Mixed form of pyodermia


  • Chronic deep peeled pyoderma
  • Vegetable pyodermia
  • Chronic piococcal ulcer
  • Chaccrimal piedermia
  • Treatment and prevention of funny forms of pyodermia

  • Mixed pyodermia forms include vulgar impetigo, chronic deep ulcerative and vegetable pyodermium, chronic peyococcal ulcer, chalkryform piedermy.

    Chronic deep peeled pyoderma

    Chronic deep peeled pyoderma is localized more often on the lower limbs. It usually begins with a flossy - a small bubble, which is surrounded by a red (hyperemic) rim. In the future, the bubble is revealed, and a rapidly increasing ulcer is formed, on the edge of which there is a dense roller of inflamed skin with a width of up to 5 mm. Due to this roller, an increase in ulcers. Multiple ulcers can appear at the same time. Surface scars remain in their place.

    Vegetable pyodermia

    Vegetable pyodermia is localized mainly in large skin folds, on the scalp, mouth mucous membrane. The process begins with the formation of bubbles that are not related to hair follicles. With a common process, large areas of lesion with uneven outlines are formed as a result of the fusion of rash, the surface of them will mock, in some cases, peels are formed on it. When resolving rashes in their place, Pigmentation remains.

    Chronic piococcal ulcer

    Chronic piococcal ulcer usually localizes on the lower limbs. The process begins with painful redness (hyperemia), a small swelling, then bubbles or gunnings arise that are quickly ulcerated. The resulting painful ulcer is surrounded by an inflammatory enemy rim, at the expense of which it increases, reaching in some cases the value of the palm and more. A ulcer can be a round or irregular shape, as a result of purulent destruction of its central part, it quickly deepens. In the future, purulent masses are separated, the bottom of the ulcers becomes clean, smooth, bluish-purple paint, and the separated acquires liquid, purulent character. Corks are not formed. Scarring ulcers continues for a long time. The process usually begins with the center. Simultaneously there may be several ulcers.

    Chaccrimal piedermia

    The chalkriform pyodermia is characterized by the appearance predominantly on the outer genital organs, the face, the red bubble of the lips, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the bubble language, after the opening, which is formed by erosion or an ulcer with a diameter of 2 cm round or oval shape with a compaction at the base. The amount of slightly separated from the affected surface, which often swears in the crust. It usually detect streptococci and staphylococci. Regional lymph nodes increased. After resolving the bubble, which is usually solitary, can remain a surface rutter.

    Treatment and prevention of funny forms of pyodermia

    Mixed form of pyodermiaTreatment of mixed forms of pyodermia conducts a dermatologist outpatient or in a dermatological hospital, depending on the severity of disease manifestations. It includes the use of antibacterial agents, vitamins, specific and nonspecific immunotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, disinfectants are locally recommended.

    Prevention of piedermia is aimed at the skin content clean (regular washing and change of linen), protection of it from traumaism. Microtrauma should immediately handle disinfectants. Prepictions are of paramount importance aimed at improving the body's resistance.

    To avoid infection to which children are especially inclined, it is necessary to beware of close contact with patients with piederma. It should be systematically inspected by the staff of children's institutions and remove individuals from the work with minimal manifestations of the disease. Prevention of piedermia in production conditions consists of commonitarian, sanitary and technical measures, including individual protection, personal hygiene of working and hygienic education.

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