The first snow on the shoulders: where does the dandruff?


  • Dandruff does not fit without reason
  • We treat dandruff. Which components choose?

  • The first snow on the shoulders: where does the dandruff come from?

    Dandruff does not fit without reason

    Dandrub Never
    not coming on time, most often it is manifested in the most responsible or
    Sophisticated times — In the fall, in winter, in the period of excitement and stress.
    How she manages to carefully select the most inopportune moment? What
    provokes the appearance of dandruff, as well as its development? Consider the mains

    — Dry skin Promotes appearance
    perchot. That is why it often suffers from the autumn and winter season,
    When a person is in the warm room, then in the cold air. And the skin of the head, and in
    Features themselves hair, are very afraid of temperature differences. In addition, people drink
    Much less fluid than in the warm season. Dryness is also a consequence
    Fresh hair drying hairdryer. Dandruff with dry skin is usually small, low-fat and

    Oily skin same
    is a favorable medium for dandruff. The reason is increased
    fatness — This is the strengthened work of the sebaceous glands. Oily skin constantly
    covered with a film that closes the pores, prevents the skin breathing, irritates nervous
    ending and causes itching. As a result, burned skin particles stick
    To each other, and when squeaking, we see dandruff in the form of large flakes,
    impregnated with grease.

    Not enough Frequent washing head. With insufficiently frequent or incorrect hair wash on the skin of the head
    A mixture of skin fat and dead skin cells accumulates — perchot. Hair spray,
    styling, gel, wax and other hair styling agents can
    accumulate in hair, making them even more fat, which increases the risk of development
    Diseases. Dandruff in this case
    Resistant and rather large, well visible on hair and clothing.

    — Diseases and stress are also frequent dandruff causes. People suffering
    certain neurological diseases or undergoing strong stress
    states are more susceptible to the risk of perchot. To risk zone us also
    bring the usual unrest and stresses that we experience almost every
    day at work, in transport, driving a car or, for example, with a deficit
    Healthy sleep. Dandruff can also manifest on the background of hormonal failure.

    — Lack of vitamins, characteristic of most people late
    In the fall and winter, reduces immunity and thereby provokes the reaction of the scalp — dandruff. That is why directly on the state of the scalp is affected
    Proper nutrition: If the diet is insufficient than zinc, vitamins
    groups in and unsaturated fats, then a person is exposed to increased risk
    Perch appearance.

    In addition, dandruff
    selectively refers to the owner: most often these are men (the ratio of female floors
    3: 2), adolescents and middle-aged people are more common than in the elderly
    citizens. In children, dandruff also occurs extremely rarely and practically does not show
    His symptoms.

    The consequence of unbearable dandmatics can be seborrheic dermatitis. Simple
    tongue, it is almost the same dandruff, only its running stage.
    Seborrheic dermatitis — This inflammatory skin disease that has already passed
    in chronic staging. It is striking ne
    only the scalp, but some
    body areas that are especially developed
    skin near ears and nose, inguinal region, zone
    chest and even the armpits.

    Regardless of gender, age, features of the scalp or state
    Patient Health, Total Cause — PityRosporum Ovale or MalasseziaFurfur fungus. Presence
    Minor dandruff inevitably — The process of updating skin cells is continuous.
    The problem occurs only when the presence of dead cells in the form of flakes
    Suddenly increases, which is associated with excessive growth fungus PityRosporum
    OVALE, which usually lives on the skin of the head, as well as with a process violation
    Salo formation.

    dandruff. Which components choose?

    The first snow on the shoulders: where does the dandruff come from?Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, dandruff
    Need to be treated. When choosing a specific dandruff treatment, you need to pay
    Attention, of course, the composition. If the main components are...

    • Salicylic Acid, Selena Disulfide, — means
      Removes «Visible dandruff» (scales) and prevents the formation of new «Flakes»,
      But does not cope with the cause — Skin fungus.
    • Dellow, sulfur, zinc pyrhytion, — Excellent
      Means for normalizing the scalp. It exfoliates, however, does not cope
      With fungus...
    • Klimbazol,
      , — These antifungal substances
      Aimed to eliminate the fungus itself.

    Therapeutic shampoo keto plus contains at once two active ingredients that have a comprehensive
    Impact: at the same time eliminate the cause of dandruff and her
    External manifestations.

    This makes the drug most effective in the fight on Schuroven
    to date.

    • Zinc pyrithiona
      normalizes the state of the skin of the head, eliminates peeling
    • Ketokonazole
      eliminates the main cause of dandruff — fungus

    A PLUS — Dandruff minus

    On the
    The moment most dermatologists
    It is the shampoo keto plus that
    Confirm the data of the company-researcher of the COMCON drug market in Russia on the topic «Extract
    Dermatologists of dandruff shampoos» For the period from April 2010. April 2012.

    The first snow on the shoulders: where does the dandruff come from?
    It is important and clear following instructions for
    Application. Sometimes the ineffectiveness of therapeutic means is associated with its incorrect

    Keto shampoo plus applied on
    affected areas for 3-5 minutes and then washed off with water.

    the healing shampoo keto plus is not necessary every day, and 2 times a week, in
    Other days, if necessary, you can use the usual shampoo. Well
    Treatment — 1 month.

    The appearance of dandruff is optional — Keto plus used for prevention — Total
    1 time per week for 1 month.

    Pleasant bonus Now in pharmacies of Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg
    Healing shampoo
    Keto Plus can be purchased by
    A favorable sentence: when buying one packaging, the second get free
    Look for the packaging keto plus with the inscription Promotion 2 at a price of 1! Hurry up — offer

    To reduce the risk of dandruff
    only to use therapeutic agents in a timely manner, but competently care for
    hair and scalp, do not forget about proper nutrition and reception of vitamins, and
    Also try less nervous and more rejoice in every new day!

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