What is solar burn? He is dangerous, or simply delivers some troubles in the form of cosmetic defects and pain?

Most likelihood Earn Sunborn Laughs Lovers to welt on the rivers on the rafts and boats, as well as those who love to build on an inflatable mattress in the water. Solar rays in these cases become more aggressive and will lead to damage to the skin. Therefore, vigilance can not lose.
What is solar burn? He is dangerous, or simply delivers some troubles in the form of cosmetic defects and pain? Let's deal with.
Sunburn – This is a burn obtained under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (UV). UVA and UVB radiation — These are two different types of solar radiation. UVA rays, penetrating deep layers of skin, cause photographic damage and aging of the skin. UVB rays apply sunburns and are one of the most frequent causes of skin cancer. The cunning of sunburn is that they are not immediately manifest, and after half an hour from their reception.
Light sunny burns are manifested by redness of the skin and its light soreness or itch.
They take place independently after two to three days and no treatment require, but you need to be in the shadow and use sunscreen.
Sunny burns of the average extent manifest themselves in half an hour, enhanced after two hours and the maximum appear after 12 hours from the moment they are received. Leather bright red, sharply painful. The body temperature is increased to 38 degrees Celsius, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness appear.
In this case, it is better to be in bed, drink more fluid, take painkillers and in the absence of effect – Contact doctor.
Heavy sunburns are manifested by sharp skin of the skin, with a blue tint, multiple bubbles appear. The body temperature rises to significant numbers, the chills, weakness and lethargy are expressed. Sometimes a person becomes restless. Can observe nausea, even vomiting. In bubbles on the skin there is a plasma, dehydration occurs, the patient's condition is worse. This condition requires a doctor's appeal, as hospitalization may be needed.
General rules to avoid obtaining solar burns, simple:
- Do not sunbathe in the clock of increased solar activity: from 11 to 16 hours. At this time, it is better to be in the shade of trees, and it is necessary to cover the skin with light clothing, since the ultraviolet radiation is present, albeit in smaller quantities.
- In the first days of staying in the Sun, be sure to use sunscreen with a high level of protection against ultraviolet (not lower than 30), then gradually, as the tanning appears, the protection level can be reduced, and after a couple of weeks to use the minimum. At the same time, always remember that you are individual, and what is suitable for most – You may not come. So, for example, Celtic type people use a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation always, and the people of the Mediterranean type – just a few days.
- Be sure to use sunglasses, as the skin around the eye is very gentle and quickly agitates under the action of the sun, and the resulting solar burn in this area is fraught with violation of view.
- Do not forget about the headdress. Hat protects the skin of the face, neck and neckline from sunburn and give you a unique charm.
- Drink more water, as the moisturized skin is better protected from sunlight. Dry skin is faster and deeper damaged, slowly restored.
- Remember that artificial tan (tanning, chemical tan) does not protect against ultraviolet.
Sequence of actions in the event of solar burns.
- Feeling the first signs of sunburn, immediately shift in the shadow.
- Drink in small portions Warm liquid, in no case do not take alcohol. Just day you need to drink no less than two liters of fluid.
- Take a warm bath, shower, and if there is no such possibility – Make cool bumps with ordinary water. It will remove pain and heat.
- Folk remedies can use such as raw foolish potatoes, compress from fresh cabbage leaves, cool kefir or sour cream. It must be remembered that they have their effect only at the expense of cooling action. Longer than 15 – 25 minutes to leave these means on the skin, since the greenhouse effect may occur and the well-being will worsen.
- In no case use oils for the treatment of sunburn. They prevent the intake of oxygen to the affected tissues and only worsen your condition.
- Use modern safe and efficient tools for solar burns. The most relevant this season is Egalchitis. Just put it in my bag before a vacation trip or a beach trip.
Egalchitis quickly restores skin, removing pain and discomfort. With burns without blistering, Egalokhith applies from one day for three weeks. If blisters arose – First you need to use solutions of antiseptics appointed by the doctor, and from the moment of the formation of a crust over burns – Egalokhit. This will allow you to restore the skin completely, eliminating the development of complications.
Remember that sunburns accompanied by a very high body temperature, cutting weakness, dizziness, nausea very dangerous state. With such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly observe its recommendations without refusing to hospitalize if it is proposed.