Theory of three hearts: how not to grow old


Theory of three hearts

Theory of three hearts: how not to grow oldThe theory of three hearts is simple: the nature of the man is measured three life periods, the so-called three hearts. Each period — About fifteen years.

The first heart is issued for the period of childhood. This heart is the most active, the most energy-intensive, allowing children to be constant energy meters. Thanks to this strong heart, children grow rapidly, as never quickly learn and know the laws of the world.

By the beginning of puberty, the first heart gradually fades and deviates to give a place to a new one, which will be responsible for the ripening process. Ideally, for the period of the functioning of this heart, a person must rise to his feet, become independent, get a partner and create a family, t. E. give birth at least one child. About twenty five — thirty years old heart also ceases to exist.

The nature of Mudra and laid the need to help children grow in life. Therefore, the second one comes to replace the second, the last heart. The term of its existence — The same approximate fifteen years. During this time, the offspring is growing up and spending its first heart. The main role of parents is played.

Life flame attenuation time

From the point of view of nature, about forty years old, a person must fulfill its basic life program. Further fate Evolution interests little: all attention to the growing individuals. However, Ironically, a person has no idea that all its main resources are exhausted. He is accustomed to the fact that age crises will always end with a tide of new forces, thereby new heart. However, the fourth heart is not in stock.

Nature believes as follows: Usually for forty years, the main professional and life goals are achieved, children go into an independent path, and parents can calmly and wisely expect inevitable death. Not so thinks man. Some give birth to the second, the third, and then and the first child only by forty years and, of course, do not think at all that they are left «live up your age» In passiveness.

Unfortunately, the nature of our aspirations and forty-year activity is completely indifferent. We are in vain waiting for a new tide of strength to put new big goals and behave like in youth. We are no longer considered promising material. We were used to continue the genus and have been safely written off in the pit. In vain we expect to keep youth and say that we have no time to grow. Nature thinks otherwise.

How not to become old

There is no time to grow old or how not to grow oldWhen my mom realized that more hearts she was not given that she was almost spent all three, she fell into despair. From wise and satisfied with women, she turned into a strange creature, feverishly looking for ways to extend the life of the last heart. Botox injections and suspenders, solarium and luxury creams, diets for young and unimaginable mini. She sincerely thought that, stopping the aging outside, she keeps the inner dying of the third heart. Ah and ars!

She survived the scratch of middle-aged crisis. Twenty-year-old teens whistled in the back (good, the mother's figure has kept excellent), but frightened, looking at her face. Because no creams and syringes are engaged in the seal of age and experience, view of the desperate woman.

And next to her girlfriend, older than her for a couple of years. Friend — from those who really have no time to grow. Rather, on the contrary: there is when you grow old. Girlfriend does not possess my mother's physical data, it is rather rapid and chips, rising on the third floor. But a girlfriend is in no hurry to stop time, does not chase for a third heart, which will still inevitably die. Girlfriend takes its age and inevitable body changes, reducing opportunities. A friend has no idea how not to grow old and... Do not age. More precisely, agrees beautifully. And mom with each new week loses six months of life. One takes his age, another fights with him. One through adoption gets new energy for life, another wasting consumes even what remained from a third heart.

When a woman leaves the bride market, she ordered to stop trading and peacefully enjoy life. Trading over time, clinging for the market gate, she looks sorry and went. Agreeing with the fact that time will take its own, it retains dignity.

The same applies to men. Only men do not fall under knives, but they grow novels with young. As if sex with a young Virgin will file in them those forces that are irretrievably lost. As if the third heart will rise and can serve new fifteen years. Sad, but three hearts — that's all we have. And if we do not want to look ridiculous and comical, we should agree: the world is changing, we change. And sometimes it's not like that we would like.

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