Hyperpigmented skin can deliver a lot of unpleasant moments to a woman. And although «Magic tablet» able to immediately solve this problem does not exist, some medical recommendations still have.
Mostly on the face appear symmetrically arranged brown spots. They are different shades and different values, their incorrect outlines have clear boundaries. Sometimes, merging, stains reach significant sizes. Different chloasms of pregnant women, with gynecological diseases, hepatic, traumatic, etc.
Pigment stains can be very informative - for example, stains around the mouth, as a rule, are an early sign of the starting polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract.

To normalize melangegenesis (pigment formation), it is necessary to saturate the body with vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, prescribed as an injection. It is recommended to use inside of folic acid (0.1 g), riboflavin (0.015 mg 3 times a day after meals) in combination with auev. The pronounced effect is observed from the intake of methionine (0.5 g 3 times a day), Vitamins B2 (course 25 injections) and B1 (rate of 25-30 injections).
Local treatment of chloasma depends on the nature and limitation of the process, the state of the skin and the reactivity of the body. You can use bleaching creams («Achromin», «Melan», «Spurge» and the mass of the others represented by modern pharmaceutical and cosmetology), 30% perhydropole and 5% hydrochinone ointment (on Vaseline with Lanolin).
To reduce pigmentation, a number of other drugs are also offered, for example, a cream containing hydroquinone, hydrocortisone and vitamin A. In cosmetics, exfoliating means are widely used: cheating, salicyl, milk, salt, benzoic acid, mercury salts, special soaps. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, snow of coalic acid, chemical dermabrasion of z-chloroacetic acid and other skin whitening methods.
During the course of bleaching procedures, the doctor's recommendations should be followed: use high SPF sunscreen, to abandon some contraceptives and drugs, protect the skin from the temperature difference, take a break in the salon and mesotherapy. However, to get rid of spots forever, it is necessary (as already noted above) eliminate the cause of hyperpigmentation. If hyperpigmentation is caused by any internal disease, it will have to deal with stains all life. And by eliminating the illness, you can not even sign up for bleaching or exfoliating procedures - spots will pass by ourselves.
If the bonding is established with ultraviolet rays, it should be prescribed inside the synthetic antimalyaric drugs with photodessimizing effects - delagil (Hinghamin, Sokokhin), Plaque. It is forbidden to use some cosmetics, t.To. Essential oils located in them (especially burglary) increase the sensitivity of the skin to solar radiation, you can use only photoceat creams.
It should not be treated independently to treat pigmentation, however, it is possible to remove stains from approval to the doctor, resorting to some very effective and more accurately harmless folk remedies. However, it should be remembered that not all traditional means are safe. That is why the decision to clean the person from pigment spots with the help of folk remedies should precede prior consultation from the doctor.
Should not be too diligently to remove pigment stains if they are weakly noticeable. Strong skin discoloration In this case, in itself will be a cosmetic defect. So often it turns out to be enough just to ensure that the chlorism pale and has lost sharp outlines.
There are various methods of treating and preventing pigment spots in pregnant women. It is important to remember that as soon as your baby is born, chloazma will disappear by themselves. Lightening spots with special preparations rarely lead to a positive result. Remember that during pregnancy and after childbirth, you must carefully choose whitening creams to eliminate pigment stains. Some of them contain harmful substances that can harm the fetus or affect the quality of milk. It is possible to wipe the stains with a weak solution of perhydron (3% solution of hydrogen peroxide), salicylic alcohol, use whitening creams with vegetable extracts. During pregnancy, the stains are better not to whiten, but to mask harmless decorative means - for example, breed them with a tonal cream. Be sure to use special means with UV filter. Diverse Menu products with rich folic acid content: flour products with bran, salads, spinach, citrus, drink polyvitamins, which contains folic acid.
Take solar baths with great caution. In periods of the highest solar activity, try not to be outdoor sun. Once again we remind you about the benefits of sunscreen lotions. Pick them with the individual features. You can avoid overheating, putting a headdress covering face. Try to drink more, better clean water without gases. At the end of the tanning session, lubricate your face and body with a moisturizing agent.