Folk tips from sweating legs


  • Felmental tools from sweating
  • Herbal baths

  • Felmental tools from sweating

    Folk tips from sweating legsOften people suffer from severe sweat. Causes its many reasons, among which can be closed and too close shoes, diseases of the feet and the whole organism as a whole. Excessive foot sweating arises in healthy people due to heavy exercise or hot weather. It is necessary to deal with excessive sweating, not only because of the unpleasant odor, but also because sweating legs are very susceptible to various fungal and infectious diseases.

    For the prevention of diseases of the feet, it is necessary to carefully monitor their hygiene, apply therapeutic and cosmetics.

    We offer you a series of measures with which you can get rid of sweating or make it less intense.

    Twice a day - in the morning and evening - wash your feet with soap. Thoroughly having a foot with a towel, use deodorant or talc. Purchase a deodorant designed specifically for legs containing antifungal and antibacterial substances. To care for legs suffering from excessive sweating, pick up a high-quality anti-shiprant, preventing the appearance of sweat. Do not forget that deodorants, antispirates and talc need to be used only for purely washed feet! The best deodorant will only emphasize the smell of sweat, if you bring it to the unwashed legs.

    To avoid sweating legs, it is very important to choose the right shoes. Your shoes must be made of air driving materials. Especially in the hot season you need to wear as much open shoes as possible. Keep your shoes clean, wash and clean it not only outside, but also from the inside. Insoles in the shoes regularly replace and erase. Daily change socks, tights or stockings so that your legs are always protected from bacteria that decompose sweat. If your legs suffer from excessive sweating, give preference to stockings and socks from natural lightweight materials.

    Herbal baths

    Special herbal baths will help you in the fight against excessive feet.

    Effectively eliminates sweating Oak and Yves Corn Bath. For the preparation of the bath, two tablespoons of oak bark and one tablespoon of the Yves-bark Fill 1.5 liters of water and tapping on a slow fire for 10 minutes. Decoction to strain and lower his legs for 15-20 minutes. This bath must be done daily or every other day after washing the legs with soap.

    Helps get rid of sweat Bath from the leaves of the chewing. Four tablespoons of crushing leaves pour 1 liters of boiling water and negotiate 3-5 minutes, after which the decoction is strain, pour it into the pelvis, dilute another liter of water and hold the foot feet in it about 20 minutes.

    Here are some more baths, the use of which will help you in the fight against foot sweating:

    Bath from Sage. Half a glass of crushed grass pour 1 l boiling water, give it under the lid for 5-7 minutes. In the leaky decoction, lower the legs for 15-20 minutes. You can make this bath every day.

    Bath with sage, mint and nettle. Three tablespoons of a dried mixture of herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew, strain and in the cooled infusion hold the legs about 15 minutes. This bath must be applied after each wash washing for a month.

    Bath from the root of Altea. Half the glass of the chopped altea root pour 2 l of water and tapping on slow heat, then cool down a little and straighten the warm decoction through the sieve. Baths from the root of Altea use every day.

    Lime Bath, Chamomile and Walnut Leaves. Three tablespoons for collecting dry herbs brew 1 liter boiling water. Throw the infusion and lower your feet for 15 minutes.

    Baths from elderberry flowers.
    Half a glass of elderberry flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew, strain the resulting solution and dilute it with the same amount of warm water. In the cooked bath, lower the feet for 20 minutes. This bath can be used 3-4 times a week.

    Salt bath. Pour 2 liters of water in the pelvis, add three tablespoons of marine or table salt, stirred carefully until the salt dissolves. Lower the legs in the pelvis for 20 minutes. Such a bath can be used after each feet washing.

    Bath from Olkhov. Half a glass of olhovy cones Fill 1.5 liters of water and negotiate for 5 minutes. The resulting decoction is resurrected, add a little water to it and place your feet in the cooked foot bath for 15-20 minutes.

    Acetic bath. In the pelvis, pour 2 l warm water, add three tablespoons of vinegar into it and lower the legs into the foot for a few minutes. This bath can be used every day after washing the legs with soap. Vinegar can be replaced by manganese - add it to the water so much so that it acquires a pink color and use this. Bath after every feet washing.

    Blueberry bath. Two tablespoons of berries and blueberry leaves make a liter of boiling water, let it be under the lid for 20-25 minutes. Then dilute the fluid with infusion 1.5 liters of water and lower the legs into it half an hour. The same bath can be prepared from leaf and blueberry berries.

    Paths from peel, lemon and grenade. Two tablespoons of finely chopped peel fill with 1.5 glasses of water, negotiated for 3-5 minutes. Let the brave break for 15-20 minutes, strain it and dilute 1 l of water. In the resulting solution, place your feet for 20 minutes.

    Bath from Ryshovnika.
    Half a glass of fruits or rose hips filled 1 liters of water, tapping on a slow fire for 10 minutes. Let the brave break, then strain it, dilute 2 liters of water and lower the notes into it for 10-15 minutes.

    Apricot Bath Bath. Grind apricot bones. Half a glass of bones pour 1.5 liters of water and negotiate for 15 minutes. The decoction will cool down, strain and pour in a pelvis with 1 liter of water. Take such a bath for 20 minutes.

    Bath from leaves and flowers heather.
    Three tablespoons of flowers and crushed leaf peers filter 1 l of water, negotiate 5 minutes, strain and together with 1.5 l warm water Pour in pelvis. Take a bath from heather every day for two to three weeks of 10 minutes.

    In order to get rid of excessive sweating, you can cook a decoction of herbs and drink it regularly.

    Two tablespoons of nettle leaves and sage filled 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew, strain and drink in small doses throughout the day.

    Cutlery spoon of crushed mint leaves and Melissa Pour the glass of boiling water obtained by infusion to drink in two receptions in one day.

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