Who love acne?


  • Diagnosis in acne
  • Double ultraviolet
  • Problem Neighborhood
  • When to go to the doctor?
  • Who love acne?
  • Medicine provocateurs
  • Cosmetics with acne
  • Chocolate justified!
  • Leak named joy
  • Climate for acne
  • Depression from acne

  • Diagnosis in acne

    By the location of acne on the face, you can assume what organs are not in order. If acne rash - differently, acne, are mainly on the forehead,
    So, the work of the intestine leaves much to be desired. Acne is localized by
    Absorbral zones? It is worth checking on the diseases of the gallbladder.

    The lower part of the face is the so-called endocrine zone. If a woman has
    acne chose the upper lip and chin, then probably broken
    functionWho love eels? ovarian. Eating rashes on the neck allow you to assume
    Availability of thyroid disease.

    Double ultraviolet

    widely used to treat acne, as they say, time immemorial, but
    Today, experts came to the opinion that UV therapy is good not
    always. It is best to be treated with ultraviolet in winter when
    Solar rays in deficiency. And then only if there was no
    Autumn exacerbations acne.

    Why did ultraviolet hit
    disjoint? It was observed that the state of the skin is improved only during
    UV therapy. Upon completion of the course of procedures, the disease is often sharpened.
    By the way, the same happens when it changes during the year
    Number of ultraviolet rays. In summer, acne rashes are retreating, and
    With the beginning of autumn with double strength go to the attack.

    So happens? Ultraviolet has light bactericidal,
    drying action - due to this it really helps with
    rash. But at the same time, an excess of UV Rays launches complex
    Acne education mechanism. In particular, ultraviolet stimulates
    Development of hormones androgens - Uneshing servers.

    Problem Neighborhood

    During the course of the acne treatment, it must be remembered that some drugs can reduce the effect of medical anticoned drugs. For example, skin peeling, which sometimes occurs at the first stages
    Cream treatment Skinoren, you can not remove with fatty creams. Other than use
    From the use of the drug will not be. Just follows a few days
    Apply Skinoren once a day instead of two - and irritation will leave
    by itself. In addition, the effect of skinorena reduces the alkaline environment.
    Therefore, before using the cream, you should not wash with soap - better
    wipe the skin with weak alcohol.

    When to go to the doctor?

    The legend that acne will be held by themselves, is not justified in most cases. If Papulas appear - red nodules under the skin - or pustules - acne
    with purulent heads, it is recommended to stop independent
    Experiments and go to the doctor.

    Who love acne?

    Specialists can make a portrait of a person prone to acne.
    It is subject to spasms of smooth muscles, hence colitis, dyskinesia
    gallbladder. In addition, this patient is poorly digested
    Food, it is worried about hormonal problems. Donimize viral,
    infectious diseases, which indicates problems with the immune system.

    Medicine provocateurs

    Who love eels?

    There are medical preparations, on the background of a long admission of which
    can develop acne rash. This, for example, system
    Corticosteroids, anti-epileptic agents, anti-tuberculosis
    Preparations. As well as the preparations of iodine, chlorine, bromine, lithium salt and some
    Vitamins, especially groups B and vitamin D.

    Acnegated substances: butylthearate,
    Acetylalcohol, hexylene glycol, isopropylmiristat, lanolin, sodium
    Laurilsulfate, polyethylene glycol 300, sesame oil, stearinovaya
    Acid, sulfur.

    Cosmetics with acne

    In this case, the disease is contraindicated to use the means containing fats. First of all, it refers to Lanolin and Vaseline and oils - whether it is decorative cosmetics or drugs for skin care. Fat cosmetic cream or cream, liquid powder or blush can awaken to life acne.

    It is best to use the means specifically designed for those,
    who suffers acne. I am glad that lately decorative appeared
    Cosmetics of this kind.

    All means that are intended
    For applying to the skin, must have a mark «Non-Comedogenic». but
    To make sure the funds are safe, it is worth reading
    the packaging is its composition - there is no acnegenic, that is, provoking
    Education acne substances.

    Chocolate justified!

    It is believed that some foods, such as chocolate, are able to aggravate the acne. To the provocates of acne also calculate smoked, oily, sharp,
    Perfect food. However, the observations of specialists showed that these
    Products do not particularly affect the course of illness. At the same time was
    It is noticed - Low-calorie products help to keep acne,
    Vegetable food and reasonable limitWho love eels?High Content Dishes

    Leak named joy

    There is a commodity opinion that with the beginning of sex life, acne is disappearing by itself. Of course, this does not happen. However, the improvement is quite possible
    case if the close relationship gives joy, raise self-esteem. AND
    The point here is not in physiology. Just any positive emotions
    help struggle with chronic diseases, including with the eroland

    Climate for acne

    middle strip and sharply continental in patients acne affect
    significantly better than wet tropical and subtropical.

    Those who suffer from this ailment, when choosing a resting place is helpful
    Consider this information. Smoking seriously complicates the course of acne
    Diseases. Alcohol acts similarly. And yet, if two angry
    choose a smaller, then for the suffering acne is better than a glass of dry wine than

    Depression from acne

    Thoughts of a man suffering from acne focused only on their ailment
    - As a result, a delay in the development of intelligence.
    Constant anxiety, longing, understated self-esteem is far from all
    Psychological problems that the acne rash entails. Often
    Patients deliberately limit their circle of communication. Thus,
    Angry rash brings serious soulful suffering. In turn,
    Permanent emotional stress complicates the course of acne.
    It turns out a closed circle.

    It is possible to break it. Dermatologists
    In recent years, come to the opinion: to the one who wants to defeat the disease,
    must be resorted to the help of a psychotherapist. Especially needing
    support psychotherapist those who are from nature inclined to dramatize
    His shortcomings. Most acutely experienced the presence of acne
    Insecure people suffering from inferiority complex.

    If a person often changes dramatically, and his actions
    entirely depend on these changes - acne can be perceived by them
    like tragedy. People who are constantly concerned about what they think about them
    surrounding, also tend to take shortcoming to the heart
    Own appearance. Those who are inclined to fill in their
    problems are capable of going to go in experiences about the slightest

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