What is Bruxism? How to stop creaking teeth? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
What is Bruxism
The term originated from the Greek word Brychein, which,
Actually, and means creak teeth. Scientific decoding is such -
Periodically emerging in the dream parole contractions of chewing
Muscles accompanied by compression of jaws and brine. By varying
data, bruxism more or less constantly manifests in 1-3% of people
different ages and nationalities. Disease manifestation can be easily
put the basis of the horror movie - they smack, like vampires, but not
Put in the neck. Instead, they lower the upper teeth on the lower - and
creak, creak, creak...
How bruxism arises - no one may say. Distributed
version that this disease can take a worthy place in the group
manifestations of disorders of the depth of sleep. Such as somnambulism (Lunatism),
snoring, night enuresis and nightmares.
Dependence on the structure of the maxillofacial joint,
Incorrect bite or other pathologies of the facial skeleton. Majority
Scientists agree that Bruxism more often occurs in people,
regularly experiencing some stressful effects, consequence
which are inner anxiety, tension, anger,
Excitement before bed. From here and offered ways of treatment.
How to stop creaking teeth
During the day, keep your mouth in the position «Healthy rest». Teeth
must touch each other only during the chewing of food or
swallowing, - explains Andrew with.Caplan, Dr Medicine, Associate Professor Dtomatology
In the Medical School of Mount Sinai at the University of New York City. -
If you teach yourself not to bother your teeth, it will reduce the desire to grit
Imi. Scatter around the house and the place of work of the memo in order not to forget.
He proposes to repeat one phrase as a reminder: «Lips -
together, teeth - apart!»
Khrumka Apple. If you crossed your teeth at night, get out
jaw to exhaustion, a shroom apple or a raw cauliflower, before
What to go to sleep. This may calm your too active mouth, -
Says Harold T. Perry, Dr. Philosophy, Dentist, Professor Orthodontist in
School of dentistry with Nord-Western University.
Attach heat to the jaws. Fold the towel, wet in
Hot water, pick up and attach around the face, - offers
Kenneth R.Golly, a dentist from Tuls, Oklahoma, which is especially
Interested in Bruxism. - Apply hot compress so often,
as soon as you can, keep as long as possible. It will weaken the tension
muscles, which is often associated with headache.
With night crossed try «Rota Watchman». In the shops
sporting goods for sale the device you lower in hot
water and then put yourself in your mouth and bite. Sheldon Gross,
Lecturer at the University of Tufts and the University of Medicine and Dentistry in
New Jersey, assures that these inexpensive fixtures can be
used temporarily and protect from the night grinding to teeth. If
it works, tell your dentist, and he will make you
Improved model.
First of all - calm down. Experts converge that
Bruxism in most cases is associated with stress, so the best that
You can do - it is relaxing.
To achieve this, you should:
like candy and sweets. This will help improve your shared nutrition;
- taking warm baths;
- Do not overload yourself;
- learn any good generallylabing technique, such as progressive relaxation and meditation.
7x7 - Decision of Dr. Golian. In Tuls, Oklahoma, the dentist Kenneth Patients crositing patients.Golly sends home with installation - do exercise 7x7.
«Crossing with teeth - this is a frequently programmed reaction to stress», - considers Dr. Goljan. T.E. we will be tuned by teeth when tense, because
that this is a firmly rooted habit. How to refuse her?
First, determine the problem: «Creaking and crossed teeth - bad for me».
Secondly, determine why it is bad: «It hurts me and depresses me».
Thirdly, determine the course of your actions: «I will no longer compress my teeth and grind them».
And finally, describe what benefit will your new course will bring you: «Pain will go away and I will feel happier».
Important - says Dr. Gollyan - that you use your own words
To describe your habit and your experiences. Write them down on paper.
Wear this paper with you until you learn these words by heart, and
Repeat them 7 times a day. It's simple.
Whether you stop grogging your teeth? «I literally guarantee some
degree of success, and in many cases and a complete success», - promises Dr