Care for sick impetigo


  • What is impetigo
  • What you need to know about the care of sick impetigo

  • What is impetigo

    Impetigo - skin disease caused by streptococci and staphylococci. Impochigo is two species: vulgar and strepto-staphylococcal. Streptococcal impetigo is more common in children and young women. It is to the number of streptococcal impetigu that the so-called snatch belongs, so well familiar to the legs. What kind of type of impetigo is present in a particular case, must determine the doctor - no need to engage in self-diagnosis. But how to care for the sick impetigo, know does not prevent anyone.

    What you need to know about the care of sick impetigo

    First of all, you need to be extremely tactful with the sickness of impetigo, since this ailment makes its owner not very attractive and sometimes becomes a real test for pride, especially female. With regard to the care of the sore impetigo, it must be approximately as follows:Care for sick impetigo

    • Exclude the washing of affected skin, the skin of other sites can be washed with antimicrobial soaps «Siafgard», «Betadine» and etc.
    • The skin around the foci is wiped with 2% salicylic alcohol, tincture of calendula (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiled water).
    • Corks are impregnated with 2% alcohol, and erosion - an aqueous solution of aniline dyes (diamond green, gentianete, fuchsine), a strong solution of potassium permanganate, also use lincomicine, neomycin, heliomycin ointment and paste or a mixture of pasta with aniline dye.
    • In the case of persistent flow and significant distribution, it is necessary to give a patient, in accordance with the appointments of the doctor, antibiotics inside (Lincomicin, Cephalexin, azithromycin).
    • Most likely, you will have to accompany the patient to the clinic, because the UV radiation is shown.

    And to do not get sick of the Impetigo, remember that cuts, abrasions, it is advisable to treat disinfectants: aniline dyes, baccakers. be healthy!

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