The use of but-shops during pregnancy

The view of the reception of the drug NO-SPAP during pregnancy was divided: some argue that it is strictly forbidden to take, the second, which is in limited quantities, and the third believe that there is absolutely nothing terrible in these little yellow pills. Today we will try to figure out whose side is true.

Purpose of No-Sh Su

Pregnancy, drootaverin, but-shpa, preparation for childbirth, spasmolitic, tone of uterus

But-shp Many years ago won consumer confidence in that it not only masks or relieves pain, but by the fact that it eliminates her reason - spasm. We have long used to take this drug to reduce head, dental, muscle pain, as well as menstrual pains in women. And all this with a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

But-SPAP is shown to block pain under the following diseases:

But is it possible to prescribe this drug to future mothers? The instruction does not contain any information about possible harm, which can be applied to the health of mom or baby. But at the same time, some countries of the West completely abandoned the reception of this drug.

In our country, no-shlu prescribed almost every second pregnant Tonus uterus. But, unfortunately, often doctors make this appointment to reinforce and calm the future mom. But if there is a drug tone every time manifest?

Tone uterus

Pregnancy, drootaverin, but-shpa, preparation for childbirth, spasmolitic, tone of uterus

The first weeks of pregnancy are always associated with huge changes in the body, hormonal restructuring, unrest. All these states may cause a tone of the uterus and threats miscarriage. Therefore, when detecting a real threat, a woman simply needs drug therapy, which includes but-shpa, as well as drugs such as Papaverin and Magnesia.

But-shap can be applied both in tablets and in the form of injections. It depends on the state of mom and the decision of the doctors.

However, it is impossible to stop at such treatment. Doctors should carry out the necessary analyzes and surveys to identify the cause of the tone of the uterus. Very often the uterus tone causes the lack of progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy, then the woman prescribe preparations that contain it. It is very important to treat not the tone itself, because, as mentioned above, it is a normal physiological process, but the reason why pain at the bottom of the abdomen and allocations do not pass by themselves.

Application of but-shops in late terms

Pregnancy, drootaverin, but-shpa, preparation for childbirth, spasmolitic, tone of uterus

To preserve pregnancy in late dates, no-Shpu is prescribed much less. In order to remove the uterus tone, stronger preparations are used. Usually but-shp is prescribed in the following cases:

  • If you need to soften the neck of the uterus to cause generic activity. But it can be prescribed an exclusively gynecologist after inspection on the chair, where he proves the state of the neck and analyzes her willingness for the nursing birth. When taking this drug shortly before delivery, the muscles relaxes, the risk of slow down opening of the neck decreases;
  • Sometimes doctors make an injection of but-shops already during childbirth. It is believed that it helps to reduce the pain from the fights, increase the elasticity of the generic paths, speed up the birth of the baby. But it is also impossible to abuse this medicine, t.To. It can cause bleeding during childbirth;
  • False contractions can disturb the future mother in the last weeks of pregnancy. To understand whether it is time to go to the maternity hospital, doctors recommend drinking 2 tablets no-shops and calmly lie down. If the well-being improved, then not the time.

As in the later, and in early terms should be very careful with the adoption of but-shops. We should never forget that it is a drug. Moreover, removing the spasm and relaxing the muscles of the uterus, it should be borne in mind that this spasmolitic acts on the whole muscles immediately, relaxing her and the cervix. Accordingly, the doctor not controlled by the doctor can lead to premature birth.

No-shop dosage during pregnancy

Pregnancy, drootaverin, but-shpa, preparation for childbirth, spasmolitic, tone of uterus

Our site strongly recommends Taking No-Shpu solely for the purpose of the gynecologist and in the dosage that he prescribed. How much does the tablets need to take, usually depends on each specific case. Sometimes injections are also prescribed that contain more active substances.

According to the instructions, the daily dose may vary from 40 mg to 240 mg. Tablets must be taken up to 3 times a day at 40-80 mg at once. But it is important to be very careful with the dosage and will certainly consult with a specialist. Otherwise irreparable harm to pregnancy.

If it is an injection, it is recommended to introduce 40 mg of drug intramuscularly. After that, you need to follow the well-being of the future mother and, if there is no improvement, then you need to make another injection.

When preparing for childbirth, you can take tablets and injections, but doctors prefer injections. But-shpa is introduced both intramuscularly and intravenously, the daily dose of the drug is 80 mg.

During childbirth, preference is given to injections. They are introduced in a dosage of 80 mg with an interval every two hours.

Remember that, despite the absence of special side effects, but SPAP has an impact on you, and on the kid. And who knows whether this impact will pass without a trace? By the way, the doctors-gynecologists of the West abandoned this drug, because some studies have shown the connection between the reception of but-shops and the delay in the development of the speech apparatus in the kids. We have nothing to do with such doctors, but warn that uncontrolled reception of any medicines, not only but-shts, can lead to crying consequences.

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