Everyone knows that tobacco harms health. You are talking about this at school, you read about it in newspapers and magazines, parents have talked a thousand times about the dangers of smoking, even on packs of cigarettes there are warning inscriptions. Why then most of the avid smokers are trying cigarettes in adolescence? Do you know that about a third of the people who have begun to smoke up to 20 years have died prematurely? If this argument is not enough to not try to smoke, we have another 45 in stock, which will help you not touch the cigarettes.
Everyone knows that tobacco harms health. You are talking about this at school, you read about it in newspapers and magazines, parents have talked a thousand times about the dangers of smoking, even on packs of cigarettes there are warning inscriptions. Why then most of the avid smokers are trying cigarettes in adolescence? Do you know that about a third of the people who have begun to smoke up to 20 years have died prematurely? If this argument is not enough to not try to smoke, we have another 45 in stock, which will help you not touch the cigarettes.
If you smoke, expect the following.
You will have a lot of wrinkles, especially around the lips, and with them it will be very difficult to cope.
- You will spend the amount on cigarettes every month that would allow you to rest over the border every year.
- Your breathing will be about the same freshness as a dog.
- You may not see grandchildren, not to mention the great-grandfather.
- You will have to experience a feeling of awkwardness and shame when you want to smoke in a non-smoking company.
- Your parents will infinite you to cut you for smoking. And if you are not, you will still know that they do not approve your bad habit.
- You reduce your life and increase the likelihood to earn emphysem, heart attack, stroke and cancer.
- You will poorly distinguish the smells and subtle tastes of exquisite dishes (as well as the smell of the body of your loved one and perfume).
- You will constantly experience a desire to quit smoking.
- You will always worry about the harm that makes your health every repurchased cigarette.
- You will have to hide your habit of close people who are extremely intolerant of smoking, or to go with them to conflict, defending the right to spoil their own health.
- You will discard my fingers while smoking in winter on the street.
- Your clothing is soaked in the disgusting smell of tobacco, which will feel all surrounding, but not you.
- It will be difficult for you to play sports and even climb the stairs.
- You will often sharpen and cough for a long time.
- You will attend the risk of ear and respiratory infections.
- You will have to think about whether tobacco does not smell from your mouth before you want to kiss your beloved person.
- Your teeth will ship.
- When you want to smoke, you will have to think where it can be done without causing displeasure non-smoking.
- You will often sneeze.
- (For girls.) Your child will risk premature appearance on light and low weight at birth.
- (For young people.) You before, what could, come across impotence problems.
- Your fingers will yellow.
- You will have to wear with you an extra object.
- You will feel a rapid decline.
- You can often hurt your head.
- You will be able to communicate with a lot of people (since most people do not smoke, and many non-smokers do not endure the residual smell of smoke).
- Your life will be partly dependent on your bad habit.
- You will be a bad example to your brothers, sisters and children.
- You will find yourself in a weak minority.
- It will be difficult for you to learn.
- You will have memory problems.
- You will fall out hair.
- You may encounter problems when taking to work or with displeasure colleagues and bosses.
- You will demonstrate our weak Will Power.
- You will become one of those people who die every 13 seconds due to diseases caused by smoking.
- You will be a walkchair advertising how the owners of tobacco companies are based on the destruction of human health.
- You will have acne even after the end of the adolescence.
- You will lose at least two minutes of your life when smoking each cigarette. Uncomplicated calculations suggest that in this way in just ten years you have a salt in the sewer at least 120 hours (5 days, 15 working days) of your personal time.
- You will be an example of irresponsibility and infantality in relation to your life.
- You will look older than your years when you want to look younger.
- People will condemnively look at you.
- You will need to think every time where to throw the cigarette but if there are no urns nearby.
- You will often have to use chest and refreshing pastels that destroy the teeth, which means – will require additional considerable spending.
- You prove your parents and friends that you have not grown.