Bringing the pain at the bottom of the abdomen - why arises and what to do with it


King stomach pain can be characterized as short-term
and periodic. They can be weak, but with the obsessive, can
become strong or dagger — In any case, their appearance
causes natural anxiety.

Why bolting pain appear at the bottom of the abdomen?

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen & mdash; why arises and what to do with it
Stomach stiff pains arise in spastic abbreviations
separate smooth muscle fibers forming muscle shells of hollow internal

Located in the lower parts of the abdomen organs (uterus,
Power pipes, intestines and ureters), although performing various functions,
have a similar histological structure. Their walls are formed by three shells:
serous, covering organs outside, mucous, lining organs from the inside, and
Muscular, forming a framework of organs and responsible for their movement.

Peristalsis of intestines and uterine pipes, cutting uterus in
Menstruation and childbirth time, ureter movements that provide movement
urine in the direction of the bladder, are regulated by the complex nervous and
Gumoral mechanisms. Changes in the physiological state of the body, such
as pregnancy, restructuring associated with the menstrual cycle, as well as
various kinds of diseases may disturb the well-coordinated operation of muscle fibers and
Be the reason for the appearance of a stingy pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

pain at the bottom of the belly in pregnant women

The appearance of a stitching pain at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy
Most often due to physiological causes. During pregnancy uterus
rapidly increases in size as due to stretching existing muscular
fibers and the formation and growth of new. The speed of development is nervous
fibers behind these processes, so "«Note», arising in the system
regulation of cutting muscle cuts are quite natural.

Physiological stuffing pains at the bottom of the abdomen are not
long and strong, do not go to the lower back and crotch, are not accompanied by a deterioration
general well-being and advent of sex tract discharge, but their
The appearance is disturbing most pregnant women. To exclude pathology and
Provide personal peace of mind, future mothers are advised to consult
At obstera gynecologist.

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen for diseases

The reason for the appearance of intestinal colic is most often becoming
Inflammatory diseases of fine and colon. Stitching pain occurs as
manifestation of spastic abbreviation in response to irritation
inflamed mucosa or as a result of violation of the agreed work of the muscles,
forming his muscular shell.

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen & mdash; why arises and what to do with it
Bringing pain at the bottom of the belly on the left is often due to
Proktosigmoiditis — inflammation of the lower colon. In that
case, regardless of the cause of inflammation, painful syndrome accompanies
Causes for defecation, frequent and painful chair.

Proktosigm's pains are provoked by shaking,
arise when the intestine is overflow with dense cartoons, increase
After defecation, when the walls of the empty intestine come into contact with each other. Treatment
Diseases begins with finding out its causes, so if there are similar
Symptoms need to contact a doctor.

The most dangerous reasons for crossing pain at the bottom of the abdomen — spicy
Appendicitis and diverticulitis. The symptoms of appendicitis are familiar to many, but about
Diverticulite heard units.

Chronic diverticulitis — This is the inflammation of the divertikulov
ascending colon. Diverticulus are peculiar
«Paches», which communicate with the intestinal cavity through narrow passes. Inside
The diverticulus is sometimes part of the intestinal content that annoys the intestine and
causes her inflammation, resembling her symptoms acute appendicitis.

Acute appendicitis and diverticulitis — Surgical
diseases, so the appearance of a stitching pain at the bottom of the abdomen should be right
reason for urgent appeal to the doctor.

Sometimes pain at the bottom of the abdomen can be associated with the formation of a tumor
intestines in the place where he passes from the subtle department in thick, where it is located
Bauginiyev Zakrelka. If the tumor disrupts this damper, the contents
a large intestine can throw into thin, thereby causing it
irritation and appearance colic.

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen for diseases
urinary system

Baking pain at the bottom of the abdomen can be caused by the passage of sand
on ureter. In this case, it is accompanied by frequent painful

A large stone can cause an attack of renal
colic, then pain becomes extremely intense, nausea and
vomit. To avoid serious complications, when such symptoms appear better
Contact doctor.

Cheering pain at the bottom of the belly over the pubic — Sign of cystitis,
accompanied by frequent and painful scarce urine, heaviness over
pubic moving into spastic pain after the complete emptying of the blade
bubble. Since acute cystitis can be complicated by ascending infection and
The development of pyelonephritis, heal is better from the urologist.

Baking pain at the bottom of the belly in women

The cause of pain at the bottom of the belly in women can be:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • inflammation of the uterus and her appendages,
  • Mioma uterus and endometriosis,
  • cysts and egg tumors,
  • Apoplex ovarian.

As a rule, pain is strong and are
reading to appeal to a doctor.

Sometimes a staring pain at the bottom of the abdomen is associated with ovulation, in this
case it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, as a rule, not
delivers strong concerns to a woman and does not need treatment.

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