It's no secret that for modern society, white and healthy teeth are hardly the main criterion that determines the attractiveness of the individual. Therefore, the procedures of professional treatment, prosthetics and teeth care are becoming increasingly popular in the modern medical services market.

- safety,
- Cheerfulness,
- minimally invasion (non-agility),
- Accelerated recovery of functions,
- comfort
It's no secret that for modern society white and healthy teeth — It is hardly a major criterion that determines the attractiveness of the individual. Therefore, the procedures of professional treatment, prosthetics and teeth care are becoming increasingly popular in the modern medical services market.
Among the most popular and demanded services, which allows you to make our smile not only beautiful, but also snow-white, you can call teeth whitening. Teeth whitening — This is a change in their color with high-quality professional whitening drugs. Modern whitening systems are perfectly coping with the problem, allowing you to achieve a significant and long-term whitening effect. The most popular teeth whitening in recent years (in T. C. And the hardware) is performed in the dental chair under the direct control of the doctor and takes, as a rule, 1.5–2 hours. But you have the opportunity to take advantage of home bleaching procedure, which involves the independent wearing of special CAPPs, which are filled with professional whitening composition. Usually wearing kapp lasts 2–3 weeks. Perhaps day and night teeth whitening.
If we talk about serious problems, for example, such as a retinated distrequency tooth of wisdom, then you should know that this phenomenon may cause serious problems for a person in the future. Such a tooth is dangerous for bite, health and beauty smile. Distroprated tooth under the influence of factors changes the direction of its growth. The reason for such an anomaly may turn out to be other teeth, which simply do not give it to grow in the right direction. It can also occur due to jaw injury (tooth is shifted, for example, after hitting it before «appearance» on light). Often, distrequisie begins due to illiterately installed crowns that interfere with normal growth. Such anomaly can lead to the fact that the distillest tooth can change the direction of the whole tooth row. And this is already a problem with a bite, for the correction of which will have to be pretty. Examination and conducting operational manipulations in this case the best way to avoid serious problems.
Also one of the most common types of surgical intervention is cystectomy, or the removal of the cyst of the tooth. Education of cysts — This is a protective reaction of the body for the appearance of bacteria in it. The focus of infection begins to finish a dense cloth, which does not allow content to penetrate into a healthy bone. Over time, the cyst grow up, and purulent processes can occur in bone tissue, and to prevent them whether the cystectomy of the tooth is necessary. The formation of the cyst passes almost imperceptibly, and no symptoms usually arise, but at the same time healthy bone tissue is very quickly destroyed. Therefore, it is important that the cistectomy of the tooth has been carried out in a timely manner while the disease is at the earliest stage. Otherwise, the tooth will not be able to save.
Special attention I want to stop at such an technologically difficult operation as teeth implantation. Implantation is the most optimal, fast and reliable solution to the problem of missing teeth. This is a method of implantation of an artificial root (implant) in the upper or lower jaw. The implant is a titanium rod that is injected into the jaw bone and serves as the basis for the installation of an orthopedic design.
Before you decide on the implantation of the teeth, it is necessary to consult with an experienced dentist surgeon. Only he decides which implant must be put, since implants are of various types, and for each case, the implant is selected individually.
To date, there is an effective technique to facilitate implantation, which is called sinus lifting. This technique was also assigned to the center dentists «Health». Sinus lifting is a way to improve the results of dental implantation in the presence of strong atrophy of the side departments of the upper jaw. By increasing the bone massif in the sinus area, the lifting sinus allows the dental surgeon to use longer implants, which is preferably in the side departments of the jaw in order to create conditions for adequate load resistance. After installing the implant, you must adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, and visit it at least once every six months.
Rich experience of medical center dentists «Health» allow you to achieve guaranteed results when carrying out such complex manipulations. The center uses materials only leading producers in the world, various types of anesthesia are used. Preparations for local, general or mixed anesthesia are selected by a doctor individually for each patient, depending on the type of treatment provided and the patient's health.
Center specialists will also tell you about each of the stages of treatment and will answer all your questions related to it. In the medical center, all conditions have been created in order for the patient to feel comfortable and safely during such complex and important procedures.
We are waiting for you in the medical center «Health» Daily from 09.00 to 21.00!
Receipt entry by phone:
+7 (495) 970-43-33, +7 (499) 794-30-90
Center address:
Moscow, Warsaw Highway, D. 75, Corp. fifteen–7 minutes from m. Warsaw), www.Medcentr.BIZ