Manifestations of vulgar bubbles


  • Bubbles with vulgar bubble
  • General condition of the patient with vulgar bubble
  • Tightening malignant vulgar bubble

  • True bubble is divided into several forms. The most frequent and most severe of them is vulgar bubble. It is about it most often they say, telling about this disease.

    Bubbles with vulgar bubble

    Manifestations of vulgar bubblesThe vulgar bubble begins, as a rule, with the damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth, can only exist there for several months. Bubbles, quickly bursting, form painful bright red or coated with a whip of erosion fuses, bubble, bubble tire residues. Rash on the skin appear urgent, first in the form of single bubbles preferably on the skin of the chest and back, then the amount increases them. Bubbles bubble very slowly.

    Bubbles are located on an externally unchanged skin, filled with transparent content, have a different value. Existed for several days, they dry, covered with crusts, or open with the formation of bright red erosions, richly separating thick adhesive liquid. A characteristic feature of the true bubble can be revealed by light friction with the fingers of a healthy skin. At the same time near bubbles, and sometimes in the distance from them there is a detachment of surface layers of the skin with the formation of erosions. In addition, when the bubble tire scraps, the upper layers of the skin take place far beyond the visible erosion.

    General condition of the patient with vulgar bubble

    The general condition of patients at the beginning of the disease is broken by little. It bothers the pain caused by erosions, especially strong on the mucous membrane of the mouth, which makes it difficult to eat food. Gradually, the condition worsens, weakness appear, the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees. With the suppuration of bubbles and erosion, the temperature can rise to higher numbers.

    Characteristic for vulgar bubbles is a violation of water and trace elements. In the absence of proper treatment, increasing exhaustion leads to death. The duration of the disease (without treatment) is from 6 months to 2 years, in young patients, a vulgar bubble flows more acute.

    Tightening malignant vulgar bubble

    Prostulating a malignant variety of vulgar bubbles begins with the lesion of the mucous membrane of the mouth after influenza, angina, removal and dental prosthetics. The skin is amazed in 6-12 weeks. The disease is distinguished by intense growth of bubbles, their merger, the formation of extensive erosions, on the edges of which spin white films.

    General condition Heavy: Weakness, headache, swelling and fever. Disease without treatment leads to death for 3-6 months.

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