The smell of mouth with chronic tonsillitis


  • Is there a smell of mouth in normal? Mind functions
  • How is the sore throat and smell of mouth
  • How to get rid of the smell of mouth with chronic tonsillitis

  • The most common cause of an unpleasant smell of mouth — Almonds when they are inflammation. To understand what pathological and physiological processes occur in almonds in the norm and in chronic tonsillitis, and where the smell of mouth is taken from these processes, it is necessary to understand their functional destination and features of the structure.

    Is there a smell of mouth in normal? Mind functions

    Is there a smell of mouth in normal? Mind functionsOral cavity — The largest gates of the body to penetrate the pathological agent. To reduce the danger of infection through the mouth, in the process of evolution, certain protection mechanisms were produced, one of which are almonds. Six almonds forming a sipboard ring — Important organ immunity.

    Each almond has a porous structure, consists of povels, between which the purulent discharge can accumulate. Since his outflow is difficult — The so-called are formed «traffic jams», In the recesses (lacuna) almonds. These tight lumps and are the source of unpleasant smell of mouth with tonsillitis.

    If there is no unpleasant smell of mouth — The almonds are easiest to be inspected, and when identifying signs of inflammation, redide almonds, an increase in their size or visible traffic jams can be talked about tonsillitis.

    How is the sore throat and smell of mouth

    As a rule, chronic tonsillitis does not have pronounced symptoms, in addition to abundant formation of purulent traffic jams and smell of mouth. Perhaps an increase in almonds in size. If there are other symptoms, such as temperature rise, redness of almonds, while hurts the throat, the smell of mouth can also be present — We are talking about acute tonsillitis, that is, angina.

    The smell of mouth occurs with tonsillitis associated with

    • Infectious streptococcal process in the almonds themselves
    • Caries
    • Inflammatory diseases of the gums
    • Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa
    • Permanent annoyance of almonds inhaled tobacco smoke
    • General weakening of the immune system
    • Adenoid growth and any long impaired nasal breathing

    How to get rid of the smell of mouth with chronic tonsillitis

    How is the sore throat and smell of mouthIf the throat hurts, there are signs of intoxication and smell of mouth — then the speech is likely to go about antibiotics. But the treatment of chronic tonsillitis can become a difficult task, but in getting rid of the smell of the mouth, which is accompanied by any effective temporary events. In advanced cases, if the Minda function is lost under the long exposure to the infection process, and they have become a source of infectious threat — The solution may be their removal, but this measure should be applied only after all therapeutic effects:

    • Refusal of familiar intoxication, in particular — From smoking
    • Complete and thorough savage of the mouth — Removal of destroyed teeth, caries treatment, gum and mucous inflammation. Perhaps after that tonsillitis will lose its relevance. In addition, rotting teeth exacerbate the smell of mouth with tonsillitis
    • Strengthening the state of the immune system by all available methods, ranging from general treatment measures to the reception of immunostimulants
    • The washing of almonds usually brings a temporary effect, but it is often a good auxiliary tool that allows you to eliminate purulent lumps and smell of mouth with chronic tonsillitis.
    • Local impact on almonds — Lubrication with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, the introduction of drugs into lacuna
    • Physiotherapy
    • Homeopathic treatment

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