Acne, symptoms and acne treatment


  • The main factors of the development of acne
  • Hormonal violations
  • Manifestations of disease
  • Treatment of acne
  • Comedonal acne
  • Inflammatory forms acne

  • The main factors of the development of acne

    • Lipid imbalance.
    • In patients with acne marks excess skin formation.
    • Participation of microorganisms.

    Only 3 groups of microorganisms are the cause of the inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands:

    • P.Acne
    • Staphylococcus Epidermidis and other kokki
    • Lipophilic yeast genus PityRosporum (P.OVALE ET ORBICULARE).

    These microorganisms are always present in the comedones (eels). They are
    constantly on the surface of the healthy skin of the face and are part
    Normal microflora.

    In patients acne, a combination of yeast-like (P.ovale) I
    Bacterial Flora (P.ACNE). These pathogens lead to blockage
    The mouth of the gland.

    Hormonal violations

    Considering that vulgar acne is usually
    appear in the pubertal period when actively start
    Functioning sex glands, a significant role in the pathogenesis of acne
    Associates sex hormones. Acne arise in women with violation
    menstrual cycle with syndrome hyperandrode, with long reception
    Androgen or Anabolic Hormones.

    A significant role in the pathogenesis of acne plays hereditary
    predisposition (genetically deterministic type of secretion of silent
    glands and congenital endocrine pathology. Among possible factors
    Pathogenesis – Significant reduction in the content of zinc in blood serum
    Patients acne and state of immune status.

    Manifestations of disease

    The most common vulgar or
    Youth acne, which are found in 80% of persons aged 15–24 years old.
    Character diseaseAcne, symptoms and acne treatmentthe appearance on the face (less often – On the chest I
    back) comedones, small up to 5 mm in the diameter of pimples bright–red
    colors. Rash, allowing, leave pigmentation, less often –
    Surface rolls. Salo waste improved, the skin is characteristic
    Bold glitter, hair is also fat, perhaps a small breakdown.

    The number of comedones may increase, the mouth of the hair follicles
    expand and gap. Comedones arise not only on face, back and
    chest, but also in the ear regions, on the scalp.
    The inflammatory response around the comedon becomes more pronounced,
    Major deep deplete inflammatory nodes are formed. So arise
    Inductive acne.

    In a few weeks, the nodes are revealed with the formation of the cavity, from
    which is distinguished by the drum pus – Phlegmosny acne. After healing
    remain deep disfiguring skin scars.

    The most common form with pronounced inflammation is
    Conglobal acne. They are characterized by the appearance on the back, chest and
    The face of large nodes located deep in the skin. Nodes can
    Reach 1.5–2 cm in diameter. Such nodes are extremely painful. Merging,
    The nodes form conglomerates, abscesses may occur, after opening
    which remain long-to-do ulcers, and subsequently – Rough
    Scars with jumpers and fistula strokes.

    One of the rare variants of inflammatory acne, in which
    There is an acute transformation of typical inflammatory acne in extremely
    pronounced destructive inflammation, are lightning acne. IN
    Mainly suffer from young men. Multiple pains appear
    ulcerations with necrosis inflammatory units scattered
    Gnoves, located against redness. The process is accompanied
    Fever, pain in the joints. Healing occurs with the formation of coarse scars.

    Faceproof is quite rarely found – sharp–Inflammatory I
    Women who suffered emotional stress or previously received androgens
    about endocrine diseases. Dermatosis is characterized by sudden
    start and rapid progression. All patients process
    Localizes in the central part of the face, in the forehead, temples,
    Chin. There is a pronounced swelling of a face with a blue skin tinge, and
    in 1–2 days – Painful furuncopod-like nodal rashes,
    Reminded konglobal acne, large (more than 5 mm) Gnoves.

    Treatment of acne

    For the treatment of various forms of acne, a variety of techniques are used, the choice of which depends on a particular patient.

    Food factors, various types of food, diet do not matter to develop acne and selection of therapy.

    Outdoor therapy does not affect the formation of skin saline. Various
    funds, detergents can only temporarily reduce the amount of skin
    Sala. However, when using cleansing agents should not be resorted to
    exfoliating drugs that can cause skin irritation
    Pokrov, trauma.

    Comedonal acne

    Unreleased comedones – The earliest
    Disease manifestation (often in adolescence). Treatment, as
    The rule is prophylactic, and includes external means,
    Reducing the formation of comedones and the overwhelming development of pathogenic
    Flora. Means of choice – Salicylic acid preparations, funds,
    containing sulfur, azelain acid, retinol palmitate, tertinoin,
    Adapalen, Isotretinoin, benzoyl peroxide.

    Teratinoin – high remedy that slows down
    Deskvamational process and reduces the formation of microcomedones and
    Comedonov. The drug is used in various concentrations and forms:
    cream 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%; Gel 0.01% and 0.025%. With good
    Tritinoin portability is used 1 time per day for affected areas,
    Starting with a smaller concentration, followed by the transition to the greater

    Azelainic acid is used in the form of 20% cream 2 times a day on
    Problem areas of the skin as a highly efficient means and
    Intenuation of tertinin and other drugs. Azelain Acid
    Reduces activity oxidative–Recoveful processes I
    Number of polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, arachidon),
    destructive effect on P.Acne. Azelainic acid also reduces
    Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Antimicrobial I
    The anti-heratinizing effect of azelic acid is associated with
    Inhibition of protein synthesis.

    Both tertinoin and azelainic acid apply within a few months before clinical remission.

    Inflammatory forms acne

    Light form

    When treating a light form of comedenal acne with
    An insignificant amount of guns is appropriate to use
    Outward alcohol solutions containing salicylic acid, resorcin,
    Antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, ointment with antibiotics. Serious preparations,
    salicylic acid, resorcin possess exfoliating and
    Antibacterial effect. Means including niacinamide and
    A–Hydroxy acids are also quite effective in external therapy.Acne, symptoms and acne treatment

    Gel benzoyl peroxide or solution 1–10% applied 1 time in
    Day for 2–3 weeks. The preparation has keratolitical,
    deskvamative action, improves tissue oxygenation, leads to
    the formation of various forms of active oxygen, destructive effect on
    P.acne, suppressing their height. However, benzoyl peroxide does not have a pronounced
    anti-inflammatory activity and most rationally use it
    3% solution in combination with 3% erythromycin or 7% solution with glycolic

    External antibacterial therapy includes erythromycin,
    Tetracyclined, Lincomicin Mazi, Clindamycin. Antibiotics in the form
    Outflows are applied 2 times a day. They suppress reproduction P.Acne and others

    However, the greatest therapeutic effect is achieved during a combination
    benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin ointment that are applied to the skin
    covers for a long time before reaching the clinical effect, t.E. before
    termination of the appearance of even single papulese and pustular

    Retinoye ointment is also applied for a long time on the plots affected by acne.
    It should be remembered: various derivatives of tertinin and retinol can not
    use with exfoliating means and with high insolation, in
    Combined with UFO–irradiation. With fat seborrhea spend
    Preventive therapy, including cryoissage, cleansing and
    Exfoliating funds, comedon extraction.

    Heavy form

    For the treatment of heavy forms of acne with pronounced
    Pustilization, destruction of fabrics, heavy cystic and valuable
    The process uses a combination of systemic and external therapy.
    The exception is isotretinoin, used as monotherapy.

    Estrogen, androgens, Spironolactone, Isotretinoin include systemic means.

    Women with long-term acne, with ineffectiveness
    Antibacterial therapy and outdoor use of tertinine, prescribe
    Estrogen and Androgen. At the same time, the defining factors are
    Menstrual Cycle Violation, Hisutism, Hypertrichoz, Adrenal
    or ovarian hyperandrode. Androgens and estrogens provide
    Therapeutic effect with acne by influencing skin saline
    and the state of the sebaceous glands.

    Acne, symptoms and acne treatment
    Diana-35 is prescribed only to women of reproductive age when
    The presence of hormonal disorders and ineffectiveness of ordinary therapy.

    Spironolactone is used as antandrogen, 100–200 mg per day.
    It can have an effect in small doses – 25–50 mg. A drug
    affects steroidogenesis in adrenal glands and germ glanes. A course of treatment
    spend several months and also apply only in women. Wherein
    The amount of skin and pathological elements is sharply reduced.
    When pregnancy, spironolactone therapy is contraindicated.

    Simultaneously with spirironolakton, it is possible to use other
    anticoned tools, as well as oral contraceptives that
    prescribe women with ovarian hyperandrogen. Oral
    Contraceptives reduce over-level androgen, increasing
    The number of globulin binding free testosterone (ovarian and
    adrenal). In connection with the suppression of secretion estrogen
    Gonadotropin decreases the formation of androgen.

    Combined estrogen–Progestic contraceptives are the best
    effective when taking high doses. Using low doses
    Progestin, Northesis and DR. Provides the therapeutic effect only
    After 2–4 months of reception, with their cancellation there are relapses. Most
    Common drugs are ethinyl estradiol, ciproteron,
    which are prescribed both separately and together. Systemic
    Corticosteroids are used for adrenal hyperandrogenation.

    Treatment with estrogen and antiandrogens lasts from several months to several years.

    Antibacterial therapy has an important meaning in therapy
    acne. Excessive amount of sebum, presence P.Acne for which
    The listed conditions are a favorable environment, contribute
    Development of pronounced inflammation. P.ACNE highly sensitive to different
    antibiotics, but not all antibiotics are able to penetrate into
    follicular apparatus, hasting gland, which depends on

    Systemic antibacterial therapy suggests
    Application of doxycycline, clindamycin,–Trimoxazola, erythromycin,
    Tetracycline. Doxycycline, Minocyclin,–Trimoxazole is better soluble
    in fats; It is proved that they are most effective compared to other
    Antibacterial agents. Optimal doses of tetracycline and
    Erythromycin – 500–1000 mg per day, doxycycline – from 100 to 200 mg.
    When achieving a positive clinical effect (from 4 to 6 weeks,
    Sometimes up to 4 months) It is advisable to reduce the dose.

    To achieve a rack, long-lasting replay is necessary
    The use of antibiotics by intermittent courses for a long time
    of time.

    With the intolerance of antibiotics, use is allowed
    NS–Trimoxazole (trimethopris 80 mg and sulfamethoxazole 400 mg) 2 times
    per day or trimethopris 100–200 mg per day.

    Systemic antibacterial therapy does not exclude outdoor
    Applications of antibacterial ointments (benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin,
    Clindamycin) that are prescribed to 2–4 months for long suppression
    Proliferation P.Acne. With severe cystic, pumping processes
    Antibiotics are used in combination with corticosteroids.

    In patients with cystic forms of acne, leaving the scar
    Changes, keloid skin changes, hyperpigmentation when oral
    Antibacterial therapy is achieved only partial remission. For
    avoiding complications and optimal selection of therapy necessary
    Purpose Isotretinoin.

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