Antiphospholipid syndrome as a factor of miscarriage


  • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome during pregnancy

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome

    Antiphospholipid syndrome as a factor of miscarriageWhen studying the reasons for the usual unbearable pregnancy, the study of the effect of autoimmune reactions (the formation of antibodies to some own phospholipids) on the processes of implantation, growth, the development of the embryo and the fetus, the course of pregnancy and the outcome of birth.

    Currently, antiphospholipid syndrome, described for the first time in patients with a systemic red lupus, is widely studied by scientists from various medical specialties due to the variety of symptoms, long flow, the need for timely diagnosis and correction of emerging violations. Currently, the primary and secondary antiphospholipid syndromes are distinguished.

    The development of secondary antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with autoimmune, oncological, infectious diseases, as well as with the impact of some drugs and toxic substances. On the primary antiphospholipid syndrome, you can speak in the absence of listed diseases and states.

    Factors indicating antiphospholipid syndrome:

    • A lucrative anticoagulant in venous blood is revealed at least twice with an interval of 6-8 weeks
    • Having a young age (up to 45 years) venous or arterial thrombosis, in particular heart attacks, strokes, transient violations of cerebral circulation, pulmonary thromboembolism, retinal vessel thrombosis
    • reduced the number of platelets that can manifest or be asymptomatic
    • The presence of the fetal loss in the past in different times of pregnancy, especially 10 weeks and more, when the death of the embryo (fetus) is unlikely due to genetic causes

    An additional diagnostic criteria for antiphospholipid syndrome can be attributed to the mesh lido, neurological manifestations (migraine, chorea), chronic ulcers of the heads, endocarditis.

    Among the patients with the familiar non-pending pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome is found in almost half of the cases, and without treatment of the death of the embryo (fetus), 90-95% of women having autoantibodies to phospholipids are observed.

    We assume the development of antiphospholipid syndrome possible:

    • in the presence of autoimmune diseases
    • The usual misunderstanding of pregnancy (not related to endocrine, genetic reasons, anomalies of the development of genital organs, organic or functional Eastic-cervical failure)
    • In the early development of gestosis (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy), especially difficult forms
    • Placental insufficiency and hypotrophy of the fetus during previous pregnancies
    • Thrombocytopenia obscure cause
    • False-positive reactions of Wasserman

    Antiphospholipid syndrome is observed in women 2-5 times more often than in men, which is likely to be explained by greater predisposition of women to systemic diseases of the connective tissue. Studies of blood system antigens have shown that in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome more often than in the population there are certain components, which indicate a possible genetic predisposition to the disease.

    Antiphospholipid syndrome during pregnancy

    The danger of thrombotic complications increases with the course of pregnancy and in the postpartum period, as the physiological increase in blood clotting arises. The role of anti-phospholipid syndrome in the occurrence of underdeveloped pregnancy, the delay of the intrauterine development of the fetus, is up to the intrauterine death of the fetus in the II and III trimesters. In women suffering from anti-phospholipid syndrome, the problem of survey outside pregnancy, timely diagnosis and correction of violations of blood system, metabolism and work of the immune system, dynamic control throughout pregnancy and postpartum period. Such an approach to the problem allows you to properly assess the risk of complications and assign the necessary therapy in a timely manner, prevent death or intrauterine fetal suffering.

    When conducting pregnant and pupils suffering from antiphospholipid syndrome, careful control over the activity of the autoimmune process, the state of the blood coagulation system, carrying out prevention, timely diagnosis and competent treatment of emerging disorders.

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