Neurodermit: Symptoms and Treatment


  • Neurodermatitis, symptoms of neurodermit
  • How is neurodermit treatment

  • Neurodermatitis, symptoms of neurodermit

    Neurodermit - chronic skin inflammatory disease
    character that is characterized by occurrence
    foci of papular infiltration, and morphological changes of the skin (her
    Seal, drawing violation).

    There are two types of neurodermatitis: diffuse and limited.
    Diffuse is an allergic reaction to the stimulus. It can
    provoke irrational nutrition, intoxication (organism poisoning), violation
    Functioning of internal organs (liver, stomach, kidneys), foci
    other chronic infections, as well as functional disorders
    central nervous system, vegetative system, violations
    Endocrine character (for example, functioning disorders
    pituitary and adrenal system). Main role in development
    Diseases play exactly impairment of nervous and endocrine systems. Maybe
    appear at any age.

    Neurodermit: Symptoms and Treatment
    The main symptom of diffuse
    Neurodermita is the appearance of pale pink pale,
    Subjectively characterized by itch. Papulas are prone to merge in
    solid lesions lesions followed by lichenization (characterized by a sharp seal of the skin, enhance its drawing and impaired pigmentation) Skin. Such foci
    Most often localized on the bending surfaces of the limbs -
    elbows, knees, wrists, as well as on side skin surfaces.
    Other changes in the skin occur on face, back and chest: on
    the skin arise with pink erythemes that have no clear boundaries and
    Characterized by small peeling. The patient complains of constantly
    increasing itching, combing defeat places becomes cause
    microtraums, cracks, changes in the color of individual skin sections, also
    Itchy nail plates greatly shine, look like polished.
    Because of combs, the addition of piococcal infection is possible. Leather
    becomes dry, acquires a grayish tint.
    The patient has the following
    Clinical symptoms: sleep disorder, loss of appetite, hypotension,
    Adamina, increased fatigue, hypoglycemia and t.D. Sick
    becomes irritable, plastic; It is possible to reduce body weight.
    The disease is characterized
    long flow with the relative subsidiary of the inflammatory process
    in the summer months. Perhaps the progression of this state is up to
    Erythrodermia. This may be due to unfavorable current
    diseases incorrectly selected treatment providing annoying
    Impact on the skin.
    Limited neurodermit is striking
    Limited skin sections, most frequent location places - rear and
    Side surface of the neck, skin near the ankle joints, in the area
    genital organs.
    Foci of lesion with limited form are conditionally divided
    Three zones:
    • the central, the main sign of which is the leicing of the skin;
    • The average is the area of ​​the sebum, which arises shiny papulese rashes of small sizes;
    • Peripheral, characterized by hyperpigmentation of the skin.

    How is neurodermit treatment

    To appoint effective treatment of neurodermit, it is necessary to make a diagnosis that is done on the basis of a clinical picture by a dermatologist.
    Differential diagnosis is carried out with atopic dermatitis
    (the clinical picture of its final stage is similar to clinical
    manifestations of neurodermit). Confirm the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis
    In such cases, the following factors help: heredity,
    Having facilitated to the disease, a history of other manifestations
    Allergies, immunological disorders, functioning disorders
    digestive tract (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, colitis), exacerbations
    diseases characterized by eccentification and other.

    For the treatment of neurodermit, it is necessary:
    • Neurodermit: Symptoms and TreatmentAppointment of antihistamine funds - Tueva, Phenkarol, Claritin, Cimetidine; hyposensitizing agents - sodium thiosulfate, hemodez; Vitamins of the group A, B, C.
    • Purpose of psychotropic drugs: sedatives - tincture
      Valerians, dyeing, peony; Tranquilizers - Trioxazin, Mebikar,
      oxylidine, amizil; Neuroleptics - Levumomepromazin, thiuridazine.
    • Local treatment: Ointment with naphthalan, tar, papaverine cream, Nutritional cream with vitamin A, silicone cream.
    • In the skin around the foci of limited neurodermita make injections with hydrocortisone, methylene blue with Benkina.
    • When developing erythrodermia, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed.
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures: UV irradiation, phototherapy, currents, reflexotherapy, spa treatment.
    • Elimination of the reasons that caused the disease: Sanitation of foci of others
      chronic infections, regulation of the functioning of the digestive
    • Compliance with hypoallergenic diet: Exception of consumption of strong meat broths, acute and smoked, alcohol, chocolate.
    • Compliance: Full sleep and rest, whenever possible avoid stressful situations.
    • Refusal to wear and contact skin with synthetic linen, wool and fur products.
    Prevention of neurodermita is based on a rational diet
    (rejection of smoked, acute, alcohol and t.D.), timely identification
    and treating diseases that may cause neurodermit
    (nervous, endocrine, digestive and other systems).

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