Sometimes future mothers face the problem of appearance or aggravation of acne (acne). Improving the level of hormone androgen can contribute to the increase in the sebaceous glands and the generation of skin saline.
Why acne appear?
Excess skin fat combined with dead skin
cells that «Reset» Hair follicles, clogs pores and creates
Favorable medium for rapid breeding bacteria. All this in the end
leads to inflammation of the skin and the appearance of acne.
There are some serious
Aspects of the treatment of acne, which should be taken into account if you
Want to keep the child's health and reduce acne to a minimum.
Necessarily support
Health care regime - this will help restrain the spread of bacteria,
do sports every day - it will help improve blood circulation and
Uniform blood flow to all parts of the body, including skin, eat
more fresh fruits and vegetables - it will provide the skin with the necessary vitamins.
Prevention of acne rash
Skin cleansing and prevention
Clusters on it fat very useful during pregnancy. If your skin
tend to appear acne, clean the skin twice a day. After washing
Wipe your face with a napkin from a microfiber absorbing fats.
Infected acne skin sections
should be rushing very carefully and process them with a delicate soap without
Maself content. Do not overpay with skin cleans, because you can delete at the same time
and protective layer of fats. Your body seeks harmony and restoration
balance, and with excessive cleansing the skin becomes too dry and greasy
glands produce more skin fat.
When cleaning do not save water,
To wash off the remains of soap with bacteria accumulated in them, which
may cause skin irritation.
Leisure wipe the skin and for
five minutes after washing, apply a moisturizing cream that does not contain
Try not to scratch
acne plot, because in this way you can disseminate bacteria all over the face
and the number of acne will only increase.
If you want to use
a tightening agent, you will need several cotton tampons to
Process each pimple separately. Burn pimpled pimpled in a binder
Lotion Tampon, after which throw away the tampon. For processing each acne you
need a new tampon - so you can prevent distribution
Bacteria and infections.
Daily sports activities
help maintain a healthy balance of all skin types because they stimulate
The influx of blood to the skin, as a result of which the skin acquires a healthy shine. except
that fitness classes remove stress, which can also cause acne
Treatment of acne
During pregnancy
Some oral medicines
Against the acne may be dangerous for future mothers. Just some of them
can be replaced with topics, but if you are not ready for a while forget
about flawless skin, be prepared for complications. As a rule, doctors are not
recommend pregnant women to take any oral
Medicines against acne.
The appearance of acne is due
Hormonal changes in the body. They will disappear immediately after delivery.
Medicines that
It includes retinic acid used for the treatment of cruel acne, very
dangerous for the future child. As evidenced by the results of scientific
Research, Retinoic Acid (Roaccutane) causes congenital development defects and, in some
Cases can lead to miscarriage. Topical medicines (ointments) containing
Tretinoin (Tretinoin)
Also considered dangerous for this reason.
If you are trying to conceive a child
and take retinoic acid in one form or another, immediately give up
HERE. Doctors determined that the reception of this medication within 15 - 17 days after
conception leads to an increase in the risk of obtaining congenital defects
development up to 40%. Also it became known that retinic acid remains in
Women's body at least two months (sometimes up to three months), therefore
Doctors advise to combine roaccutane with contraceptive pills.
Worry scientists as well
Causes a high content of vitamin A in the means of acne, which
It can also cause congenital child development defects, including
Insecurity, various vices of the brain and heart, as well as the deformity of the face. If you
worried about the possible lack of vitamin A in the body, we advise you to eat more
Red, orange and yellow vegetables and fruits.
Unfortunately, it is impossible
predict whether you faces the danger of the appearance of acne
Pregnancy. Not a single woman, and the universal and
effective medication from this disaster does not exist. You have only
wait. However, the risk of acne is reduced by a healthy lifestyle.