Hyperpigmentation: Stains


  • Melanin is normal - the skin is fine
  • What are pigment spots
  • Faced with stains

  • Melanin is normal - the skin is fine

    Do you know that the color of the skin of a person is determined by five pigments, the most important of which is melanin? Depending on its quantity and distribution in the skin, humanity is divided into black, white and yellow races. When you are noted in the sun, it is melanin that provides your body a reliable protection, «Filtering» Covarian ultraviolet. The pigment content in the skin gradually increases - so the tan appears.

    Any processes of disrupting melanin professionals are called dish chromium (DYS - vicious, bad, chroma - color, painting).If the number of melanin in the body increases, hyperpigmentation occurs. The reasons for it can be hereditary factors, hormonal disorders, hyperinsolation, dermatitis, burns, wounds, injections, insect bites, acute rashes, taking medicines that increase melanocyte sensitivity to solar radiation (retinoids, tetracyclines, hormonal drugs).

    What are pigment spots

    Hyperpigmentation: StainsFreckles, or epfeldes (translated from Greek - «Solar non-Pill»). Most often they annoy red-haired and blondes, but appear in spring, together with the first sunshine rays. In essence, freckles - long «relatives» Zagara. The cause of their occurrence is the presence of a specific gene in melanocytes, skin cells in which melanin is produced. When meeting with sunbeams, melanocytes begin to produce melanin intensively. The brightest freckles appear aged 20-25 years. Up to 35 years their quantity can increase, but with age they pale.

    Senile («Coffee») Spots arise due to an increase in the skin of melanocytes in the skin, and this happens, as a rule, after 40 years. Most often they are localized on the chest, shoulders and hands, which are constantly in the sun.

    Chloa and melasm. Chloasm - symmetric brown spots located mainly on the face. Merging, they can achieve significant sizes. Usually, chlorism appears during pregnancy, as well as in certain diseases of the female sexual sphere, when taking oral contraceptives, infection with worms or violation of the liver work. Despite the awesome form, chlorism is quite harmless and passes, as a rule, after the cause of its appearance disappears.

    Unlike the chloasma of melasm, it is never associated with the pathology of the reproductive system, develops under the influence of sunlight in people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Rodibiy stains (Nets). These are benign skin neoplasms consisting of special melanin-containing nonsense cells. Ramibable stains are of various sizes and colors (corporal, yellowish-brown, black); flat or towering over skin level; smooth or warthogs; with a wide base or sitting on «leg». They appear in early childhood, reach the maximum number in adolescence, and by the 60 years most of them disappear. Usually neules do not pose a danger. Nevertheless individual «Sets» Can be reborn in a malignant tumor - melanoma. As a rule, such nurses are distinguished by large sizes, often there are painful, sometimes bleeding. Removal of nonsense is carried out mainly by medical testimony, much less often - on aesthetic. With such things do not joke!

    Lento is manifested in the form of oval, flat or convex spots. Their color varies from light beige to dark brown. Lento may occur at any age, including children (Youth Lentigo).

    Faced with stains

    Modern aesthetic medicine has a huge arsenal of funds that allow you to get rid of almost any kind of hyperpigmentation. But if approaching the problem is reasonable, first of all, you should figure out why she «Athatokoval», and get rid of the cause. Sometimes pigmentation disappears independently after the main disease will be fully cured. As a last resort enough light peeling to make your skin perfect. But, alas, this happens not so often.

    Cover with pigment stains at home is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible. Absolutely all drugs with bleaching effect act at the level of the top layer of the skin - the epidermis. To achieve the effect requires a long systematic application, patience and… sufficient amount of money, as high-quality funds are not cheap.

    A dermatologist will help you to solve this difficult task, which will appoint the necessary survey, and then will be a treatment plan.

    Cosmetology treatment of hyperpigmentation necessarily includes exfoliation of the horn layer of the skin, which contributes to the removal of melanin from the epidermis and clarification of pigment spots.

    For this purpose, the following procedures use.

    Chemical peeling

    For the treatment of hyperpigmentation, they are used, as a rule, surface and median peels, that is, those that do not affect the deepest layers of skin. Chemical impact of peeling on the skin is quite aggressive, so after such a procedure requires specific care: restoration, nutrition, and intensive protection against solar radiation.

    Laser grinding

    Hyperpigmentation: StainsSince the skin perfectly absorbs the radiation of the laser, it heats up at the location of the stain, which leads to its evaporation. With the help of laser grinding, you can remove most types of pigmentation, ranging from the freckles and ending with age «Coffee» Spots. The procedure is effective, but requires a competent approach, otherwise a number of complications may arise, in particular burns and enhanced pigmentation.


    In this case, use intensive pulse light technology (IPL). Spot absorbs light, darkens, then almost completely disappears. Additional plus procedures are that the pulse light stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which gives a noticeable effect of rejuvenation.


    After local anesthesia, the skin is treated with a stream of microcrystals, «Choosing» Surface layers of skin, and after a few sessions it is completely updated. Dermabrasion is considered more serious interference. This is a mechanical peeling, but already deeper. The size of the crystals is much larger here, so the procedure passes under general anesthesia.

    Unfortunately, the results of the treatment of pigmentation are never sustainable, it is necessary to constantly protect the skin from sunlight. One day of stay on the bright spring sun can not reduce the efforts of many months.

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