Trophic ulcers for legs: treatment and symptoms


It cannot be said that there are diseases more serious or less serious, lungs or severe. However, when the disease does not exist outwardly, the patient is a little easier. It is possible to comply with the necessary rules for personal hygiene, it is convenient to dress, without demonstrating your ailment, and try to sometimes forget about the disease. When the disease is manifested in the body, especially in open areas, it causes a number of problems and inconvenience. These diseases include a trophic ulcer.

Trophic ulcers for legs: treatment and symptoms

The appearance on the skin of trophic ulcers is not a separate disease. This is the result of a complicated major disease. This name is not by chance: the ulcer is formed where problems arise with tissue trophy. Insufficient blood supply provokes a lack of oxygen, nutrients, minerals, vitamins. Violated the natural processes of metabolism, nutrition (trophic) fabric, leading to the formation of dead sections — Necrosis. Demanding skin opens wound areas — Orately.

The trophic ulcer legs, as a rule, has two localization areas: shin and stop. On the foot there are ulcers resulting from diabetes, and on the shin — formed against the background of chronic blood circulation. This defect is poorly treatable. The wound, remaining open for a long time, is always the danger of attaching a secondary infection, which increases the skin lesion section and seriously complicates treatment.

Causes of trophic ulcers on the legs

There is a list of diseases that provoke the occurrence of trophic ulcers on the legs. If a person knows that he is sick, — There is a chance to notice the appearance of ulcers and turn to the attending doctor in a timely manner. Treatment will be clear and understandable, since the root cause is known. When the trophic ulcer begins to form in the absence of an obvious disease, then it is necessary to establish the reason for its appearance, detecting the main disease.

Several ailments are distinguished, which can provoke the appearance of trophic ulcers:

  • Problems of venous blood circulation: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the lower extremities and other (both diseases contribute to blood stagnation in the veins, breaking the nutrition of the tissue and causing death)— ulcers appear on the lower third of the leg;
  • Atherosclerosis and, as a result, hypertensive disease (atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries are narrowing the vessels, preventing full-fledged nutrition of fabrics)— ulcers are located on the front and rear parts of the leg;
  • Sugar diabetes (contributes to inflammation of the walls of small vessels, disrupting the metabolism and causing necrosis of the fabric)— ulcers are located in the heel area, on the tips of the fingers;
  • lymphostasis—Inflammatory processes of lymph nodes;
  • skin diseases, such as chronic dermatitis;
  • disorder of nervous trunks, injuries of the head, spine;
  • External factors: injuries, burns, frostbite, uncomfortable shoes: localization area— heel and fingers;
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, low immunity lead to the formation of purulent ulcers.

Clinical manifestations of trophic ulcers of lower extremities

Trophic ulcers for legs: treatment and symptoms

Recognize the beginning of the appearance of trophic ulcers on the lower limbs — Pretty simple. Before the wound appears, swelling is possible, the feeling of gravity in the legs, pain. Later joins the feeling of burning skin and itching, sometimes night cramps legs. The skin is stretched on the site, becomes shiny, similar to gloss with a purple tide. Then the spots of violet color, capable of merging. The skin is stubble, touching is painful, then a small bleeding ulcer opens, which in any minor injury increases.

Depending on the cause, there may be other manifestations.

Complications due to trophic ulcers of limbs

Trophic ulcer is very dangerous with its complications that have a very serious nature and bad perspectives. If you do not pay attention to the trophic ulcers of the limbs and not start the treatment process, the following unpleasant processes may later develop:

  1. erysipelas;
  2. lymphadenitis, lymphangit;
  3. sepsis;
  4. gas gangrene;
  5. skin cancer.

Basic treatment for trophic ulcers

Treatment of trophic ulcers — it's a long and difficult. In addition to the local processing of the wound and its treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the main fear that provoked the appearance of ulcers. A set of therapy appoints the attending physician, controlling treatment with the help of analyzes, studying the state of ulcers and the body as a whole. Medical therapy, special diet, physiotherapy, blood detoxification are prescribed. Depending on the root cause and state of trophic ulcers, surgery is shown.

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