The fungus on the nails begins with a small


The fungal disease appears first on the skin of the stop, more often in interpal folds. A peeling appears between the fingers, accompanied by burning and itching. Then there are bubbles that burst, forming ulcers and cracks. If you do not start immediate treatment, the fungus will spread to the nails. Hitting the nail record, he continues to grow and multiply. Despite his slowness, the fungus slowly smells to the nail, gradually fills it and is being introduced into the nail bed. Over time, the zone of the defeat captures the nails not only on the legs, but also on the hands. Even the defeat of the internal organs is found - fortunately, quite rare.

The fungus on the nails begins with a small Manifestations of illness on nails depend on the type of fungus, as well as on the degree and depth of the defeat of infection.

Having moved to the nail plate, dermatophytiums usually declare themselves yellow spots or longitudinal stripes on the legs of the nail leg. In some cases, the disease can be guessed by the appearance of bright yellow strips or stains in the center of the nail plate. On the hands of the nails also come «Decorated» Similar stripes, but lighter - whitish or grayish shade. Yeast fungi swept the nail plate from the sides, while it lags behind the nail bed and acquires a yellowish color.

Often the disease begins with nail rollers, usually in hand. Rollers thicken, swell and blush, silver flakes appear around the edge, the nail skin fade gradually. A bacterial infection can join the process, in which case even suppuration is possible. Fabric nutrition in the roller area is broken, as a result, transverse grooves appear.

Mold mushrooms are able to cause onychomicosis only against the background of an already existing nutritional disorders arising from other diseases. In this case, the color of the nail plate is also changed, it can be yellow, green, blue, brown and even black, but the damage to the nail remains superficial.

However, it is not necessary to make a diagnosis yourself, especially since the defeat of the nails can be caused at once with several fungi. In addition, fungus - although frequent, but not the only reason for serious nobs problems.

Noticing signs of fungus, do not hope that everything disappears by itself. The longer the fungus dwells on your nails, the harder it is to treat it and the worse for the whole body. The protracted onychomicosis can provoke an allergic reaction, weaken immunity and lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, the most correct at the very first suspicions - contact the Mikogu or Dermatologist . The doctor not only will inspect the thickness, the structure of the nail, but will make tissue scaffolds for analysis. Just so he will be able to determine the presence of fungus, its appearance and appoint adequate treatment. At the same time, the doctor will take into account the prevalence of the process, the form of damage, the presence of concomitant diseases, the growth rate of nails and. Nowadays, there are highly efficient preparations for general and local action.

With the initial forms of the disease, when the area of ​​the flashes of the nail is insignificant, it can be limited to local treatment - applying on the nail bed 2 times a day of the antifungal drug (antimicotics) of a wide range of action in the form of ointments, creams or solutions. Before applying medications, conduct special nail preparation.

In some cases, it is necessary to go on the removal of the nail plate followed by treatment. After that, a new nail grows, although its surface first may be uneven.

Whatever treatment prescribed a doctor for some time you will turn into disinfector. The doctor will write a recipe for which the necessary solution will prepare in the pharmacy for you. Before the course of the course they will have to treat all the existing shoes, all socks, gloves, etc., And then, 1 time a month before the rustling of healthy nails, you need to handle clothes and shoes, which I had to wear during treatment.

To avoid trouble, have to be attentive. Eleaches can turn into a visit to the pool, baths, gym, and even sunflowed beach. The pathogens of onychomicosis are amazingly resistant to external factors.

Compliance with simple rules will save you from the disease:

  • On the beach only in slippers;
  • Visiting a bath, sauna or pool, use closed rubber slippers that protect against splashes;
  • After washing dry, wipe the legs, especially interfallated folds and process them with prophylactic antifungal cream or special powder;
  • Do not wear someone else's shoes;
  • Daily change socks and stockings.

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