Sick stomach, smell of mouth, food-related pain - these symptoms can be interrelated, but not perceived as a whole, not allowing you to ask for help. If an unpleasant smell of mouth appeared - the stomach should be examined, and why and how to do it - our article will tell.
Having a sore stomach — we get the smell of mouth in addition. This is one of the poorly recognized signs of disadvantaged in the gastrointestinal tract. If earlier gastritis with an unpleasant smell of mouth was considered to be a disease of the students, then today it is a disease of many people of different wealth.
Chaotic «snacks» , Lack of feed rhythm, use of harmful products, food overnight, small number of vegetables and many other diet features begin their destructive work from early childhood, causing gastritis, unpleasant smell of mouth and other symptoms that we consider below.
It must be remembered that if there was an unpleasant smell of mouth — the stomach may be wines. Do not leave the problem without attention, because gastritis — Good background for the development of stomach ulcers.
Why there is an unpleasant smell of mouth with gastritis
- Gastritis can be accompanied by frequent belching with a bad smell
- When developing chronic gastritis, especially its atrophic form, the processes of digestion of food slow down. The protein component of food begins to rot in the stomach, causing an unpleasant smell of mouth
- Chronic gastritis is accompanied by a violation of the microflora of the digestive tract. This, in turn, leads to inflammation in the oral cavity and almonds. Thus, the patient of the stomach is complemented by an unpleasant odor of the oral cavity.
What can indicate the stomach as the cause of the unpleasant smell of mouth
If you listen to your body, you can notice not only the unpleasant smell of mouth — The stomach with unhealthy causes other tangible symptoms. You must pay attention to:
soreness in the epigastric region (from above and in the middle of the abdomen, between rib arcs) alone or pressing on this area — Classic symptom gastritis. Pain can spread to the left clavicle.
- sour taste in mouth. Most often, gastritis is accompanied by increased acidity. Gastric juice is thrown into the lower diver of the esophagus (the so-called, «Aclest bump»).
- White collapse in the language and smell of mouth are also signs of a single disease. What he is thick — the fact of gastric discomfort. However, the appearance of plaque can be caused by other diseases of the digestive system, including the liver. That is why white tongue, smell of mouth and sick stomach are closely connected.
- Periodic «unfortunate» nausea. Install the connection with meals in this case is quite difficult, however, with significant deviations from a healthy diet, it can turn into urges on vomiting and rejection of eaten after a few hours
- Psychological discomfort. This symptom still causes many questions, but its existence is undoubtedly. The increase in irritability and other distortic signs is usually a little ahead of gastritis and its exacerbation, although the primacy of these phenomena is not established. This is true about ulcerative disease.
What surveys will help determine the state of the stomach
The diagnosis of chronic gastritis today is the concept of morphological, that is, it is determined when an inspection of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the faithful step will be a FEGDS. Put the diagnosis is very important for choosing the treatment of the stomach and eliminating the smell of mouth. Modern technologies and anesthesia make a procedure well tolerable.
Is it possible to cure chronic gastritis
If it causes an unpleasant smell of the mouth of the stomach, treatment should be directed by two main lines.
First — This is a comprehensive drug effect. Drugs that require a sick stomach in the treatment of gastritis and eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth, carry auxiliary
Second — No less important is to return to a natural healthy lifestyle, which will help to cope with the smell of mouth, a white tongue in the language, constant fatigue and dysphoria.