Forms of bubbles


  • Classification of bubbles
  • Types of true bubbles
  • Views of benign bubbles

  • Bubble - this is a disease of the skin and mucous membranes characterized by the appearance of bubbles. The causes of the disease were not fully understood. The bubble is divided into several varieties, some of which are fatal danger to the diseased, other relatively safe.

    Classification of bubbles

    There are two large groups of diseases divided by varieties.

    • True bubble (acantolytic)
    • Benign Bubble (Nonacantolitical).

    These diseases differ from each other with the mechanism of formation of bubbles, as well as the severity of flow. It is the true bubble truck that is the most severe form of the disease, often leading to the death of patients.

    Types of true bubbles

    Forms of bubblesTrue bubble (acantolytic bubble) - a group of severe skin diseases, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles in unchanged skin or mucous membranes spreading to large spaces and merging with each other. Bubble is one of the most severe diseases. It meets at any age, but the greatest frequency of morbidity is over the age of 50 years, and the most difficult course is celebrated between the ages of 30 and 45. True bubble is divided into 4 types:

    • Vulgar bubble,
    • Vegetable bubble,
    • Seborin bubble,
    • Last bubble.

    These species differ from each other by manifestations, the appearance of skin lesions, as well as the degree of severity.

    The main form of bubble tutorial is a vulgar bubble. The disease begins with the damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the oce, and then the skin of the body, limbs, the scalp is involved in the process. Characteristically severe, chronic flow with a violation of the overall condition of the patient. When bubble on unchanged skin cover and mucous membranes appear flabbubs with serous contents, which quickly (for 1-2 days) are open, forming wet erosion with bright red bottom. The magnitude of bubbles can be different - from small to large (10 cm diameter or more). The process without treatment progresses, rashes merge, capture large areas of leather. This is the hardest type of bubble.

    Vegetable bubble is observed less often by vulgar. The rashes are located preferably on the cheeks, language, heaven, in the corners of the mouth. Characteristic The formation of bright red soft sprouts on the background of erosion after opening bubbles. Usually in the process are involved and adjacent to the oral area of ​​the skin, which are covered with dirty-brown crusts.

    Lastoid and seborrheic bubble is quite rare. The damage to the mucous membranes is described in rare cases.

    Views of benign bubbles

    The mechanism of formation of a benign bubbletone is somewhat different from the formation of a bubble bubble, therefore it is also called non-acantolytic. In general, these forms proceed much less hard than true bubble. A benign bubble is divided into several forms:

    • Actually a non-acantolitic bubble;
    • bubble eye;
    • Benignant Naacutolitical Bubble Mystery Bubble.

    The non-acantolytic bubble is characterized by the formation of bubbles, however, they are not as fast as with true bubble. Healthy leather with friction does not peel. Bubbles can develop both against leather redness, and without it. Elderly sick more often.

    Bubble eye proceeds benign, hitting the mucous membrane of the eye or oral cavity with the formation of scars. Erosion formed as a result of the opening of bubbles is not bleed and low-orange. Frequently observed chronic runny nose, esophageal damage, changes in the mucous membrane of external genital organs.

    A benign non-acantolytic bubble of the mucous membrane of the mouth is characterized by the appearance of intense bubbles on the mucous membrane with transparent or bleeding content, with the autopsy of which are formed low-oned erosion, quickly closing. Usually bubbles appear several times, but do not apply beyond the borders of the mouth.

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