Why onychomicosis develops and how to avoid this disease? On the factors of the appearance and prevention of the nail fungus knows the author of this article.
Nails are a kind of health and success mirror. Netty nails are firm, smooth and slightly pinkish. The beauty and health of the nails depend on what and as we eat, whether the body is able to assimilate the beneficial substances in it, from the harmonious work of the endocrine system, from the proper selection of shoes, socks, stockings, and T.D. The purposeful concern for the state (health) of nails, which can be both independent and specialized (visits to cosmetology salons and clinics) is of great importance. In other words, if we care about them, we delicately clean the nails and the skin around them, we make a lightweight massage, apply therapeutic or prophylactic varnishes, and most importantly do it regularly and constantly - nails meet us with extensive and beauty. But sometimes, despite a healthy lifestyle and constant nails care, they lose their beauty, become thick, dim, brittle, laminate...
In this case, neither independent, nor specialized cosmetological care to return health can, since everything is marina - onichomicosis.
Factors of the appearance of onychomicosis
Onychomicoses belong to a group of human infectious diseases that cause pathogenic mushrooms, respectively - these are infectious diseases transmitted from man to man. However, far from always fungi can cause a disease. The fact is that the susceptibility to fungal flora in humans and the development of the disease depends not only on the properties of the fungus, but also from the state of the body of an infected person.

It is often a transmission when using common shoes, towels, washcloths, insufficient bath treatment after washing, as well as at the expense of rugs and lattices in the bathroom. The defeat of the fingertips of the fingers takes place usually when combing foci on the skin, when visiting cosmetology salons and massage rooms in which the staff is often infected with fungi.
In addition, overhead nails create ideal conditions for the development of fungal infection, a kind of greenhouse effect is created, which, subject to pre-infection with fungi, provokes their active development. As a result, removing artificial nails, you may be unpleasant surprised...
The emergence of onychomicosis also contribute to the injury of nails, blood supply disorders, severe concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency states, blood disease), long-term antibacterial, corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy.
The likelihood of the development of fungal diseases during pregnancy and postpartum period increases. For the development and growth of fungi, a wet environment is needed, so high sweating and wet shoes are also predisposing factors for the development of fungal diseases.
Prevention of onychomicosis
The prevention of onychomicosis is primary (prevents primary infection) and secondary (prevents re-infection or activation of infection).
To avoid repeating onichomicosis, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's prescriptions, to carry out disinfection until the nail polishes and bring the treatment to the end (the absence of mycelium 6 months after the completion of treatment).
To avoid the primary or secondary infection of the fungus and protect the nails from it, it follows:
- Avoid risk factors that make a fungal disease possible. Not to use someone else's shoes and do not give your shoes to others, to use only your toiletries and care products for nails and skin, do not walk barefoot in the premises (at home and in public places), to carry out the disinfection of objects, do not wear rubber or uncomfortable shoes for a long time synthetic socks, tights;
- Use antifungal agents with prophylactic purposes. In this case, a special cream will also come to the aid, which can be applied with a thin layer on the skin and nails after visiting public places or contact with the patients with onychomicosis, after pretreatment by boring alcohol;
- start treatment of onchomicosis in a timely manner as soon as it is discovered to stop it on time and save the nails.
Fulfilling these simple recommendations, as well as timely visiting specialists for the diagnosis and treatment of onychomicoses, you can save your nails with healthy, and also get rid of nail from fungus yourself and your loved ones. be healthy!