«I'm allergic to him, on her, on you» - This often audible loose phrase shows that even a non-specialist in the field of medicine, although, possibly, unconsciously, connects an allergic phenomenon, for example, with psychic factors.

- Strong, sometimes with difficulty tolerated itching, breaks due to itching, crusts formed after drying the wet sections.
- Thickening and rooting of the skin on the plots of constantly occurring inflammation.
- With acute eczema — Scratching, Witting, Reddish Inflamed Leather.
- With chronic eczema — Less red, dry inflamed skin, similar to the skin with a scaly of lichen; The skin affected by physical or chemical irritants or parasites has a limited area of irritation, which disappears in the absence of an irritant.
- Most often, eczema rashes arise on the back of the brushes, on the fingers and between them, on the forearms, on the back of the stop. Children's exposure to eczema is wider, and it can appear on the neck, face, trust parts.
Eczema — Allergic disease in nature.
The impetus for its occurrence can be the individual reaction of the body on some foods (certain varieties of fish, eggs, citrus fruits, milk, flour products), as well as on home dust, land, pollen of flowering plants, some odors, chemicals (powders, other Household chemistry), on certain components in the composition of tap water, to medicines and still a number of allergens that are able to give impetus to the occurrence and development of the disease or provoke its next exacerbation.
Eczema is more often developing in the presence of certain disorders of the nervous and endocrine system, the constant nervous situation of the house or at work, overload, overwork, protracted conflicts and other weakening organism factors of the nervous order can provoke the occurrence of the disease.
Eczema disease can be caused by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, incorrect meal, metabolic disorders, intolerance to milk (with the so-called milk string), supersensitivity to various substances, constant contact with certain materials provoking ancase, for example eczema bakeries, hairdressers, chemists, and T.D. Particularly susceptible to people with dry thin sensitive skin.
Eczema appears on wet and warm parts of the body, for example, on the bends of the elbows and kneeling, in the inguinal bending, the armpit, on the soles of the legs, the surface of the hands and also on the face (primarily on the chin) and the roots of the hair on the back of the head, where the skin is especially Sensitive.
Eczema belongs to the number of the most frequent skin diseases.
Organic background
Allergens — foreign substances with which we come into contact when touched, inhalation, absorption or injections, — cause antibodies in the body. Allergens with antibodies annoy the surrounding fabrics, and such irritation may appear on the skin as eczema.
Mental background
«I'm allergic to him, on her, on you» — This often audible loose phrase shows that even a non-specialist in the field of medicine, although, possibly, unconsciously, connects an allergic phenomenon, for example, with mental factors. Nervous overvoltage, conflicts, constant condition of stress, worsening the course of any disease, with an allergic predisposition can cause, provoke, aggravate the disease with eczema.
Old and reliable — Help yourself for yourself!
- Avoid irritating substances: with the professional nature of eczema, we should expect a long course of treatment with the provision of another place of work. In most other cases, there are often enough short-term preventive measures, for example, with eczema of home owners — Wearing rubber gloves, best with cotton lining. They protect hands from irritating homemade chemistry, water, dust. Rubber gloves can be worn, no longer 15 minutes, then the skin refers to them. After use, you must unscrew the gloves inside out so that they are better dry. In the absence of gloves, use protective hands for hands, which should be applied to the hands before starting work related to annoying factors.
- Hunger treatment: Many patients after treatment with hunger eczema disappears, because the rigid food abstinence causes the body to use its internal resources, cleans it from slags. Try to start 3 hours of fasting with vegetable juices, vegetable broth and mineral non-carbonated water. However, note that without medical supervision, long fasting cannot be carried out.
- Activate the intestine! Constipation definitely make it difficult to dynamic intestinal work, toxins and decay products are beginning to be absorbed into the blood, the body poisons itself, which aggregates. However, in no case can not be struggling with constipation of warm ephtles. With constipation it is better to rebuild the menu for full nutrition with a rich content of ballast substances. Start the day with Muesli from oatmeal, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid frequent meat use. And drink a lot, not less than 2—2.5 l per day, because during constipation most often in the intestine there is no liquid.
- Baths: Sitting and shared baths with rising water temperature help help: start taking a bath with water temperature 33 °C, gradually adding hot water until the temperature reaches 40 "WITH. Bath duration — no more than 20 minutes. After it, vacation is needed for 30 minutes. You can take a long bath for 1—2 hours with final wrapping. As an additive to the bath, you can use the decoction of the horsewa.
- Local treatment: With lightly eczema forms, you can lubricate the skin with neutral fat (for example, olive oil or lanolin): it will become elastic. Also help compresses with healing mud.
- Desensitization: not only homeopathic desensitization can bring the desired progress during the disease, but also mental. Who or what annoys you in life? Unspoken, and perhaps an unconscious internal protest against whom or what is eczema? If you find the answer to these questions, relax and imagine a situation in which this causing allergy factor (place, man, event) will be completely indifferent to you. After some time, the allergies should stop.
2 st. L. Clear • 250 ml of boiling water
Clawed grass pour boiling water, insist 10 minutes, strain. In the infusion moisten the napkin, press and place on the skin area suffering from eczema. Compress must repeat several times a day.
4 Article. L. Green cucumber • 250 ml of boiling water
The grass of the cucumber, or the ramp, pour boiling water, leave it for 10 minutes, then strain. In the infusion moisten the napkin, press it and put it on a sore place. This compress can be done several times a day.
5 st. l colors of Margaritka • 250 ml of boiling water
Flowers pour boiling water, insist 10 minutes, then prepare the compress, as it is said in the recipe above. But note that the daisies are not suitable for everyone: sometimes they can enhance an allergic reaction in the presence of an allergic predisposition to this plant.
Warn disease and stay healthy
Take care of the skin gently intended for your type of leather by means. They create a fat film on the skin and prevent the destruction of its natural protective layer. Carefully wipe after the shower or bath.
- Avoid irritant sweat! After playing sports immediately take the shower. Wear loose-free cotton clothes with high hygroscopic properties.
- If you are predisposed to eczema, reveal the cause of the disease, possibly choking in your professional activity, and continue to avoid contact with the materials causing.
- With the danger of exacerbation of the disease less wet the affected areas of the skin with water, refrain from water procedures, eliminate contact with allergens, do not allow nerve overloads that anything else can cause an attack.
- For the prevention of exacerbations, eczema is of great importance to the proper nutrition, treatment of chronic infections, full-fledged vacation, outdoor walks, air and moderate sunbathing.