Application of orthopedic shoes and stelk


  • Orthopedic shoes in medicine
  • Application of orthopedic shoes in childhood

  • Orthopedic shoes in medicine

    In Russia, annually needs orthopedic shoes about 20 million people. These are children with flat-growing, patients with diabetes mellitus and just older people who have the age deformation stop does not allow the use of ordinary finished shoes. Many believe that orthopedic shoes are needed only to ill people. But in fact it does not match the truth. It needs to be used not to become disabled. The use of orthopedic shoes allows you to remove pain in your feet with long walking and reduce excess load from our spine.

    The efficiency of using orthopedic shoes in the treatment and prevention of various diseases is explained by many factors:

    • Special block gives additional interior space
    • Using orthopedic insoles contributes to the unloading of the foot of the foot
    • Special shoe design and additional adjustable fixation prevents leg injuries

    In addition to various diseases, the testimony for wearing orthopedic shoes are the following circumstances:

    • You have to stand most of the day or walk
    • You have overweight
    • Your legs sweat greatly
    • pregnancy

    Application of orthopedic shoes and stelkIn Europe, where the population is very careful about his health, orthopedic shoes wears every 4 person and it does not cause surprise, because modern models look very stylish. Wearing orthopedic shoes improves blood circulation in the legs, develops and tones muscles.

    The use of orthopedic footwear with a prophylactic goal is especially desirable in winter, t.To. Durable insole and steady block does not allow to slip on a dense snow or ice, respectively, the chances of falling and getting injuries will significantly reduce.

    It should be noted that the use of orthopedic shoes with healthy people in order to prevent injuries and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system is desirable, but not necessarily, whereas for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the use of such shoes is already becoming a vital necessity.

    In the modern world there are more than 150 million people suffering from diabetes, of which 80% occurs the so-called «Diabetic stop». For such patients, special models of orthopedic shoes have been developed. The block of such shoes has a greater completeness, does not squeeze the leg and does not break the blood supply in it. It is thoroughly processed by all docking seams for the prevention of skin damage. Due to blood supply disorders «Diabetic Stop» Even small wounds on it do not heal for a long time, and sometimes go to gangrene feet.

    The use of orthopedic shoes is necessary for persons after prosthetics. For the manufacture of shoes, modern materials and technologies are used - the sole has good elasticity, due to which the adaptation of the prosthesis to the shoes and when walking it allows you to carry out the weary. To improve the clutch of the sole with the surface of the road or floor, the soles give a complex profile. The use of orthopedic shoes on the prosthesis allows a person with limited motor capabilities easier to move, hold equilibrium when walking and protects against falling.

    Application of orthopedic shoes in childhood

    Orthopedic shoes need both children for the prevention and treatment of flatfoot. Thanks to the built-in supinators, stop vaults are maintained, the load on the muscles and the articular and a binder decreases. The top of the shoe is made of genuine leather, well-driving air. The sole of shoes has the ability to easily react to any movement of the foot. The existing deepening for the heel stabilizes the position of the healing bone and does not allow the development of deformation in the ankle joint. Orthopedic shoes Child can wear all day.

    With flatfoot, the presence of heel spurs, the deviation of the first finger of the foot, shortening one limb, the neurom of the Morton, the gout, the diabetic foot, systematic pains in the joints of the legs and the back, and for relief when walking in large periods of pregnancy, in addition to orthopedic shoes, orthopedic insoles are used. Such insoles are manufactured taking into account the anatomical features of the feet of the patient and can be used with shoes of any style and height height. Orthopedic insoles support the stalls in the right physiological position, improve the stability of a person when walking, do not cause blood supply violations. Thanks to their use, the feeling of fatigue fatigue decreases, the load on the joints and the spine. All this leads to an improvement in overall health and mood.

    Many people scares high price on «Right» Orthopedic shoes. But we all remember that the miser pays twice, and if the question concerns the restoration of lost health, then pay, most likely, it will be not twice as expensive than the cost of orthopedic shoes, on which we tried to save, and many times more. Currently, more and more sensible people begin to take care of their health and choose «Useful» Shoes that not only protects from fatigue, but also from the development of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, keeping your feet youth, beauty and health!

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