All about cryptorchism


  • What is cryptorchism
  • What are the causes and manifestations of cryptorchism
  • Methods for research and treatment of cryptorchism
  • Cryptorchism complications and forecast

  • What is cryptorchism

    Cryptorchism - the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum.

    Egg lowered
    In the scrotum on the 9th month of intrauterine development. Unfinished meal omission
    Newborn in most cases is eliminated in the first weeks of the child's life.
    Up to 1 year, independent meal of eggs is marked yet in 70% of children with cryptorchism.
    After 1 year, the possibility of independent displacement of the testicles in the scrotum exists
    before the period of puberty.

    Cryptorchism Meeting Frequency - 10-20% Newborn.

    What are the causes and manifestations of cryptorchism

    • All about cryptorchism Endocrine factor: hormonal imbalance in pregnant women, violation
      Functions of eggs, thyroid gland, embryo pituitary gland can cause a delay
      Output of testicles in the scrotum (more often when bilateral cryptorchism).
    • Mechanical factors: the narrowness of the inguinal channel; lack of tunnel in the scrotum;
      Shortening of seed rope, vaginal abnormal abnormal, vessels
      testicle; underdevelopment of the guide ligament; Peritoneal Battles in the area
      internal hole in the inguinal canal and others.
    • Genetic aspects: In some cases, the Mutation of the GTD gene was found (306190,

    Cryptorchism can be one-sided and bilateral

    False cryptorchism (the so-called migratory testicle): the testicle can under the action
    cold or physical exertion to migrate into the groin canal and even in the abdominal
    cavity. When heating and relaxing muscles, it returns to the scrotum

    Most often after injury, the egg can move to the groin canal or abdominal
    cavity. In other cases, the migration of eggs in the abdominal cavity contributes to his

    Manifestation of cryptorchism:

    • Underdevelopment, asymmetry of the scrotum, the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum.
    • Complaints of the laundering pain in the groin area or abdomen. With abdominal delay
      Eggs pain, as a rule, joins only in the period of puberty.
      It can be intensified during exercise, stool delay, sex excitement.

    Methods for research and treatment of cryptorchism

    Research methods for suspicion of cryptorchism:

    • Ultrasound
    • Magnetic resonance imaging
    • Scintigraphy Eggs - It is possible to determine not only localization and sizes
      Eggs, but also its functional state
    • Angiography: Investigation of the abdominal aorta for the detection of the testicular artery,
      as well as superselective probing of the inner testicular vein with execution
      Herography of an undefided egg.

    Cryptorchism treatment:

    • Main method - surgical. Operational treatment - fixation
      Eggs, it is advisable to spend aged 4-6 years. Operation is B
      reduce the egg and fixing it to the scrotum. In adults necessarily
      perform plastic inguinal channel. After surgical treatment shows observation
      Baby Endocrinologist.
    • Conservative treatment of cryptorchism is aimed at improving the functional state
      Eggs and correction of endocrine disorders. Vitamin E adjusts biochemical
      processes in egg tissue cells, it is prescribed a nursing mother - 200-300 mg / day, aged
      older than 1 month - 5-10 mg / day for 1.5-2 months. Choriogonadotropin (Stimulation of Egg cell functions) - 250,500 or 1000
      Ur, respectively, age 1-3 times a week, on the course of treatment - 16-18 injections. Not
      Apply with clinically proven groin, after surgery
      on the same side of the groin region, as well as at a born location
      Eggs. When the first signs of premature puberty appears
      should stop receiving the drug; In this case, the symptoms usually disappear
      For 4 weeks. Testosterone 10 mg every other day in / m (for the course - 15-20 injections)
      During puberty during explicit signs of hypogonadism. Thyroidine - with excess nutrition, obesity (at 0.005 g at the age of 5, 0.05 g -
      aged 15 years 1-2 p / day within 15-25 days). Methandienone - under reduced
      nutrition (from 3 mg 1 p / day at the age of 5, up to 5 mg 1-2 p / day aged 15
      years within 20-30 days).

    Cryptorchism complications and forecast

    Cryptorchism complications - infringement of eggs, twist eggs. Signs of these complications serve
    Sudden appearance of pain in an undue testicle, swelling, in rare cases - an increase in body temperature. To prevent the death of the eggs, urgent
    Operational intervention. Perhaps the development of infertility, especially when bilateral
    Cryptorchism (for the formation of spermatozoa, a lower temperature is necessary,
    Than body temperature), as well as the appearance of a malignant tumor of eggs.

    When cryptorchism improves after surgical treatment. Infertility is cured
    In 80% of the operated patients with one-sided and in 30% in bilateral cryptorchism.
    Many patients have a combination of cryptorchism with groin hernia.

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