How to get rid of pain folk remedies? Answer will find in this article.
Toothproof and related tooth destruction proceeds begin, as a rule, with damage to the enamel caused by caries.
The causes of dental pain - the inflammatory processes in the soft tissue of the tooth and the periosteum (flux) with the possible formation of uluses. Destruction of teeth occurs often as a result of improper nutrition - excessive consumption of candies, confectionery, sweet beverages, refined carbohydrates. Sugar contained in these products under the influence of bacteria in the oral cavity, turns into acids that cause caries teeth.
Manifestations of dental pain. It can be both permanent and parodious - sharp, pulsating, shooting.
How to get rid of pain folk remedies
- Put between the sick tooth and the cheek leaves valerian or sorrel horse; they can just cheer. Toothpick quickly subsides.
- To reduce dental pain, you can put on the affected tooth crumpled beets.
- Prepare a warm decoction of the Medicinal sage (20 g on 200 ml of water) and rinse the mouth, trying to keep decoction in a sick tooth. Cooled liquid to spit and gain warm. Do it you need 3-4 times for half an hour.
- As an painful agent, it is recommended to rinse the sick tooth with the infusion of yarrow grass of an ordinary or snakeholder of Moldavian, decoction of a goose laptop, tincture on the Vodka of the root of Aira Bolotnaya.
- Finely peel a piece of bulbs, wrap in gauze and put in the ear on the side opposite to the patient.
Bind below the neck on the neck of a hot rag or wrapped in a rag grated horseradish or mustard and so on to good «Peklo».
- The decoction and the infusion of the horsetail of the field is used for rinsing during gum diseases and teeth: 2 tablespoons of grass brew 1 cup boiling water and insist all night.
- Rubbish the gums near the sick tooth slickes garlic, taking it before cleaning it from the husk. In Siberia, garlic (on a napkin) are applied to the place where the pulse is torn on his hand with the opposite side to the sip.
- Raisters for rinsing: bark oak (100 g per 1 l, boil 15 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, piece of pepper); Osin bark (15 g per 200 ml, boil 5-7 minutes); blooming branches of wormwood (2 teaspoons on 300 ml); Tri-color violets (1 tablespoon 200 ml, boil 15 minutes).
- Snapshots for rinsing: Herbs of the mood (4 teaspoons of 200 ml, insist 10 minutes, apply hot); Three-line watches (2 teaspoons of 200 ml, insist 20 minutes); Herbs Highland bird, t. E. Aid (20 g per 200 ml, insist 30 minutes); souls (15 g per 200 ml, insist 30 minutes); Blackberry leaves (4 teaspoons of 400 ml, insist 30 minutes); Blueberry berries (2 teaspoons in 200 ml, insist 2 hours).
- A tablespoon of a fragmented dry root of chicory pour a glass of acidified boiling water, insist 10 minutes, strain. This strong infusion is used in warm form for rinsing a patient with severe pains. You can also chew a freshly-walled chicory root, first clearing it.
- 1-2 tablespoons of the grass Thyme Czczuchy (Cabinet) Pour a glass of boiling water, insisted, strain. Apply in the form of rinsing during dental pain, inflammation of the gums and ulceration of the oral mucosa. Sweeten honey (to taste) and apply in warm form for rinsing at flux.
- To strengthen the teeth, it is useful from time to time to rub the gums of plantain juice or rinse the mouth with the infusion of this herb.
- 20 g of crushed rhizoma of Aira pour 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, insist 8 days in a warm place, often scolding, strain. Apply tincture to a sick tooth on a piece of wool.
- Put in the ear on the part of the sick tooth of the root of the plantain before reducing pain.
- Camping Pumpkin's Pot, Introduce In Wood Tooth.
- Chewing the root of AIRA, man tweak.
- With prolonged dental pain, it is useful to accept any calming agent, for example, Valerian root tincture (20 drops 2-3 times a day).
- Two tablespoons of crushed roofing rope pour 1 cup boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes, strain. Warm decoction rinse mouth when dental pain.
- When the dental pain is applied to the sick touba with a mob with a tincture of Birch: 25 g kidney pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist 8 days.
- 8 teaspoons of dry crushed grass Melissa medicinal (lemon mint) insist 4 hours in 2 glasses of hot water. Rinse mouth when dental pain and gum inflammation.
- Slice of pork bass, fresh or salty, pre-solelying salt, put on a sick tooth between the gum and cheek. Hold 15-20 minutes, during this time the pain subsides.
Diet. Nutrition plays a very large role in preserving healthy teeth. There should be a sufficient amount of lime to form solid teeth solid tissue. Pregnant women need to drink lime water every day (on a tablespoon) or take a special medicine, as the fruit for the formation of the bone system pulls the lime from the mother's body, which leads to the destruction of its teeth.
It is important to limit sugar consumption, acidic products; use bread from coarse grinding flour, raw vegetables. Fibrous refined food remains on teeth in the form of adhesive mass, making them great harm. Should not be taken very cold or very hot food, especially if they alternate. Sweet is better to eat after meals, and not to him.