What are the manifestations of neurodermita? How is neurodermit treatment? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Manifestations of neurodermita
The manifestations of neurodermit is enough
expressed, and with a diagnosis, as a rule, there are no difficulties even at a beginner
Dermatologist. The disease begins with itching: the neck (rear) begin to hide,
forehead, cheeks, eyelids, leather around the mouth, elbow and knee bends, area
Yagoditz. After some time, redness appears at these places,
Then, due to constant scratch, the skin grundes - thickens and
compacted. Soon becomes obvious and the main feature
Neurodermit - on the affected areas clearly appears natural
Skin pattern.
Characteristic of neurodermitic itch which
accompanied by constant combing, can infect skin
(especially often it happens to children).
Among specialists about the nature of this difficult disease are underway and
Here are the most common theories of the development of neurodermit:
Hereditary predisposition. According to the majority
researchers, in the family history of patients with neurodermatitis in 40-80%
Allergic diseases were observed in close relatives.
- Polivalence. Many researchers pay attention to
polyvalent (multiple) character of allergies with neurodimer.
The aggravation causes a variety of allergens - food, bacterial,
Medical and pr.
- Immunity violations. There are more and more messages that
Neurodermit arises against the background of reduced immunological reactivity and
Immunodeficiency states.
- Nonimune factors. There is evidence that with neurodimer suffer
Blood coagulation system functions, endocrine functions. On development
Diseases also affect the problems with the liver, failures in the work of the central and
Vegetative nervous system.
Forms of this disease are two:
Neurodermit Limited and Neurodermit Diffuse. Limited
Neurodermit begins with itching, following which changes appear on
skin - red, nodules and scales. In the future, the skin is coarse, drawing
becomes emphasized.
The rule, rashes are localized on the neck, the heads, the inner surface
hips, on elbow and knee bends, genitals. Limited
Neurodermith may be accompanied by the whole body, insomnia and
Other neurotic disorders.
With this forms of the disease, the foci covers more
Extensive areas (in the field of face, neck, limbs and torso). Leather B
these places pigmented, dry and peel. Diffuse neurodermit
accompanied by the strongest itch, right up to the appearance of deep scratches.
In particularly severe cases, the disease can spread to the whole
skin covering.
Suffering neurodermitic need to fear,
What can cause rashes on the skin, for example, detergents,
Which remove natural skin fat. Don't wear a naked body
Synthetic or woolen clothing. Affected skin area need
lubricate with softening oil several times a day. If skin rash
inflamed, do not do without antibacterial agents (green,
For example) and antibiotics. And the other must appoint a doctor.
Treatment of neurodermita
Neurodermit treatment with local
Corticosteroid preparations (lotions, creams, ointments) - the most
Executive way to keep the disease within.
or moderately strong local corticosteroids (hydrocortisone) do not give
any side action. And here are powerful corticosteroid ointments
(Celenerm and PR.) Short time should be applied, periods.
The most intensively corticosteroids are absorbed on the face, elbow and
knee bends, in other places with thin skin. It means ointment here
need to apply a very thin layer. Mazi and creams are usually not more
2 times a day, and it is recommended to transmit them from
one and a half or two years.
Antihistamine Preparations (Tueva, Supratine,
Claritin, Zirtek) are usually prescribed during periods of exacerbations.
Immunomodulatory (Viferon) and Soothing Preparations (Valerian,
Motherboard) can be used in preventive purposes.
Dermatologists recommend cryoissage sessions (liquid nitrogen),
Ultraviolet, irradiation of affected foci therapeutic laser,
Massage, Sea Baths.