Banocin application

Sometimes we have to face lives with scratches, rays, burns, abrasions ... it is especially often necessary to handle such damage to the skin for children. But how do they not like tools that cause the feeling of pinching! These funds include iodine, hydrogen peroxide, «Zelena».

Seeing that the mother climbed into the first-aid kit for the medicine to anoint the wreck, the baby begins to cry and shout, trying to escape, sighting pain. Now in such cases it is possible to use innocuous means - powder or ointment called «Banocin».

General information about the drug

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, bactericidal, Baneocin, ointment

Banocin is produced in Austria in the form of powder and ointment. In a plastic jar there are 10 grams of powder, it is equipped with a dispenser. Powder has a fine structure and white color (sometimes a little yellowish tint is present).

The ointment is located in aluminum tubes, it is packaged by 20 grams.

The active components of ointments and powder are two effective antibiotics belonging to the aminoglycoside group. They are called bacitracy and neomycin.

Banocin, produced in the form of powder Added an auxiliary substance - corn starch (sterilized). And in ointment besides Antibiotics still present white soft paraffin and lanolin.

As the drug acts?

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, bactericidal, Baneocin, ointment

Powder or ointment is applied to an adult or a child only on the damaged area of ​​the skin. After applying ointments or powder you can cover this place to cover with a sterile bandage. Ointment should be treated with a thin layer two or three times a day, and the powder is used from two to four times a day.

If there are treatment of massive burns, when more than 20% of the skin is injured, the Baneocin powder is applied once a day. This limitation is provided due to the probability of absorption of medication into the bloodstream. It is worth saying that not a single case of overdose during the use of Banocin was not registered. In the treatment of outdoor otitis, large cuts and large wounds, which, most likely, will be healing with the formation of scar tissue, the ointment of Baneocin is first applied to a turf, which is then introduced into the auditory passage or in the wound. When applying Mazi Baneocin, be careful so that it does not get into the eyes. Durable otitis Baneocin can not, since in this case the risk of toxic lesions of the ear increases. If you have noticed manifestations in the treatment of Baneocin Allergies, then the use of this medicine is stopped and reported by the doctor to change the treatment tactics.

Pediatrician Banocin powder allow processing Pouchering Rank newborns, starting from the first day of the birth of a baby. In this case, the umbilical wound freely heals for two to five days. First, this wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration), then heated with a cotton tampon. After such actions, Banocin powder falls asleep directly in the rink. Such processing are conducted until the death and healing of the wounders. If the umbrella is mocking, does not heal, it appears pus, then the processing of the Baneocin is allowed to be made from four to five times a day. More than a week banyocin not worth applying.

What can still come in handy Banocin powder? For processing adults and children of cuts, scratches, encouraged elbows and knees, corns, burns (first, second and even third degree). The surfaces of the burns are sprinkled by powder twice a day for 7-10 days, until complete epithelization. With a peeling dermatitis, the Banocin powder can be used as a suprification, the skin condition is improving after 4-10 days from the start of use of this product. So that bubbles in the windmill dried quickly, they can be sprinkled with a powder Banocin. He is a good alternative «Zelenka». Cut the procedure twice a day. As soon as the crust is formed, then the springs can be stopped. If the bubbles were deep, then in order to prevent the appearance of scars, you can lubricate these places by contractubex or solicozeryl. Baneocin will be able without a scalpel to cope with Furunkulas and purulent skin inflammations. It can also be used in acne rash, pimples on the face and other parts of the body. In such cases, dermatologists advise once a day to apply banyocin in the form of ointments point to the places of rash and acne. It is best to carry out medicine shortly before sleep. In the morning, the face is well understood, and to give freshness to the skin it is desirable to take advantage of the tonic. To eliminate acne ointment Baneocin is used for a week or two. Then the break is required. If necessary, it is permitted later to make a re-course.

On side effects

With extensive damage to the skin or the use of Banocin in high doses, absorption of the active substances of the Baneocin in the blood is possible, which is fraught with the development of systemic unwanted effects. Then there is a risk of toxic effects of antibiotics on an organ of hearing and kidney, disorders of the transmission to the muscles of the nervous impulse. Sometimes allergic reactions appear in places of application of this medicinal product (rash, redness of the skin, the occurrence of itching or peeling). Extremely rarely allergic can show itself as a contact eczema.

Are there any contraindications?

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, bactericidal, Baneocin, ointment

Baneocin is allowed to use even for the treatment of newborns. But there is a drug and absolute contraindications. These include:

  • the pathology of the cochlear apparatus (in the inner ear);
  • violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
  • pathology of the vestibular apparatus;
  • serious disorders in the work of the kidneys (especially if there are cardiac or renal failure);
  • Very extensive zones of skin damage;
  • increased sensitivity or allergies to composition components;
  • Increased sensitivity or allergies in the past on antibiotics included in the group of aminoglycosides (for example, gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, etc.).

For the treatment of eyes, this tool is not used.

Special caution should be observed with acidosis, Miasthenia and various pathologies of the muscular or nervous system. If signs of degradation of well-being are seen, this drug should immediately cancel.

Is it possible to use Banocin during pregnancy?

Antibacterial agents, antibiotics, bactericidal, Baneocin, ointment

Banocin (powder or ointment) has antibiotics capable of absorbed into the bloodstream in a small amount. And if these antibiotics got into the blood, they may well be through the placenta to get to the fetus developing in the uterus, then there is a risk of developing the pathology of the hearing body. Therefore, only a doctor receives a decision on the appointment for local use of Baneocin during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If the drug is still appointed a pregnant woman (or breastfeeding), then large areas of skin cannot be processed. If Baneocin is applied to the region of breast glands, then immediately before feeding the baby, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the skin with leather.

Many people who resort to the help of Banocin, then have a positive response about the drug. Especially likes he parents having young children. It can be put in the first-aid kit, if you go on the whole family to the country, hike or vacation.

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