Heat brain ischemia - an oxygen starvation response


Brain Ischemia & Mdash; An response of an organism on oxygen starvationAny part of the body that for any reason does not receive enough food, begins to gradually die. This is due to infringement of blood supply. With a bad blood flow, the organs do not receive enough oxygen and other necessary substances for full functioning. This causes gradual degeneration of tissues and their final death. Such a process is characteristic of both brain, when ischemia causes the gradual death of neurons.

The reason for the occurrence of such a disease as brain ischemia is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques, forming on the inner wall of the vessel, narrowing his passage, breaking the tissue trophy. Less often it can be a thrombus that are in the lumen of the vessel: they are torn and belong to the bloodstream in the vessels with narrower lumen, overlapping them.

Ischemia can provoke:

  • acute heart failure with myocardial infarction;
  • heart rate disorders;
  • thickening of blood, anemia, gas intoxication and so on;
  • Anomalies and changes of the vessels of the brain.

The disease has two forms: acute and chronic brain ischemia.

Basic symptoms of brain vessels

Brain Vessel Ischemia — Dangerous and unpleasant disease, which can lead to irreversible consequences. And in order not to exacerbate the process, when the first signs of illness, it is necessary to immediately go to the doctor and start the necessary treatment as soon as possible. Ischemia can develop at any age — it all depends on the concomitant pathology. Oxygen fasting problems may occur in newborns — during pregnancy or during childbirth. As a result, the newborn brain brain ischemia.

The first signs of the disease are similar to the symptoms of other diseases and therefore, in time to find out what exactly happens with your body, you should immediately pass the survey.

The forerunners of beginning ischemia are:

  • reduction of memory, constant forgetfulness;
  • increased fatigue, especially after mental activity, general weakness;
  • sharp drops of arterial pressure;
  • headache of various character and intensity;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • impairment;
  • bad sleep;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • Mood swings, anxiety, excitability, irritability.

If pathology acquires a persistent nature, they talk about chronic brain ischemia. Her symptoms are clearer and deep: the coordination of movements is disturbed, they are unsure and inhibited, breathing frequent and shallow. The memory worsens even stronger, self-criticism decreases, adaptation, emotional disorders are enhanced. Next worsen walking, Enuresis, psyche disorders, develop in violation of performance and loss of opportunity to serve themselves.

Brain ischemia and its diagnosis

In order to put a patient with confidence, the ischemic diagnosis, it is subjected to a number of surveys, the results of which in the complex indicate the presence of the disease. The patient finds out his history of life and directly symptoms of the disease (history). As a rule, patients with suspicion of brain ischemia have such pathologies as heart ischemia, diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, angina region.

The doctor carefully examines the cardiovascular system:

  • Measures the pressure on both hands;
  • determines the symmetry of the pulse on the head and limbs;
  • Tracks the work of the heart and abdominal aorta for a rhythm violation.

Laboratory blood tests are prescribed. From instrumental research possible ECG, EHG, EEG, ultrasound, angiography, ophthalmoscopy, spondylography of the cervical department, MRI.

Brain Ischemia — Treatment and consequences

Brain Ischemia & Mdash; Treatment and consequencesIf you turn to the doctor in time, noting the primary manifestations of the disease, the treatment is very productive. Basically, the brain ischemia implies conservative treatment, including the reception of drugs aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and normalization of blood flow. Sometimes shown surgical intervention, aimed at removing atherosclerobrel or thrombus, which blocked the clearance of the vessel. If there is a chronic form of brain vessels, drug therapy is aimed at suspending the development of ischemia and the prevention of ischemic stroke.

After improper treatment or suffered ischemia brain, the consequences can be the most different: chronic encephalopathy, ischemic stroke with all possible complications (paralysis, violations of speech, motor skills, etc.) and the fatal outcome.

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