and fractures. To restore mobility in pelvic-poor articulation, the joint endoprosthetics is offered.

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