Dermatitis in a child


  • Question number 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5
  • Question number 6
  • Question number 7
  • Question number 8
  • Question number 9

  • Question number 1. What is such dermatitis? What kind of types are common most?

    Dermatitis is skin inflammation.
    Kids up to a year most often can be observed pin and atopic
    dermatitis. The first appearance is also called diaper. It is characterized
    The appearance of diameters on the ass, in groin, in the folds of the skin. In most
    Cases diaper dermatitis arises due to parental errors when
    Skin care of a newborn: rare change of diapers, wet
    Diaper, allergic agents (oil, powder). With atopic
    Dermatitis in the child blush and flakes cheeks, skin on the body, elbow
    Seborin crusts on the scalp can appear.
    If you do not start treatment in time, eczema may occur.

    It happens that dermatitis appears due to allergies to washing powder
    or soap. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of this appeared
    unpleasant illness, it is necessary to exclude the maximum for a while
    possible household allergens to understand whether there was such

    65% of parents - respondents noted that for them «very important
    keep the skin of children healthy and clean». Also parents «want to be
    their children could get the most effective preventive treatment».
    The study was conducted in Germany, Spain and the USA.

    Question # 2. What can provoke dermatitis?

    Dermatitis in a child
    concerns his diaper option, then as I said, this is a defect
    Care. But atopic dermatitis most often appears in the kids,
    predisposed to allergies. In the first year of life, he usually arises
    on food (citrus, sweets, honey, nuts), protein
    Cow Milk.
    Up to three months the gastrointestinal tract of the child, the liver enzymes and
    pancreas still immature and only partially participate in the process
    digesting food. Therefore, the blood is absorbed into the blood
    Product molecules that can cause allergies. After three months
    The ripening of the intestine and the kid's body becomes more
    protected from toxins and allergens.

    In addition, in the first three months, the newborn is settled
    Microflora, which is inherited from the mother. Happen,
    that problems with microflora in the baby arise from the reception of his mother
    Antibiotics during pregnancy. Or because of gynecological
    inflammatory diseases of women. During the passage of generic paths
    The child receives the maternal microflora, so we recommend that future
    Mama during pregnancy stock «Good bacteria». Do
    This can be taking drugs like Linex, Bifidumbacterin,
    Hilak Forte, Primofylus. Naturally, do it,
    Consulted with a doctor.

    Sometimes problems with the intestine at the kid appear if a nursing woman
    Dreams and begins to take medicine. In this case, we recommend
    temporarily go to the mixture in order to protect the child from possible

    Question number 3. Is the role of the hereditary factor in the acquisition of atopic dermatitis plays?

    Yes, firstly, the microflora is getting «by inheritance» from
    Mother. And secondly, dermatitis is a genetically deterministic
    process. If mom or dad, or grandparents have diseases
    type bronchial asthma, half aulinosis, atopic dermatitis, then
    The likelihood that these diseases will move to the child increases sharply.

    However, in many cases, dermatitis does not appear immediately, but may
    reveal against the background of some adverse factors. For example,
    Intestinal dysbiosis. Often it happens that we are treated
    Parents whose child has pronounced signs of atopic dermatitis,
    we are proceeding with treatment, but improvements does not occur. But as soon as we
    normalize the condition of microflora with bacteriophages, skin
    manifestations quickly disappear: because the intestine is «entrance» in immune

    At an older age, dermatitis can provoke... Cleers. They are
    can be a starting mechanism, speaking as an antigen. Products
    the vital activity of these creatures, as well as toxins, provoke development
    dermatitis. In addition, the foci of chronic infections (caries, sinusitis,
    Bronchitis) There are also the cause of dermatitis.

    And, perhaps, most often dermatitis in a child occurs as a negative
    The reaction to the cow's milk - some children do not tolerate it.

    Question number 4. What to do mom if her milk doesn't have?

    Adapted dairy mixes for children with allergies are now sold
    on cow milk. These are mixtures - hydrolyzates, where protein is in
    split state. There are even those where the protein is split to
    Amino acids. Only the mixture needs to pick up neatly, pre-
    Consulted with a specialist.

    Question number 5. How to understand that the kid is predisposed to dermatitis?

    Dermatitis in a child
    In the first year of life, such a child can notice the tendency to
    sedative reactions (irritation), manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis on
    head, up to redness and mocking. These are the first manifestations. And already
    During the introduction of donmatitis, which is called, «gaining power».
    be careful.

    Question number 6. What to do in this case? Cancel babes?

    carefully follow the physiological reactions of the child and necessarily
    consult with a doctor. Perhaps really to cancel
    lure. By the way, for the children of allergies, the first bake must be
    Vegetables, not fruits and juices, as for healthy crumb. And, of course, the lure
    Selected from the least allergenic products.

    Question number 7. And what methods of diagnostics dermatitis today are used?

    One of the methods of examination is a sample on immunoglobulins A, D, E.
    Increased them in the blood often testifies to the beginning of the atopy
    (dermatitis). However, one this study for diagnosis
    Not enough. After all, the most important thing is to identify the cause of the occurrence
    dermatitis. Understand what he originated: due to allergies on
    Some products, due to dysbiosis or for other reasons.

    Question number 8. There are preventive measures?

    Undoubtedly. In
    Mom's pregnancy time, if possible, avoid reception
    drugs, and during the lactation you need to be careful with
    bond allergens: strawberry, raspberry, strawberries, especially if
    These are not seasonal fruits and berries. One more of the provoking factors
    can be smoking during pregnancy.
    In addition, from the room where the baby is, we advise to remove
    carpets, soft toys that are dust collectors. As well as
    Pots with flowers, because on the ground mold can be formed, and on
    It is also allergic in children. As often need to be carried out
    wet cleaning (once a day - minimum) and, of course, regularly
    toddle. Especially useful to walk with a crumb-allergy
    In sunny weather (if the baby has no allergies in the sun).
    Clothes of a child must be erased by a special children's powder.
    Toddler skin should not come into contact with wool or synthetic clothing.
    Best Fabric For Children - Cotton.

    Question number 9. What are the most effective methods of treating dermatitis?

    In each case different. First of all, household
    Allergens and a diet gets out. Then are prescribed certain
    Preparations, depending on the degree of disease. Mandatory daily
    Baths with the addition of oils. The children's Mustel series is well suited for this (bath oil, body emulsion), softening salinating cream bipantine or drapolen, in folds - zinc-containing drugs, such as, for example, tits. If the process is strong «Launched», then you have to resort to antihistamine drugs.

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