Health — Comprehensive concept. Human is healthy if all the details of the body work as a clock. There are no secondary bodies in the body — Everyone is important in its own way! Take at least gums. Lack of problems with them — an integral sign of a healthy organism, because they are the key to the health of our teeth and need complex protection so that the dental rows are not powered over time.

Deaven¹, So, can not consider themselves healthy on this basis. He says
About the inflammation of the gum — Gingivite. Cause its bacteria that actively multiply,
if neglected dental hygiene. Without treatment, the gingivitis often passes
in periodontitis — Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth: Then the process becomes irreversible
and can lead to the loss of tooth.
11% collided with
the gum problems prefer herbalism and home medicine, but it is only auxiliary
funds. 13% are waiting that everything will be held by itself, but there are no miracles! 24% turn to the dentist,
26% enjoy special toothpaste and 29% — Special rinse¹,
and it is right!
Application of therapeutic agents — Toothpaste and rinsers are usually limited
in time, in some cases they are not recommended to use daily in
For a long time. Often in the preventive paste for the care of the gums
The composition includes a salt that gives the product a specific taste (not everyone likes).
Protection from bacteria provides the newest system of complex cavity
Mouth Colgate® Total Pr «Health gums»,
consisting of 3 products that protect healthy gums from reproduction
bacteria and improve the condition of periodontal tissues, if it is already inflamed.
Up to 88% reduced bleeding
gums, up to 26%² — Depth of periodontal pockets,
and up to 40%² Improves the condition of periodontal tissues when using a new toothpaste
Colgate® Total Pr «Health gums». It contains
Telogard technology with clinically proven action against reproduction of bacteria
— One of the main causes of gingivitis and periodontitis. Toothpaste creates protective
barrier with prolonged antibacterial activity that persists in
For 12 hours.
12-hour action against
Bacteria has a colgate rinser® Total Pr «Health gums».It prevents
Inflammation and bleeding of gums, does not cause burnback in the mouth (there is no alcohol),
And thanks to a pleasant mint taste, the breath stays longer.
Toothbrush COLGATE TOTAL PRO «Health gums» Designed
In collaboration with dentists.Her soft bristles gently massage gums,
stimulating blood circulation and well clean hard-to-reach areas.
Great accomplishments begin
from small affairs. Decided to engage in their health? Start with the gums! With complex system
COLGATE CASE CARE® Total Pr «Health gums»,
safe and efficient with daily use, it will not be difficult!