9 misconceptions about the treatment of hernia


  • Miscending 1. Hernia is, of course, unpleasant, but it does not represent any danger to health
  • Misception 2. Bandage helps to get rid of hernia
  • Misception 3. For the prevention of hernia, you need to do a special gymnastics
  • Miscending 4. The operation cannot guarantee that hernia will not appear again
  • Misception 5. Mesh implant can be rejected by the body
  • Misception 6. The mesh implant interferes with the patient, felt like a foreign body in the stomach
  • Diggle 7. After the operation about the groin hernia in men decreases potency
  • Miscending 8. After stitching hernia remains a big scar
  • Misception 9. After the operation half a year can not be playing sports

    To help dispel these delusions, we asked the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Moscow Medical Academy to them and.M. Sechenova Chenkova Alexander Ivanovich.

    Miscending 1. Hernia is, of course, unpleasant, but it does not represent any danger to health

    9 misconceptions about the treatment of herniaIn fact, hernia is the absorption of internal organs through a hole in the anterior abdominal wall, resulting from a connecting tissue defect. While hernia gives back to the right, the situation is non-critical. But when her infringement, the body that came out of the abdominal cavity, it turns out to be in «Cappon»: The blood supply in it deteriorates sharply, which ultimately can lead to a leaning of fabrics and breaking the wall. If in the next few hours a person does not assist, the case can end with a fatal outcome.

    The infringement of the hernia may occur after lifting weights, excessive load in the gym, strong cough, straightening during constipation.

    Misception 2. Bandage helps to get rid of hernia

    Nothing like this. The only task of the bandage is not to give internal organs to get out of the abdominal cavity through the hernia, that is, prevent infringement. And only surgery can get rid of hernia.

    Use bandage only makes sense when surgical treatment is impossible. For example, if hernia appeared during pregnancy or in a very old man who cannot transfer an operation for health.

    It is important to keep in mind that the long wearing of the bandage can injure hernia, as well as provoke its increase.

    Misception 3. For the prevention of hernia, you need to do a special gymnastics

    Such gymnastics does not exist. The reason for the appearance of hernia is the weakness of the connective tissue, and the gymnastics strengthens only the muscles.

    Miscending 4. The operation cannot guarantee that hernia will not appear again

    This error had the right to exist until all patients with hernias operated only «Tension» Methods. Namely: they simply tightened and stitched the edges of the hernial gate. The one who tried, tightening and stitches the edges, darkening the hole on the knee of jeans, understands that it will be a little. A month later, another cloth is likely to be broken again: not there, so. After all, it is originally damaged, and even stronger than usual, stretched. It is not surprising that the frequency of recurrences of such a crunch of hernia reached 14%.

    Today «Gold standard» In the treatment of inguinal hernia is considered «Lustful» Methodik. Instead of sewing the edges, it is superimposed on the hernia «patch» - Special net implant. It not only closes the defect, but also strengthens the weakened connecting fabric. Thanks to the new methodology, the guarantee that the hernia will no longer appear, reached almost one hundred percent. Additional plus: patients after such an operation are rapidly restored and spilled from pain syndrome.

    Misception 5. Mesh implant can be rejected by the body

    9 misconceptions about the treatment of herniaCan not. It is made of biologically inert polymer thread, which our immune system perceives «as native». Over time, the implant germinates with a connecting cloth and becomes part of the body.

    Misception 6. The mesh implant interferes with the patient, felt like a foreign body in the stomach

    Such a question is sometimes asked on the forums People with a wrecking fantasy. So: the implant does not feel anything, does not cause any pain or discomfort. And it can not interfere either. And even on the metal detector does not ring.

    Diggle 7. After the operation about the groin hernia in men decreases potency

    Operation on the groin hernia does not affect the potency. Neither operation itself, not spinal anesthesia, which is used for anesthesia.

    Miscending 8. After stitching hernia remains a big scar

    Length of the scar is about five centimeters, it is located in the groin area. Postoperative wound is sewn with cosmetic seam and cosmetic threads, so after a year the trace from the scar can be noted only if it is strongly clicked.

    Misception 9. After the operation half a year can not be playing sports

    If we are talking about modern «Lustful» techniques, then two weeks after the operation, the patient may return to a normal lifestyle. For example, wash the house floor, make a garbage bin or run by bus.

    After a couple of months you can already go to the gym, and in half a year you can absolutely all... Even engage in weightlifting.

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